Will Scorecards For Comps Soon Be Redundant?

I have Shot Scope v2 and it normally takes me about 10 mins or so post-round editing to sort a round after I play. With current technology, you still have to sort out penalty shots, provisionals etc. and the odd missed shot. And while not directly related to scoring, the GPS isn't as accurate as you may think so often have to tweak shots e.g. the GPS thinks I was near the bunker where as in real life I was actually in the bunker.

So it's still very good tech but some way off being fit for being used to record scores that could be automatically submitted without being checked/edited first.

Agree, its a way off but something that does appear achievable if a company put their mind to it. Suspect it would have to be driven by equipment manufacturers though as the research costs would appear high for a start up and it would need someone with influence within the game to even start thinking of spreading a standard system. A very long way off but possible.
A bit off topic and a long, long way down the line but can you ever see a time when a round of golf is pretty much self scoring. There are issues about penalty strokes, drops etc but the rudimental elements of this are already here with some GPS devices (admittedly still not accurately) recording strokes tee to green and some club inserts recording data. May never come in my lifetime but surely this is the end game, a round of golf that scores itself automatically. Not saying that this is something that would happen for many years but, if focused on, surely this could be part of golf in the future.
Tech is expanding so dramatically and quickly that this is entirely feasible at some point down the line. Not tomorrow but at some point, yes.
Then I use WhatsApp via wifi. You could say the same of old phone systems if the phone network goes down, or there's a power cut and you can't use the handset.

That is completely wrong! The telephone system does not rely on mains electricity to work. If you have a cordless one it does but a simple plug in one works fine when there is a power cut. Trust me we have plenty power cuts here.
That is completely wrong! The telephone system does not rely on mains electricity to work. If you have a cordless one it does but a simple plug in one works fine when there is a power cut. Trust me we have plenty power cuts here.
As mentioned, I haven't had one for a decade so I wouldn't know. :ROFLMAO:
That is completely wrong! The telephone system does not rely on mains electricity to work. If you have a cordless one it does but a simple plug in one works fine when there is a power cut. Trust me we have plenty power cuts here.

Which is why the BBC still have a load of landlines - even although they have got rid of most.
What does any of that have to do with golf scoring?

Simply a reflection on the vulnerabilities of modern internet and mobile network technologies to failure or congestion, and the need for a robust reversion solution. Hence mobile and internet comms might be lost, but old school fixed land line telephony won't be.

And so when we have eCards for scoring - if and when eCard comms back to the server and the clubhouse get disrupted or lost, or our eCard gets wet, splutters and dies - we can always revert to old school card and pencil. And so I am thinking that there will be a need for cards for a long time yet.
No one's saying they won't be. I just don't get the fixation people have with the phone network and digital scoring. There is no dependency on it at all.

My fixed line vs mobile telephony and VOIP example was just to suggest that there are circumstances when the most up to date technology is not always sufficient in itself for all circumstances.
No one's saying they won't be. I just don't get the fixation people have with the phone network and digital scoring. There is no dependency on it at all.
The same for this sudden notion I'll need to carry a physical card just in case.i don't at the moment so why on earth would I suddenly need to.
The only person fixated over this is your good self, with your technology drive and your insistance that marking a score card is somehow wrong/backwards/archaic and anything else including simple and easy to understand for everyone who plays the game.:)
How has this become about carrying a spare card? In the unlikely event that I lost my card I'd just pick up a new one when I got back to the pro shop, and fill it in by copying the numbers off the other players' cards.

But half this thread is about only needing one device to record all scores. If one player looses a card then its easy to fill it in in the pro shop by referencing the other cards.

However unlikely if a single device holding all 4 scores failed then that very difficult to do. Battery running out is a likely occurrence though so realistically we are back to using multiple devices again. Whether that be phone or specialist device.

People saying do you still get up to change the TV or do you still use a phone box are stupid comparisons also. The benefits there are clear, do you want to get out your chair walk half a mile in the rain to ring your mate who may not answer or do you want to do it with out having to move, in pretty much any location of your choosing, cant be compared to do you want to take your card and pencil out and write a number down or take a electronic device out and key a number in and save no time in doing so. The saving to the general user is invisible. The benefits are at the back end for the handicap sec who to be honest is a poor forgotten man at most golf clubs. so why would this be any different.
Has anybody bothered to ask the handicap secretaries in the clubs .
Most are volunteers and their computer skills may not be up to it.
As they are the ones doing the work they should have the last word imo.

As you put your card in the box now.
Where do you leave the device when finished ?
Who’s responsible for charging?
It makes more work than people think.
There are no devices to charge. You're making out like it's some kind of enterprise SAP system we're thinking about.
What a properly bizzare thread I can't say I'm surprised at the animosity if not a little disappointed.
Let me put you straight, I know sweet FA about computers and tech.
And I am not “ Making anything out “ that’s an assumption on your part.
If there’s no devices where do you record the scores?
What’s a SAP system?
This is the problem with people who know how tech works ,they think everybody else knows how it works.

The reason why is I asked some questions .you decided not to answer them and just preach to me.
That is disappointing.
I may be wrong but I don't think anyone has come out and said that this won't happen.
You're right..it will happen.
Many people are just pointing out that there are many hurdles in the way of what you seem to think is an easy thing to implement
My point all along has been I'd like to try digital scoring for those who want , otherwsie stick with card. Look at post 16 I think.
My point was .you preaching at me taught me nothing!
And you still did not answer my questions .
Yes an app on a smartphone,
You said NO devices.
The thread has been littered with people saying “ what if they don’t have one”
The answer was a device provided by the club,, but we can ignore all them posts!!
Thanks for the debate but you taught me Nothing .
Maybe if you answer a direct question with a civil answer informing the lads on here who may not know what you obviously know there may be less opposition to digital scoring.
Until then it’s card and pencil!
The scoring stuff has pretty much all just been hypothetical chat, I can't see it coming anytime soon. That said online entry from phones etc isn't far away.
If you have a question then ask and I'll answer

Sadly the are still a lot of people in golf whod rather it went back in time and become the exclusive club it was previously.
Are you for real ?
Read my last few posts where I have directly asked you questions.

For the record I have posted several posts thinking it is only a matter of time .
I am not against it ,just don’t understand the terms in the tech world.
But if people who know don’t enlighten the likes of me that don’t know this tech stuff ,it’s no surprise they want the status quo.