Cost of Annual Membership at your Club

How much is Annual Membership at your club?

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£1600 for Woodhall Spa is an absolute bargain. If I lived near there I'd be on it like a bonnet. ?
It would be a tough call for me if I moved into the area. I've played both courses at Woodhall (staying locally) and both at Gainsborough (staying on site) 2 and 3 times respectively with my society. I loved the Hotchkin but it was too difficult for a short hitter like me but the Bracken, although "newish" seems to be improving year on year and both courses combined at less cost than local courses to me is almost a no brainer. However, the 2 courses at Gainsborough are so different and both a good but fair challenge that for £1026 for full membership (I believe) it's a steal. I haven't visited either in the winter months so don't know what winter conditions are like.
You know that for a fact do you that its funded entirely by EG members? It isn't I can assure you.
Well I’ve had a look at the various plans and proposals over the last 3 years and also discussed with voting members from Unions and Associations the various costs and funding models. From what I have seen proposed the majority will be funded by EG, whether they borrow commercially or look at using some of the large reserves some Counties have, I think is still not known/decided. If the members are indeed funding a significant proportion, that will be music to the ears of many Counties as I am sure you know they are very hesitant about the costs and if they are mostly borne by the membership it would have been approved a long time ago.
From what I've seen of Elie this would be most unusual in a member unless it was a second home.

Sorry, read and reread but not sure I understand. You mean that most Elie members are friendly? I'm sure they are, it was the lady answering the phone in the office insisting that I find a local member to propose me, she was sure I'd bump into one at some point......
That’s some difference in lifestyle - LB to Fife!!
Not only some great links courses to choose from but a plethora of opens up the Fife coast and into Angus — as well as temptations to splurge on treat courses galore

Lifestyle change is key, particularly mortgage and home, getting ready for retirement.... at least that's the plan.
Sorry, read and reread but not sure I understand. You mean that most Elie members are friendly? I'm sure they are, it was the lady answering the phone in the office insisting that I find a local member to propose me, she was sure I'd bump into one at some point......
I was joking slightly and referring to the fact that in my experience an awful lot of members of Elie don't actually live there it's very much a second home ownership course. Maybe the odd retiree who has holidayed there and then moved in.
When I played the addresses of the captains listed were all from the prosperous parts of Edinburgh and Glasgow. ( I'm not criticising them either , the members I do know are all very pleasant people)
I’m a member of two courses, ~£1,100 and £700 is what I’ll be paying this year. Up slightly on last year, however, both courses are well worth the cost.
All options at the moment, there's a plethora of courses to choose from :). Have been chatting with GreifinFife via PM, and have some info to consider. Leven is closest to me, and may be the easiest option to begin with, but I want to look at others too. Lundin, Crail, Ladybank are all potential. Did consider Elie too, but they were adamant on the phone that despite moving into the area and not knowing anyone, they would only consider an application proposed by a current member......

At the start of winter, I was looking at clubs in Fife as Blairgowrie tends to be closed on a more regular basis now and I have friends in the Edinburgh area who play together all year round so somewhere between seemed sensible. I looked at the following...
Lundin Links - We have a reciprocal and I play there with members twice a year. Good course especially those between the old railway and the sea, but when I enquired, they have a waiting list of approx one year and want a deposit in advance.
Ely - Despite knowing a current member you need a proposer, seconder and the signature of three other members. Also has a very long waiting list.
Crail - Another course at which we have a reciprocal agreement, however a joining fee of £750 plus Annual fee of £575, and not the easiest to get to.
Leven - There are two clubs based here. Leven Thistle and Leven Links Golf Club. Having played Leven many times, and speaking to the Membership Secretary, I joined Leven Links Golf Club as a Senior Member. No joining fee or waiting list it is the friendliest club that I have ever known. Six times a qualifier for the Open it is a really good test of golf and seems to have a very good social scene.
At the start of winter, I was looking at clubs in Fife as Blairgowrie tends to be closed on a more regular basis now and I have friends in the Edinburgh area who play together all year round so somewhere between seemed sensible. I looked at the following...
Lundin Links - We have a reciprocal and I play there with members twice a year. Good course especially those between the old railway and the sea, but when I enquired, they have a waiting list of approx one year and want a deposit in advance.
Ely - Despite knowing a current member you need a proposer, seconder and the signature of three other members. Also has a very long waiting list.
Crail - Another course at which we have a reciprocal agreement, however a joining fee of £750 plus Annual fee of £575, and not the easiest to get to.
Leven - There are two clubs based here. Leven Thistle and Leven Links Golf Club. Having played Leven many times, and speaking to the Membership Secretary, I joined Leven Links Golf Club as a Senior Member. No joining fee or waiting list it is the friendliest club that I have ever known. Six times a qualifier for the Open it is a really good test of golf and seems to have a very good social scene.

Leven Links Golfing Society is the one I have been looking at, are you still a member there? Seems like a good start for us.....

I do fancy Crail, but at half an hour, it's just outside my travel time, assuming 3 or 4 rounds a week.....
Also depends on location, north ‘v’ south. My membership at Cruden Bay 5yrs ago, before being an immigrant in Spain, was just over £600. But people on here that were of Surrey courses were talking of £4,000.

8 years ago I swapped a top NE England links course(£600) for a very nice inland course(£1,100). The inland course had a great layout, especially on the front 9, but a hint of rain and frost would see it closed. So many links players went to the inland course but then switched back. I loved the layout of the inland course but value for money… no. If I moved back to the U.K., links every day for 365 days of decent golf on a course that didn’t change in quality winter to summer.
Sorry, read and reread but not sure I understand. You mean that most Elie members are friendly? I'm sure they are, it was the lady answering the phone in the office insisting that I find a local member to propose me, she was sure I'd bump into one at some point......
That is interesting. There is a lady there who is an American married to a Scotsman. I used to phone her when she worked @Crail. She was so helpful.

I was only enquiring about Opens. I expect she was just reading off the script. You may know this but there is a club called EarlsferryThistle GC that use Elie. they may be more accommodating.

They have an open in June @£27. What a steal!
Just a little over £3500.00 but has 3 championship courses with 1 holding both The Ryder Cup & The Solhiem Cup and another just held the 2022 Senior Open.
My County, Lincolnshire, seems pretty cheap when I've seen fees elsewhere in the UK. Most of the top end courses, in the North at least, would be anything from £800 to just creeping over £1,000 I think. All except Woodhall Spa, 36 holes and home to England Golf, which is just over £1,600 I believe.

£1600 for woodhall I didn’t expect. Around here (south London) you will not get a 7 day membership for less than £1500 for an 28 hold course, I’m aware of at least one nice 9 hole that is over £1000!

To get anything nice you’re be pushing closer to £2k, for a top 100 such as woodhall you’ll be looking more around the £4k plus JF!

Mines a 27 hole on the edge of the m25 and is 1700 this year, oh the joys of London.
I'm not a member at my home club (handicap) so I've no idea exactly how much membership is... although I do know I cant afford it :p
Must ask a mate of mine what his membership of Wentworth costs him…btw - as of a conversation on Monday he tells me that only the West is closed at the moment.
Must ask a mate of mine what his membership of Wentworth costs him…btw - as of a conversation on Monday he tells me that only the West is closed at the moment.
The most common answer so far is on the range of £751 to £1000. But I expect it'll be more than that, unless it is the green fee for a visitor