3 clubs and a putter comp


Jun 28, 2017
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Got a 3 clubs and a putter comp in a few weeks time .
Its going to be through the green and you can use a golf mat if you have one .
3 wood rather than driver ( as it can be used from the tee and off the deck/mat )
7 iron
50 or 56 wedge ( cant decide on that one, bit worried about bunkers with the 50 )
We have one coming up - but it's a scramble - so there is the option to pick clubs that suit each team members strengths - couple of players could include a driver to cover the drives off the longer holes, player with a strong short game could focus their clubs selection around making those shots count etc.
I always think about each individual hole, and what distance I will have into the green if I hit a half decent 2-iron, that being my long club of choice in the 4 club challenge.

If the majority of second shots are 6 or 7-iron range I’ll just take the longer club so I can choke down that on shorter approach shots. And my 54 degree will give me the best chance from bunkers or around the greens.
My club did one of these this week but it was on a Thursday morning so I couldn't play in it, which was a shame as I've never done it.

Yes, I'd maybe take 3 wood as my course isn't the longest and it means I can hit it for second shots as well. Then it's a mid-iron and a wedge really. 7 iron most likely, and as for the wedge you'd maybe go 50°? I would say PW or AW but I'd definitely have to avoid bunkers in that case. Even 50 is probably pushing it. 😂
Not done one of these for years, current club doesn't run them. I'd go 3 wood, 7 iron, 50 wedge.

My first club used to run a 3 club challenge, including putter. That really did get the brain cells running. Quite a few would drop putter and putt with a wedge. I was never that brave 😄. It was a shorter course so that made it more manageable.

Playing 3 club thread bingo, how long before someone points out that people often have similar scores in this as with a full bag? 🤣
It's surprising how good people scores are when we play these! I guess its because you think, Well I can't make the green so just punt it down the middle with me 8 iron ....
My old club used to have just three clubs. People who tried to putt with a 3-wood got found out. I won it a few times always going 7-wood, wedge and putter. Great format but on results, I would think that.
Was meant to do 3 + putter today with some mates for a laugh but I had to pull out, my choice was going to be 4h, 8 iron, pw and putter.

My club do 3 club comp for captain's drive in, but must include a putter and that's when I do 4h and PW. I won it two years ago and placed 2nd and 4th the other two times. I made 3 birdies on the occasion I won it and that was over 12 holes as well 😂