WHS and club completions

The last time Golf Ireland were supposed to be doing a trial (matchplay scores for handicapping) in 2020, it never actually happened in the end or the results were never analysed and it was quietly dropped and the references to it removed from the Guidance book.
The last time Golf Ireland were supposed to be doing a trial (matchplay scores for handicapping) in 2020, it never actually happened in the end or the results were never analysed and it was quietly dropped and the references to it removed from the Guidance book.
So it seems. But that trial didnt go beyond GolfGB&I. This one is live. And without any mention of being temporary or a trial or a maybe. Its published and active. Clubs setting their competitions next week will have that genuine choice to make (which includes doing nothing of course. And nothing is quite likely in the majority of cases I would guess, so unexpected and rabbit out of a hat with almost no notice, has been this WHS change).
I know it’s a trial but surely the data is all there already.

Having a different allowance doesn’t change anyone’s gross scores.

We have the data of millions of rounds in competitions in all formats already, far more than there will be gained in one season in one GB&I country. Surely all you need to do is model the results from existing historical data which already includes a huge variety of formats, field sizes and handicap distribution.
Based on all this existing data you must be able to formulate an allowance to field shape/size suggestion.
I’m really not sure what you can gain from this trial that doesn’t exist in the system covering a far wider and a significantly greater number range of golfers and competitions over a longer period of time.
I know it’s a trial but surely the data is all there already.

Having a different allowance doesn’t change anyone’s gross scores.

We have the data of millions of rounds in competitions in all formats already, far more than there will be gained in one season in one GB&I country. Surely all you need to do is model the results from existing historical data which already includes a huge variety of formats, field sizes and handicap distribution.
Based on all this existing data you must be able to formulate an allowance to field shape/size suggestion.
I’m really not sure what you can gain from this trial that doesn’t exist in the system covering a far wider and a significantly greater number range of golfers and competitions over a longer period of time.

Yeah it does seem a bit weird. Trial suggesting it might not be adopted, or maybe further tweaks may be applied
(what then for 2025 board comp winners in Ireland if trial not then continued? Pop a gold asterisk next to the name ;) )
I know it’s a trial but surely the data is all there already.

Having a different allowance doesn’t change anyone’s gross scores.

We have the data of millions of rounds in competitions in all formats already, far more than there will be gained in one season in one GB&I country. Surely all you need to do is model the results from existing historical data which already includes a huge variety of formats, field sizes and handicap distribution.
Based on all this existing data you must be able to formulate an allowance to field shape/size suggestion.
I’m really not sure what you can gain from this trial that doesn’t exist in the system covering a far wider and a significantly greater number range of golfers and competitions over a longer period of time.
One would think so. Thats why it looks a bit of hasty action. Maybe something is better than nothing. It does flag significant change and that waiting until 2028 is not an impediment to fixing it. Maybe its only this coming year that they will really study the data, and one might imagine more detailed gudance will come with the wider UK non-trial roll out. The trial is as much a signal of intent, and that they have listened, as well as a guinee pig. Its not that they couldnt model the changes from the data they have already. So not sure what additional, a trial, will provide.
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I know it’s a trial but surely the data is all there already.

Having a different allowance doesn’t change anyone’s gross scores.

We have the data of millions of rounds in competitions in all formats already, far more than there will be gained in one season in one GB&I country. Surely all you need to do is model the results from existing historical data which already includes a huge variety of formats, field sizes and handicap distribution.
Based on all this existing data you must be able to formulate an allowance to field shape/size suggestion.
I’m really not sure what you can gain from this trial that doesn’t exist in the system covering a far wider and a significantly greater number range of golfers and competitions over a longer period of time.
A trial can be for different purposes , they may be looking at participation rates, engagement etc.
The last time Golf Ireland were supposed to be doing a trial (matchplay scores for handicapping) in 2020, it never actually happened in the end or the results were never analysed and it was quietly dropped and the references to it removed from the Guidance book.
however scores from 4BBB now has been adopted.
I have just learnt that this mew allowance issue was raised at the Regional County meeting and the view expressed by EG was that it is just something GI are looking at and it wouldn’t be implemented under EG.
I have just learnt that this mew allowance issue was raised at the Regional County meeting and the view expressed by EG was that it is just something GI are looking at and it wouldn’t be implemented under EG.
That isn't consistent with what David Kernohan (SG & Golf GB&I board member) said about it being a recommendation from the Golf GB&I technical advisory group and that it would be implemented across the whole of GB&I.
That isn't consistent with what David Kernohan (SG & Golf GB&I board member) said about it being a recommendation from the Golf GB&I technical advisory group and that it would be implemented across the whole of GB&I.
You’re right, this exact point was raised but the suggestion that it would be implemented next April was dismissed by EG senior management.
The various arms of golf administration seem to be all on different pages, or havent a clue what is going on.

World Handicap System ? We can even get the story straight within the British isles.
The various arms of golf administration seem to be all on different pages, or havent a clue what is going on.

World Handicap System ? We can even get the story straight within the British isles.
You're beating on the wrong horse (again). It's still the World Handicapping System, and the national authorities are applying their permitted decisions within that system.
You're beating on the wrong horse (again). It's still the World Handicapping System, and the national authorities are applying their permitted decisions within that system.
National authorities here, and their overaching body, dont seem to know what each is up to is my point. Even different message from within a single national authority. It does open the door to any clubs to try the new options this year anyway, so interesting to see how many more will jump the gun. Would only be a good thing - more trial data.