What level of fees increase would make you look to move clubs


Medal Winner
Feb 2, 2017
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That's a tough one. It all depends where the cash was going and if it still represents value to me, so i can't put a figure on it.
I'd be ok with >£100 PA increase if it was clearly invested in improving the facilities.
There could be a reduction in fees but if things changed to the detriment of the club then it'd be a trigger to look if there's better alternatives.
I left my first club that was £1k PA as i could pay £15 and play anytime other than Sat morning 8:30-1 when it was a comp. Members didn't get preferential access, as soon as the day went live on the net to book it was open for anyone. That was a trigger to leave despite no increase.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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Currently pay £462 per year, with this rising each year until I turn 30 when it will be roughly around £737 plus extras for Lockers etc. I would probably stay at the club until it reached around the £1000 mark. Already think our fees are two low compared to the courses around our area.

Happy to swap invoices with you next season if you think it's too cheap...🤣🤣🤣


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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I have another question, should clubs arrange there fees in a way so that they have a slight surplus every year to cover unexpected costs or a sudden bad financial year ?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Wow you guys really have it good. There are 3 top 100 courses in my area that I would consider, my club is the cheapest at £1600. The others are £1700 and £2000 I believe so it would have to exceed those clubs before I would consider moving (plus all 3 have joining fees so have to factor that in as well).

Seriously, you would consider changing clubs for £1 a week???

With you on that @d4s.

My club is a £1600 a year (£1591 to be exact) plus £1000 joining fee - it's just what we pay and I suggest that where we live the wages aren't that much more - if more at all - than they are in regions where golf membership is cheaper. Methinks some club golfers complain slightly too much about membership subs increases - when some of us just have to 'suck it up' :)

In answer to the question - I guess if my subs jumped to £2000 and out of line with other similar clubs in the area then I'd wonder. But they wouldn't do that - not in one go.
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Assistant Pro
May 6, 2011
bedlington, northumberland
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I'm paying just under £600 and I have been told that next year will cost an extra £10 but that's not been confirmed. The North East is awash with clubs offering all sorts of deals to attract new members. For me, it's the quality of the course first, how the club is managed second, cost then convenience. Bedlingtonshire could go up a couple of hundred, it's still less than my previous club, it's a real test and, so far anyway, seems to be competently managed.

Bedlington's a great club. Looking to rejoin in January. Invested loads into the club since I first joined 8-9 yrs ago


Jul 13, 2015
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I have another question, should clubs arrange there fees in a way so that they have a slight surplus every year to cover unexpected costs or a sudden bad financial year ?

A well run club should have already done that over the years. Every GC should have a contingency fund if it has been run properly.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I think most of us know that golf clubs need money to survive. This annual question relates to the size of the increases, what are they for, are they justifiable? I think a number of clubs are poor are communicating what increases relate to. It could be wage increases, raw material increases or plans for course / clubhouse improvements. Keep members informed and they are likely to be more amenable to them. Not everyone of course but more will accept them if they know the end game. Good clubs will do this already of course.

Deleted member 21258

I have another question, should clubs arrange there fees in a way so that they have a slight surplus every year to cover unexpected costs or a sudden bad financial year ?

All businesses(and a golf club is one) should look to make a surplus, the amount is the only questionable aspect. It needs to fund future plans, inflation, so reserves are required, ideally cash ones.(y)

Deleted member 21258

First club is currently just under £3000.00 but wouldn’t consider leaving until it reached £4000.00 but even then would probably remain.

Is that at GE ?

Fairly hefty for Scotland, could I be nosey and ask, are certain courses/tee times for members only ? (only ask as it is kind of a resort setup with the wonderful hotel/tourists visitors) ?


Tour Rookie
Oct 26, 2015
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Is that at GE ?

Fairly hefty for Scotland, could I be nosey and ask, are certain courses/tee times for members only ? (only ask as it is kind of a resort setup with the wonderful hotel/tourists visitors) ?


And no issues booking times as a member you can book up to 4 weeks in advance and there are also allocated times every Wednesday Saturday and sundays for members only competitions. I have had no issues with getting times.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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My subs are 700. The only better courses within range are 1000. The closer mine get to theirs the more I’d consider it, but really I love the club so as long as they don’t make a pigs ear of it I’m staying

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Worth getting in touch with Mark or Layla in the office to see if there is a 15 month for 12 deal available.
I'll be on Mark's case the next couple of weeks lol. Played there last week and it's in great condition. My golf was as awful as you can get

Any issues drainage wise in the winter? I know it is parkland so I am not talking about Links style drainage but does it generally cope well?