

Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It does now, but it never used to. When I started playing, and believe me, I was rubbish, golf took about 3 1/2 hours for a 4 ball.

Way, way back in the day fourball was considered an American aberration with no great redeeming features - and only leading to long rounds (see for instance the writings of Harry Vardon) :)


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I also played with a chap last year who took an emergency call on the 5th hole and had to rush off because his wife had a serious medical problem. I wonder how he would have felt if mobiles were banned, he'd have not got that call and continued to play golf for another 3 hours, and who knows what might have happened.
Emergency calls are one thing, conducting non life threatening calls is another.
I need and use my mobile phone for my living. However I dont take it on the course as that is my time, and if I cant afford the ltitle time that gives me then I dont play the game.
Its not just those I'm playing with but those all around that are affected.
For the record, I have a private mobile that only family and close friends can get me on, thats my "going golf" phone.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Simply because everything was done by eye. You could tell it was a 7 iron back in the day without Gps, phones etc. People were ready to play, you didn't get the billy big boots attitude that I've paid my fees I'll take as long as I like. Members policed themselves and moved people along. That is how it was possible.

Members clubs have lost that over the years and attitudes have changed dramatically since I started playing. Plus at 42 I don't consider myself that old, however the attitudes have changed dramatically.

I have a workmate who plays off of 8, took up golf later in life. He didn't know to tend flags, didn't understand that he was furthest away on the green so had to putt first, didn't understand when he was on the tee etc. That is so wrong and slows the game down. Clubs should be ensuring that members know what is expected.

I'm speaking from personal experience of my own rounds though. I use a GPS but I get it out while still walking to my ball, so I would say it only adds about 5 seconds of time, totally less than 2 additional minutes to the round as a whole. I was taught etiquette by my dad when I first took up the game, and the one member of our group who took up the game late learned from the rest of us. Taking all that into account and reiterating what I said earlier - even on an empty course there is no chance the four of us get round in under 4 hours. I just don't see how it's possible.

Deleted member 15344

Thank goodness the forum doesn’t have an influence in making golf rules - some of the ideas would kill participation


Assistant Pro
Jun 15, 2017
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I'd ban...

1. Smoking at all times on the course.
2. Allowing people to adjust their ball more than once on the green to line up their little line. Let's just ban the use of a line.
3. People who lose the plot when they don't hit a wedge shot inside 6 feet.
4. People who still believe having male only clubs is acceptable.
5. Parking spaces for committee members.
6. Greens contour maps for the best players in the world.
7. People taking more than 30 seconds for any shot.
8. People who don't like juniors or seniors.
9. Bandits.
10. Cheats
etc. etc.

I believe it was announced in the last few days that the PGA are doing exactly that.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Nothing in the Am Game - but for the Pros - yardage books , green books - let them use a lazer range finder and that will speed up play.

Ban private clubs that don’t allow green fees
Ban Subscription services from have exclusive rights to the Open
Ban buggies from fairways and being closer than 20 yards to the green
Ban single sex comps beyond the club championships

Did you change your mind from your first post


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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Ban 4 balls, can play as a foursome taking alternate shots.

All golf is ready golf, no order of play, can take shots at same time no saying you have the honour, or you first etc


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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I'd ban anyone who has too much ego to NR, lets hole out every hole for a net 85.

But surely if you pay your membership and compeition entry fee, you should be allowed to complete a round in full, even if that means making a nightmare 12 on a hole?


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Ban 4 balls, can play as a foursome taking alternate shots.

Not really all that enjoyable every week for me. I played this format last week and my poor playing partner only hit 2 approach shots all day. 1 of those was from his hooked tee shot meaning I could only chip out sideways. I hit tee shots on 3 x par 3's and 2 x par 5,s so he was only likely to have 4 approach shots, but only had 1 from my tee shots. Not fun.

Deleted member 15344

Ban 4 balls, can play as a foursome taking alternate shots.

All golf is ready golf, no order of play, can take shots at same time no saying you have the honour, or you first etc

So you want to get rid of one of the most popular and enjoyable formats in golf - 4BBB Matchplay


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Not sure I agree with the mobile phone thing as long as you are not holding up play. Calls, I agree, a distraction for others and should only be for emergencies, but I have often checked the sports scores etc when waiting on a tee. Not doing anyone any harm, not holding up play. Hell, you may as well shoot me now as, on a slow day, I have even messaged my wife to let her know that I am going to be later back than planned. Plus it can be good promotional material for a club if people are posting photos of their round, wildlife etc on social media. You want to get kids playing, an active social media presence really helps.

What would I ban, all markings on a golf ball save for one to allow identification. I have seen very quick groups from tee to green who then grind to a halt as they spend ages lining up their little line on the ball. Ball should be marked, cleaned and replaced not adjusted by millimetres.

Also would ban dress codes on the course (save for golf shoes) after 6.30 in the evening. By that time people are only going out for a knock about, it should only be members on the course and the clubhouse is closed when you get back so why not be able to knock it around and shorts and a tee shirt in hot weather.

Deleted Member 1156

I'm speaking from personal experience of my own rounds though. I use a GPS but I get it out while still walking to my ball, so I would say it only adds about 5 seconds of time, totally less than 2 additional minutes to the round as a whole. I was taught etiquette by my dad when I first took up the game, and the one member of our group who took up the game late learned from the rest of us. Taking all that into account and reiterating what I said earlier - even on an empty course there is no chance the four of us get round in under 4 hours. I just don't see how it's possible.

Using your example, if each player adds 2 minutes to the round then that is 8 minutes total straight away. Add on time for PSR, not putting on your glove till it's your turn to play, using trollies that require you to walk round greens then back again to putt etc etc and it all adds up to an extra 30-45 mins quite easily.

I played a medal at my away club one day, we had to look for a ball on the 15th for a couple of minutes so a small gap opened up ahead of us which we quickly closed again. A committee member a couple of groups behind spotted this and had a go at my group for slow play in the clubhouse. We completed our medal round in 3hrs40!

So yes, on most members courses 3:30 is definitely achievable.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I'm speaking from personal experience of my own rounds though. I use a GPS but I get it out while still walking to my ball, so I would say it only adds about 5 seconds of time, totally less than 2 additional minutes to the round as a whole. I was taught etiquette by my dad when I first took up the game, and the one member of our group who took up the game late learned from the rest of us. Taking all that into account and reiterating what I said earlier - even on an empty course there is no chance the four of us get round in under 4 hours. I just don't see how it's possible.

really, you can't get round as a 4 ball in under 4 hours on an empty course???

played a 4 man team think yesterday all 4 scores to count on a course that 1000 yards longer than your course and we were well under 3 and half and had to wait on a couple of holes for the group in front to move on.

are you looking for balls all the time or all over 70 ;)


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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This is why it is not possible. Because you don't believe it can be done.

It was the norm, and still should be.
I don't think you're understanding me, and you're certainly not explaining yourself at all. For us to get round in 3.5 hours we'd have to practically run to every ball, have no practise swing and hit it without thinking. At which point I would feel like I'm rushing and make a total hash of it, adding about 20 shots to my score and negating any time saved anyway. It's impossible for a four ball to get round in 3.5 hours and actually enjoy it anyway.