Difference between standard and midsize grips


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Jul 12, 2022
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I currently use standard size grip and like them and I am due a new set for next season but I went to top golf today and there men’s clubs definitely had bigger grips so guessing they were midsize they were slightly thicker but noticeable.
My irons I can shape any way I want but longer clubs not so much I’ve been working to get a draw back and I’m fighting against a fade with driver. So at top golf today the clubs are all horrible, irons like sledgehammers and longer clubs also horrible also but I could hit any shape with all the clubs today with ease just felt so much easier to do with the thicker grips.
I was always told a smaller grip helps rotate the hands so easier to play a draw and larger grips make you hold off more so easier to hold the face open how true is this ?
I have small hands....I've gone mid size plus a bunch of tapes under. I love the feel..... The old "rules" about what you should do are crap. Do what works for you.

This does seem to be the thinking now. My wedges came with MCC plus 4s now my miss is a slice so in theory plus 4 shouldn't work but they feel very comfortable in my hands and really help my right hand not get too over the top and causing a weak grip

So much so that when I go the driver regripped yesterday I got 2 layers of tape to give me a plus 2 affect so it isn't as big but helps a bit
I tried midsized and hated them. Just a bit too big. Normal for me is standard grip plus 2 x tape.

Was advised to try plus 4's and love them.

I do think you have to try things and there's no one size fits all with grips.
I tried midsized and hated them. Just a bit too big. Normal for me is standard grip plus 2 x tape.

Was advised to try plus 4's and love them.

I do think you have to try things and there's no one size fits all with grips.

I picked up 2 mizuno hybrids in my bag overhaul

They have these grips on them

I had never heard of a plus 2 grip before buying them
I currently use standard size grip and like them and I am due a new set for next season but I went to top golf today and there men’s clubs definitely had bigger grips so guessing they were midsize they were slightly thicker but noticeable.
My irons I can shape any way I want but longer clubs not so much I’ve been working to get a draw back and I’m fighting against a fade with driver. So at top golf today the clubs are all horrible, irons like sledgehammers and longer clubs also horrible also but I could hit any shape with all the clubs today with ease just felt so much easier to do with the thicker grips.
I was always told a smaller grip helps rotate the hands so easier to play a draw and larger grips make you hold off more so easier to hold the face open how true is this ?
My opinion...

"Rules" like this are there to be pushed, stretched, explored and broken.

I have smallish hands (wear a small glove)...7.5" wrist crease to middle finger tip, 3.25" middle finger but for the past 2 years I have used Golf Pride MCC+4 Midsized grips on my clubs. I find that with the larger grips I am not gripping quite so hard and it allows me to release my hands a bit through the ball as they are not full of "tension"....hit the ball a lot more consistently...even started developing a bit of a draw.

How did I happen upon this revelation....I bought a club off ebay where the listing didn't mention it had a fat midsized grip on it....I took it down the range and found it so easy to hit I started to gradually migrate all my clubs to the MCC+4 midsized grip. Started off with the wedges because I've always built up my wedge grips anyway to stop me getting too handsy...so have been used to fatter grips with the short clubs....and slowly migrated the rest of the set.
I have small hands....I've gone mid size plus a bunch of tapes under. I love the feel..... The old "rules" about what you should do are crap. Do what works for you.
I so agree with this. I used to bike race. We used to have 20mill tyres as the theory was they cut thru the wind better than thick.

I used 28mill and was able to qualify for the world championships in the time trial.

20 yrs on every is on 28 to 32. Some even up to 38

Use what works for you.
My personal experience is that grips that are too thick for me tend to cause a push.

This came from an iron fitting where the I had a push with clubs delivered . I went back to the fitter and he realised the grips he had specified were not fitted. Changed the grips to slightly thinner ones and the push went.

Worth remembering that the grip thickness will depend on the shaft - I use standard on a .370 shaft and plus one layer on .355 shaft (.60 butt verses a .580 butt)
Another convert to MCC 4plus, midsize. Best thing ever 🙃 The bit about having thicker lower hand part makes so much sense. Heard Ian Poultrr saying that he puts extra layers of tape for the lower hand to the same effect. According to him, hands are the same size, so why would you want the grip to be smaller under one of them 😂
Good to see the comments.
I agree with the sentiments above, ignore the old cliches, just go with whatever feels good and you think gives you good results. I'm a medium glove but have bigger grips, normal size just feel tiny to me personally.

Thankfully many of the nonsense coaching cliches are also rapidly being disproved now, the younger generation have a massive advantage now in terms of learning how to play.
Good to see the comments.
I agree with the sentiments above, ignore the old cliches, just go with whatever feels good and you think gives you good results. I'm a medium glove but have bigger grips, normal size just feel tiny to me personally.

Thankfully many of the nonsense coaching cliches are also rapidly being disproved now, the younger generation have a massive advantage now in terms of learning how to play.
To be fair, the 'old rules' weren't rules as such, they were guidelines, just a base to work from.
Everyone 's different and everyone has their own preferences so there's no way anyone would say you must us this grip or that grip.
I use standard grips for my wedges, standard +2 on my irons and midsize on my woods, but all what I prefer.
yet another mcc 4 plus user here, got them on my irons and ive promised myself whenever i get a regripping ill get the ones with the red alignmnet aid down the back of them for your fingers, a couple friends have them and its great fir making sure your face isnt too open or too shut