WIll you be a club member this year?

Will you be a club member this year?

  • Renew membership and remain at exsiting club

    Votes: 94 79.0%
  • Join a new club

    Votes: 19 16.0%
  • Cancel current membership and go nomad

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • Cancel current membership and stop playing altogether

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters
changed days for them Brian, its not that long ago it was a 7 year waiting list just to get on the waiting list, now i understand you can walk right in.

You’re right there Patrick, think some have left for Torvean with the new course getting built, but there fees are the same as Inverness now.
Ive played a few games at Fortrose this year, lovely course.
Staying put, we've had a lot of work done over the last 15 months (phase 2 looks well under way and some of the new features look rather daunting) so it will be like playing a new course again come April.

Where are you looking at moving to Dave?

Not sure, if it's anywhere it'll be Close House, but I'm thinking of not bothering with a membership and just playing the odd game and forum meet. Only problem with that is if I do and only play a few rounds this year (2018), then come this time next year (2019), I'll be thinking only played a few games in 2018 is there any point playing at all this year (2019) and would most likely just end up giving up altogether.

I just need to get my head sorted, at the moment my clubs are acting as a clothes horse in my home office.
Over 30 years at my existing club.

Probably the best club in the local area and far fewer restrictions, due to inclement weather than other club near to me.

The only thing we really lack is a top notch short game practice facility.

Sherborne is better :ears:
62nd year at the only club I've ever been a member of. I'm a life member now &, for me, life means life! It's the best all year course in the area, always dry & a good test without being too demanding. Never tire of playing it.
Not sure, if it's anywhere it'll be Close House, but I'm thinking of not bothering with a membership and just playing the odd game and forum meet. Only problem with that is if I do and only play a few rounds this year (2018), then come this time next year (2019), I'll be thinking only played a few games in 2018 is there any point playing at all this year (2019) and would most likely just end up giving up altogether.

I just need to get my head sorted, at the moment my clubs are acting as a clothes horse in my home office.

That Close House offer is a cracking deal mind, was tempted myself but even though it’s nearer than cls, I drive past my course most evenings so it makes perfect sense.
Torn at the moment however think I’ll give up club membership for a few years as the amount I’m able to play vs the annual fee is making each round look very, very expensive. Think I’ll try the nomad approach and enjoy playing other courses although will miss the competition golf.
Staying. My club can get a bit wet in the winter and sometimes is closed for a few days after a particularly wet spell (although the drainage has improved in the last 12 months). However it is close (my garden backs onto the 6th green), and it's a very social club.

I tend to play once a week at some other club and once a month with a golf society, so I get to see and experience other courses in the area.
Little bit different for me, I actually joined a new club (Pleasington) last year whilst still being a member at my old club (Shaw Hill). This year I'm just going to be at Pleasington. Loving it!
I am opting for Renewing membership and remain at existing club.

I had a great year last year in what I would say was my first full year at a proper Golf Club. I'm looking forward to this year as I've recently changed jobs were I now finish work at 3pm and I'm only 1 mile away from the clubhouse. I'm hoping to get double the amount of golf in, especially straight after work.

I've worked out I will be able to play at least 9 holes after work from the end of January, as the nights get progressively lighter. I'm hoping this will help me reach targets of a lower handicap for the year.
Fully expect to stay at my current club. Only reason to move is if the new owner has a brain freeze and increases the fees by a silly amount.

I haven't played for a couple of months, horrible weather, but I play enough during the rest of the year to justify it.
Yep, my whole family will be rejoining Honiton. Me, The Wife and my two boys.

Did jest with the golf director about a family discount.. but he said we were the only family lol.. still going to pursue something though, even if its a top up on the bar card or something.

Cant see us leaving there to be honest, such a friendly club and very welcoming to juniors.

Is James Pickard still one of the pros there? Used to like watching him on the old vlogs with Crossfield, Coach Lockey and Buzza :)
Moved clubs this year after being at my last club for 5 years. My main reason for leaving was due to the amount of competitive golf available. My old club only offered about 13 comps on weekend throughout the year, up to 15 if you qualify for the 36 hole final. My new club offers around 30 comps on weekends plus some midweek comps. My old course did offer 10 mid week comps over the year but as it was 30 mins away I could never get there and play. My new place is only 2 mins up the road for me so I can play a lot more golf.
Staying put and renewing as the club and folk are great. We are getting saddled with significant increases in membership costs though which apparently need to go up to cover the shortfall in "house" income from functions and food. c£100 now in 2 years which is tough to swallow.
I am quite jealous of those of you saying you live walking distance from your club. There used to be a driving range & cheap 9 hole course walking distance from me, but it closed down a year ago and nobody took it on. :(
Staying put and renewing as the club and folk are great. We are getting saddled with significant increases in membership costs though which apparently need to go up to cover the shortfall in "house" income from functions and food. c£100 now in 2 years which is tough to swallow.

And therein lies a key arguement for members putting their pre and post-round food and drink across the club bar rather than their local cafe/pub.