Embarrased to be out there

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I'm crap to be honest but I'm reticent to spend money on lessons and come out the other side just as crap. If you go out on the course with low expectations then your are only normally moderately disappointed. It only takes those few flukey pro standard shots per round to get you out there next time :D

We all have good days and bad days but it's not worth crying about and if I was as bad as some then advice is the last thing I would be dishing out....
Heard on the grapevine... Homer's course has applied for planning permission to officially rename itself as Springfield GC..

... Doh!!
Ya know something lads ive tried my best not to comment on this thread , i did once or twice but deleted them as i just couldnt be bothered geting dragged into the kind of carry on ..

But i tell ya something if some of ye made the comments that ye have made on here in the workplace you would be up before management ,

Ive played golf with Homer once, in the Centenary Final In FoA , he played well & was very good company on the course , that is my only experience of the man ,

but if id never met him & was just judging people on their comments & the content of their comments on here then to be honest id rather meet & play golf with him tham than most in this thread ..

Smiffy i mostly enjoy your posts always good for a laugh & you can take the banter aswell as giving it which is very important so great respect for that ,
i have to agree with Davey G your comment earlier was way out of line .. Comments re Wives , Husbands & partners have no place on here unless between very good friends or by the person themselves & im surprised & disapointed the mods didnt pick up on that ..

anyhow il leave it at that, not my place to defend people but some of ye need to have a think before geting personal on a golf forum , because to the neutrals it shows you in a worse light than the person you are running down ..

And believe me i know the ones who wil think . "sure i dont care" .. we all know ye, its obvious in posts ..
Ya know something lads ive tried my best not to comment on this thread , i did once or twice but deleted them as i just couldnt be bothered geting dragged into the kind of carry on ..

But i tell ya something if some of ye made the comments that ye have made on here in the workplace you would be up before management ,

Ive played golf with Homer once, in the Centenary Final In FoA , he played well & was very good company on the course , that is my only experience of the man ,

if id never met him & was just judging people on their comments & the content of their comments on here then to be honest id rather meet & play golf with him tham than most in this thread ..

Smiffy i mostly enjoy your posts always good for a laugh & you can take the banter aswell as giving it which is very important so great respect for that ,
i have to agree with Davey G your comment earlier was way out of line .. Comments re Wives , Husbands & partners have no place on here unless between very good friends or by the person themselves & im surprised & disapointed the mods didnt pick up on that ..

anyhow il leave it at that, not my place to defend people but some of ye need to have a think before geting personal on a golf forum , because to the neutrals it shows you in a worse light than the person you are running down ..

And believe me i know the ones who wil think . "sure i dont care" .. all know ye, its obvious in posts ..[/QUOTE

Bill I think smiffys comment re Homers wife was more of jibe at Homer for having so many pairs of golf shoe's or at least that was my interpretation.

The fact this thread has had over 20 pages and all's Homers response was a petty " I don't know why I bother " type of reply
I've asked a very civil and polite question and still haven't had a reply. Maybe I'm not qualified enough to speak to him about is current woes.
I'm not sure why people get so hung up on Homer not getting involved in a thread that he may feel he'd rather stay away from. His choice I reckon.

Even though there are plenty of positive comments, they can be offset by the negative and some are taunting, mocking and bordering on cyber-bullying. E.G.

Piped music in the changing rooms

Call it banter if you will, but is it really necessary? Does it serve a purpose or make you feel good?
Morning Stuart
I appreciate what your saying mate, i just think if Homer wants to discuss stuff on here that his Mrs is doing he will mention it on here , if not it shouldnt be brought up by someone else ,, i do appreciate its all open social media & if you put any information about yourself out there it can reappear anywhere .. i just thought we had a better community on here ..

Anyhow as i said its not my place to defend others just sometimes from a neutral point of view you can see the intent in some of the replys ,
I'm not sure why people get so hung up on Homer not getting involved in a thread that he may feel he'd rather stay away from. His choice I reckon.
He started the thread, got a load of replies (some good,some bad) and then gave a rather spoilt response to most people who'd replied.

Whilst it is his "choice" to not respond it does defeat the point of posting in the first place!
I was pointing out yet another example of Homer "shooting himself in the foot". Here we have a guy who has countless pairs of golf shoes, too many to wear and doesn't seem to give a hoot about buying another pair yet he is making reference to his wife wanting yet another pair of shoes herself. I just find it funny that's all, and if some of you got the hump by me posting it I apologise.
But like I said in my post, he does tend to put himself up for ridicule. Thing was, it was me that ridiculed him.
So does this mean that we are going to be able to buy a new club with out the old 'You should have spent the money on lessons' reply??:whistle:
So does this mean that we are going to be able to buy a new club with out the old 'You should have spent the money on lessons' reply??:whistle:

Only if you promise not to point out the hypocrisy of lusting after new irons himself!

Rather similar to that of the 'how many pairs of shoes does she need' event!
He started the thread, got a load of replies (some good,some bad) and then gave a rather spoilt response to most people who'd replied.

Whilst it is his "choice" to not respond it does defeat the point of posting in the first place!

Actually, you're right. Let's string him up and ban him from the forum.

Some would guess he was responding to some of the unnecessarily negative comments. If anyone's upset that he didn't respond to their comments or questions, then maybe they need to learn to be less sensitive. Or should we all mock and taunt them too?

All said and done, the thread has an unsavoury amount of Homer bashing, for what?

Just my opinion, mind.

I am Homer!
(As in "I am Spartacus" before anyone gets confused).
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