Dangerous dogs?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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So now we have the Bully XL to be banned after recent events.
Whilst I agree most are probably a nice animal, I do question why you would want something that can be so detsructive . But, is it something that shoudl be banned, when it seems most attcks are form dogs off the lead in public.
How about another way, albeit one that won't be liked....and thats ban all dogs from being off the lead unless on private land, with the penalty of destruction if caught off the lead.
I have had 2 rescue Staffies, neither of which I walked off the lead. They were both attacked when out by "nice dogs" all of which were off their leads, and none of the owners took the responsibility for their dogs actions.
Fortunately, the only serious injury was my first rescue, and she suffered puncture wounds to her neck from a Jack Russell cross, the lady owner not even bothered by the blood on my dog.

So is it time we banned dogs from being off the lead unless on private land?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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So now we have the Bully XL to be banned after recent events.
Whilst I agree most are probably a nice animal, I do question why you would want something that can be so detsructive . But, is it something that shoudl be banned, when it seems most attcks are form dogs off the lead in public.
How about another way, albeit one that won't be liked....and thats ban all dogs from being off the lead unless on private land, with the penalty of destruction if caught off the lead.
I have had 2 rescue Staffies, neither of which I walked off the lead. They were both attacked when out by "nice dogs" all of which were off their leads, and none of the owners took the responsibility for their dogs actions.
Fortunately, the only serious injury was my first rescue, and she suffered puncture wounds to her neck from a Jack Russell cross, the lady owner not even bothered by the blood on my dog.

So is it time we banned dogs from being off the lead unless on private land?

The one for me was the 17 month old kid who was mauled to death by one.

They had got it as a rescue just a week before

I read of someone else dying after breaking up a fight between her own dogs

They sound a truly awful breed

Even experienced dog handlers have been mauled by them


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Punish the majority for the minority? Not for me.

It's not the dog but the owner and sadly the type of owner who wants such a dog. Not all of them but enough who think they look hard with such a dog and no doubt encourage viciousness and no way would train them correctly. Then there's the power of them. Loads of people get bitten by terriers and small dogs with big attitude but the damage that can be done is way less. Oh and add to that the type of person who breeds such dogs to sell to said types who want something tough on their arm.

Banning is tricky and will see "innocent" dogs being seized and possibly destroyed. I don't have the answer but laws such as muzzling and on lead in public might work.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Punish the majority for the minority? Not for me.

It's not the dog but the owner and sadly the type of owner who wants such a dog. Not all of them but enough who think they look hard with such a dog and no doubt encourage viciousness and no way would train them correctly. Then there's the power of them. Loads of people get bitten by terriers and small dogs with big attitude but the damage that can be done is way less. Oh and add to that the type of person who breeds such dogs to sell to said types who want something tough on their arm.

Banning is tricky and will see "innocent" dogs being seized and possibly destroyed. I don't have the answer but laws such as muzzling and on lead in public might work.

Amada for once I disagree with you

These types of dogs are barbaric

Even experienced dog handlers struggle with them

They account for 50% of death by dogs in the UK

It's not the dog it's the owner is the UK's version of guns don't kill , people do


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Amada for once I disagree with you

These types of dogs are barbaric

Even experienced dog handlers struggle with them

They account for 50% of death by dogs in the UK

It's not the dog it's the owner is the UK's version of guns don't kill , people do

Fair enough. I'm easily swayed one way or another on the subject. Bred for visual characteristics they may not be so "barbaric" - bred for aggressive tendancies then it's different altogether. So I still think the human hand has had a hand in turning a domesticated dog into a dangerous wild animal that can, and will, chase prey (whatever it sees as prey) and kill it.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Its humans creating dogs. Labradoodle, Sprocker, Bully XL, the list is almost endless.All have been created by someone.
I go back to my point, ban ALL DOGS from being off the lead in public, with the penalty of destruction if caught.
Every dog can do harm and damage with their bite, some obviously more than others. But allowing dogs to be off a lead in public has to stop.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Its humans creating dogs. Labradoodle, Sprocker, Bully XL, the list is almost endless.All have been created by someone.
I go back to my point, ban ALL DOGS from being off the lead in public, with the penalty of destruction if caught.
Every dog can do harm and damage with their bite, some obviously more than others. But allowing dogs to be off a lead in public has to stop.

As I've said, that's punishing the millions of dogs, and their owners, who behave responsibly in public. We barely encounter another human or dog on our walks and, if we do, our two are put back on the lead.

Anyway. I can't see your idea to the problem being introduced any time soon so we'll have to agree to disagree and I'll keep letting my two off lead when out in the beautiful countryside and no-one else is around.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
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This has been discussed quite a lot recently on t’radio and it is clear that there are 2 issues

1 Highly experienced dog trainers vowing never to go near one as the “breed” has an extremely short fuse and their size and power are a lethal combination.

2, The chavvy / gang type owners who thing it’s big and hard to own such a dog,

Put those 2 together and boom recipe for disaster


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Fair enough. I'm easily swayed one way or another on the subject. Bred for visual characteristics they may not be so "barbaric" - bred for aggressive tendancies then it's different altogether. So I still think the human hand has had a hand in turning a domesticated dog into a dangerous wild animal that can, and will, chase prey (whatever it sees as prey) and kill it.

This is the thing yes some owners are awful but even with good owners these dogs are lethal and can switch without warning

I mean they weigh more than some adults and can easily over power

A leading surgeon said their attacks are the worse because they shred nerves and bone leaving life long injuries


Sep 11, 2011
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All dogs have an innate character. You can train most of it out of them, but to use the age old phrase(s), they revert to type/leopards don’t change their spots. I’ve had 5 Borders, 2 Dobermans and a retriever cross. All lovely dogs, all have wolf in their ancestry. It’s simplistic but don’t trust a dog. Our 2nd best Collie, an absolute gem and our 3rd, nipped our 1st child.

Next door’s Staffie, 40 yrs ago, was so soft but still ripped the throat out of a miniature poodle, and was put down.

It’s not hard… some dogs are very dangerous, some dogs are dangerous and other dogs can be dangerous. In the wrong circumstance a dog will use its teeth, no ifs no buts. We can manage the situation, and we can manage the dog but even the best dog, of any breed, can cause a problem.

I got got by a bully XL 4 years ago at the local shelter. I’d been going into his pen for months. He totally flipped one day. I deliberately shoved my forearm into its mouth, and thank god for the fence behind me for keeping me upright. Serious damage to my forearm and stomach. I was the 3rd person that week, not that the rescue manager told anyone. That dog was never safe enough to foster/adopt.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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Amada for once I disagree with you

These types of dogs are barbaric

Even experienced dog handlers struggle with them

They account for 50% of death by dogs in the UK

It's not the dog it's the owner is the UK's version of guns don't kill , people do
The RSPCA, SCPCA, Dogs Trust, Battersea, Blue Cross, British Veterinary Association and Kennel Club all disagree with you though.
They should be the experts being consulted, rather than the newspapers pushing the politicians, like they did with the Dangerous Dogs Act.
I'm undecided. Too much media hysteria to be able to form an opinion.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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The RSPCA, SCPCA, Dogs Trust, Battersea, Blue Cross, British Veterinary Association and Kennel Club all disagree with you though.
They should be the experts being consulted, rather than the newspapers pushing the politicians, like they did with the Dangerous Dogs Act.
I'm undecided. Too much media hysteria to be able to form an opinion.

Exactly why I sway one way, then the other, like the wind!


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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All dogs have an innate character. You can train most of it out of them, but to use the age old phrase(s), they revert to type/leopards don’t change their spots. I’ve had 5 Borders, 2 Dobermans and a retriever cross. All lovely dogs, all have wolf in their ancestry. It’s simplistic but don’t trust a dog. Our 2nd best Collie, an absolute gem and our 3rd, nipped our 1st child.

Next door’s Staffie, 40 yrs ago, was so soft but still ripped the throat out of a miniature poodle, and was put down.

It’s not hard… some dogs are very dangerous, some dogs are dangerous and other dogs can be dangerous. In the wrong circumstance a dog will use its teeth, no ifs no buts. We can manage the situation, and we can manage the dog but even the best dog, of any breed, can cause a problem.

I got got by a bully XL 4 years ago at the local shelter. I’d been going into his pen for months. He totally flipped one day. I deliberately shoved my forearm into its mouth, and thank god for the fence behind me for keeping me upright. Serious damage to my forearm and stomach. I was the 3rd person that week, not that the rescue manager told anyone. That dog was never safe enough to foster/adopt.

That must have been terrifying. I agree you should never be naive to think a dog won't bite. The scary ones are those that flip without any previous warning. The Gift of a Growl is something worth reading (for non dog folk).

Deleted member 15344

I didn’t mind dogs but since having my daughter for some reason I won’t let her near any dog apart from the in laws Jack Russell - none of us know what goes through a dogs mind and all this pit bulls , staffs and the new one have the ability and to kill a child so would like to see them banned from being owned and then stronger rules whilst being walked for other dogs , must be on a leash unless in wide open areas and every dog must be muzzled when outside

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Its humans creating dogs. Labradoodle, Sprocker, Bully XL, the list is almost endless.All have been created by someone.
I go back to my point, ban ALL DOGS from being off the lead in public, with the penalty of destruction if caught.
Every dog can do harm and damage with their bite, some obviously more than others. But allowing dogs to be off a lead in public has to stop.

I don’t understand your 1st point, Humans have created every breed of dog for whatever they needed them for. Bull baiting, rat catching, sheep herding, racing or simply because they look cute.

Your 2nd point I cannot agree with, I think it’s rotten not letting your dog off the lead.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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The RSPCA, SCPCA, Dogs Trust, Battersea, Blue Cross, British Veterinary Association and Kennel Club all disagree with you though.
They should be the experts being consulted, rather than the newspapers pushing the politicians, like they did with the Dangerous Dogs Act.
I'm undecided. Too much media hysteria to be able to form an opinion.

Do they? The kennel club don't even recognize it as a breed ATM


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Aug 10, 2023
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I don’t understand your 1st point, Humans have created every breed of dog for whatever they needed them for. Bull baiting, rat catching, sheep herding, racing or simply because they look cute.

Your 2nd point I cannot agree with, I think it’s rotten not letting your dog off the lead.
Yeah It would be very cruel, my Romanian dog loves a swim in the local lake.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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For many owners NOT letting their dogs off the lead would mean they simply don't get sufficient exercise. Then you have the potential for frustrated dogs who can easily become destructive.

Whether people like it or not we are a nation of dog lovers and owners. Muzzling and leashing when outside for ALL dogs simply isn't going to happen.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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For many owners NOT letting their dogs off the lead would mean they simply don't get sufficient exercise. Then you have the potential for frustrated dogs who can easily become destructive.

Whether people like it or not we are a nation of dog lovers and owners. Muzzling and leashing when outside for ALL dogs simply isn't going to happen.

Agreed. We need to educate owners and mayb have a dog licence rather than just being allowed to get one

I looked into the Rspca etc they said this
"The Dog Control Coalition - which includes Battersea, Blue Cross, the Dogs Trust, BVA, the Scottish SPCA, the Kennel Club and Hope Rescue - told the BBC that breed-specific bans had been proven to be ineffective.

"For 32 years, the Dangerous Dogs Act has focused on banning types of dog and yet has coincided with an increase in dog bites, and the recent deaths show that this approach isn't working," it said.

"The government must tackle the root issue by dealing with the unscrupulous breeders who are putting profit before welfare, and the irresponsible owners whose dogs are dangerously out of control."

Bit different from saying their safe

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Yeah It would be very cruel, my Romanian dog loves a swim in the local lake.

As does mine, any type of water tbh… he was a bit of a bog snorkeler last week in a nasty ditch! 🤬😁

Seriously though, if he’s not off lead and had a good run it’s not worth going out. That’s the point of a walk, exercise the dog, not plod around looking at your phone whilst your dog sniffs the wall.