Virtuocity - stack and tilt swing.................



I doubt he said that seeing as he can hardly speak a word......

it was probably "son key ta p nd t oony stack yoobedoo is t shefs in teskos".

Anyway... how's your h/cap doing Craw? Turned pro with the swing you're using.... or still working for a living? I thought you were about to quit the game last month???????

Ooooft, take me to any page which states I want to turn pro? May still quit you never ken!


My lowest was 1 h/cap, best round 4 under par was only 2yrs ago so I've not forgotten everything just yet. Current h/cap is 6.4 which I'm happy with seeing as I can hardly walk some days. Is h/cap important for KNOWING or PLAYING?

So I'll ask you a question; I see you are 5/hcap, is that your lowest or have you played better? and off 5 h/cap are YOU able to judge what is a good swing? You seem to slag off S&T a fair bit so clearly you think your opinion is better than some ofther more qualified instructors than yourself.. or am I mistaken?

Our very own Sam Quirke is a qualified pro and he doesn't slag off S&T

Yip it is widely acknowledged that S&T places tremendous strain on the spine. Are the the proof in the pudding?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Yip it is widely acknowledged that S&T places tremendous strain on the spine. Are the the proof in the pudding?

You know nothing about the golf swing Crawford, nothing to say of any worth and unlikely that you'll ever post something in this section to actually help someone.

My back has nothing to do with stack and tilt (if you actually read the thread) and I can hit the ball just fine considering the amount of golf that I DON'T play. I am very happy with my game.

You think it's FUNNY to post something snidey, that Bob Torrance supposedly said, pertaining to being 'stacked' and yet where did your 'unstacked' swing get you? Clearly irony isn't a strength of yours.

You're not a pro, your just as rubbish as the very people Bob torrance might have been referring to. I don't think people here are looking to get on tour, they are looking for a better way to hit the ball.

Grow up, please. Why not stick to posting your moans in the OOB section?


You know nothing about the golf swing Crawford, nothing to say of any worth and unlikely that you'll ever post something in this section to actually help someone.

My back has nothing to do with stack and tilt (if you actually read the thread) and I can hit the ball just fine considering the amount of golf that I DON'T play. I am very happy with my game.

You think it's FUNNY to post something snidey, that Bob Torrance supposedly said, pertaining to being 'stacked' and yet where did your 'unstacked' swing get you? Clearly irony isn't a strength of yours.

You're not a pro, your just as rubbish as the very people Bob torrance might have been referring to. I don't think people here are looking to get on tour, they are looking for a better way to hit the ball.

Grow up, please. Why not stick to posting your moans in the OOB section?

Correct on both counts but still a lower handicap than you the copy and paste master. Keep up your smoke and mirrors James it'll all come crashing down.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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you've just lost a fan, bad attitude and response so sad i feel sorry for your students
You know nothing about the golf swing Crawford, nothing to say of any worth and unlikely that you'll ever post something in this section to actually help someone.

My back has nothing to do with stack and tilt (if you actually read the thread) and I can hit the ball just fine considering the amount of golf that I DON'T play. I am very happy with my game.

You think it's FUNNY to post something snidey, that Bob Torrance supposedly said, pertaining to being 'stacked' and yet where did your 'unstacked' swing get you? Clearly irony isn't a strength of yours.

You're not a pro, your just as rubbish as the very people Bob torrance might have been referring to. I don't think people here are looking to get on tour, they are looking for a better way to hit the ball.

Grow up, please. Why not stick to posting your moans in the OOB section?


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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this is the trouble with S&T posts (amongst a few others) it all ends up in swing bashing. I can understand JO getting annoyed as it happens every time one of these threads is posted & as someone who is passionate about it then obviously it grates after a certain amount of time. It doesnt excuse personal snipes however. Please keep on topic now gents or this will end up locked!

Virtuocity has already asked can it stay on topic and as the thread starter I think we should at least allow him that courtesy.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
you've just lost a fan, bad attitude and response so sad i feel sorry for your students

I like to help people William. I'm not going to sit on my hands whilst people are just bemoaning, derogatory or simply taking the mick out of something they really don't know anything about. Appreciate your post though.

Sir, sir he started it!
Ok... I laughed at that
Last edited:


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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One more time, and please read this slowly.

If you think S&T is the work of the Devil, please start your own 'I think S&T is the work of the Devil' thread and stay away from threads started by people who are interested in it or are already in favour of it.

Thank you,



Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You really need to use S&T to be in a position to berate it. I decided to try it around a month ago, I do like trying out different golf swings and have had a go at most of them over time (including rubbish ones before anyone chips in with that cookie) .

OK, it's early days but I have been impressed with the results, iron striking in particular has been very good, the Driver took a bit of coming to terms with but that has settled into a nice reliable draw.

I have a bad back anyway through many years of competitive Squash playing. I cant see where this swing is any worse on the back than any of the others. In a way it keeps the spine on a more consistant alignment so seems to reduce strain.

It is not a simple swing to learn but worth a try as the consistency of ball striking is great.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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You really need to use S&T to be in a position to berate it. I decided to try it around a month ago, I do like trying out different golf swings and have had a go at most of them over time (including rubbish ones before anyone chips in with that cookie) .

OK, it's early days but I have been impressed with the results, iron striking in particular has been very good, the Driver took a bit of coming to terms with but that has settled into a nice reliable draw.

I have a bad back anyway through many years of competitive Squash playing. I cant see where this swing is any worse on the back than any of the others. In a way it keeps the spine on a more consistant alignment so seems to reduce strain.

It is not a simple swing to learn but worth a try as the consistency of ball striking is great.

Finally the voice of reason. Well said Brian :thup:

James, a while back, posted a link to an interview with Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer (The S&T pattern creators) that answered a lot of the questions and dispelled a few of the myths floating around on this thread, the "back back swing" being one of them.

Maybe James could kindly re-post?

Either way, as Gibbo said, the OP has requested the thread stay on track. I think it only fair that the good people of the forum respect his wishes and allow the thread to continue in the spirit in which it was intended.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Finally the voice of reason. Well said Brian :thup:

James, a while back, posted a link to an interview with Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer (The S&T pattern creators) that answered a lot of the questions and dispelled a few of the myths floating around on this thread, the "back back swing" being one of them.

Maybe James could kindly re-post?

Either way, as Gibbo said, the OP has requested the thread stay on track. I think it only fair that the good people of the forum respect his wishes and allow the thread to continue in the spirit in which it was intended.

I initially found the backswing a little hard to understand, especially when they spoke of spine extension. I found a really good set of pictures from Andy Plummer (I think) that broke the backswing down into three simple moves that when combined created the correct backswing.
1) From a normal forward tilt at address you stand up straight.
2) You tilt your spine so it leans to the left.
3) You make a shoulder turn.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I initially found the backswing a little hard to understand, especially when they spoke of spine extension. I found a really good set of pictures from Andy Plummer (I think) that broke the backswing down into three simple moves that when combined created the correct backswing.
1) From a normal forward tilt at address you stand up straight.
2) You tilt your spine so it leans to the left.
3) You make a shoulder turn.

Funnily enough it was the opposite end of the swing, the finish that initially stumped me. Tucking the hips confused me until I stopped wrapping my arms around my neck at the end of the swing :mad:


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Funnily enough it was the opposite end of the swing, the finish that initially stumped me. Tucking the hips confused me until I stopped wrapping my arms around my neck at the end of the swing :mad:

I still have trouble tucking my butt to finish the swing.
I think I'm concentrating too hard on the backswing and then forgetting how to finish the shot off!
Still working on it but I'm not playing enough at the moment............................and I'm staring down the barrel of an enforced four month lay-off due to an impending shoulder operation!
Ah well, at least I'll be able to read the book again!



Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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I reckon I'm doing well with the backswing. Have ALWAYS struggled to move my weight forward so struggle with consistent contact (although it's getting better) and power remains an issue.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Happy New Year all.

I have been very quiet of late on the forum, instead spending my time on the course!

Quick updates:

1. I can now drive straight (sometimes a tiny fade) most of the time. Average yardage has gone from 185 to 205 over the past 3 months.

2. Feeling much more confident around the greens. As with most instruction DVDs and books there are some things which just make a lightbulb go on inside your head. Mine is the 'flying wedge' which helps me eliminate thins, get the ball up and down and land soft on the greens.

3. Putting OK. Sitting at around 2 putts per hole on average. That will do me just now.

4. Need to improve on my second shot of each long hole. Seem to be making decent connections with the ball (whereas before I had issues with thins, tops, shanks etc) but struggling a bit on distance. My 4 hybrid is my go-to club, but struggling to hit it 150 yards uphill.

Stupid question of the week:

I seem to be getting better 'naturally'. I know the old adage "practice makes perfect" rings true here, but I want to know why? I don't think I've changed my swing THAT much but every time I hit the course I get a little bit better. I'd rather understand why this is!!!! Not complaining though.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Hit the range today for the first time in over a month. That's 2 9-holes and 200 balls at the range in 3 days. Ouch!

PW is going amazingly well. Hitting the range rocks 120-130 yards. I can also draw the ball if I wish. :D

Took out the 2 hybrid. What a freaking disaster. 95% of the time I was hitting the ground before the ball. I was into ball number 80 and twice nearly asked the guy next to me if he wanted 100 balls as I was up for going home. I glad I didn't.

S&T, like all swings have key fundamentals and failure to miss out a step or two can have disastrous consequences like above. What was I forgetting?

1. Move my fat ass to the left at set up dammit!
2. Let the shoulders start the takeaway
3. COMMIT to the follow-through (nice poser finish)

The ball then started to fly. I was getting approx 165 yards with the 2 hybrid and I would like to think that I could add around 10% (fair enough?) on to this when considering I now use a decent premium ball on the course.

5 iron- utter guff. Can't hit the thing. Well, to be fair, I was hitting it around 145 yards but the ball flight was a bit low and direct and I didn't feel like I really compressed the ball like I did with the hybrid.

As for the driver, I felt comfortable using it, but I hit the shots REALLY high. This doesn't really happen on the course and I think it may be due to the thick, slightly-too-high range tees. They don't half create resistance against the club head. Am I the only one who finds this?

To sign off for the day, I must say that I'm glad that I stuck it at the range today after nearly giving up after 100 balls.

The swing is coming together, slowly, but I do believe that there is a golfer in me somewhere. Need to take it to the course tomorrow and start eating up the yards, combined with my new-found confidence from 100 yards.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Hit the range today for the first time in over a month. That's 2 9-holes and 200 balls at the range in 3 days. Ouch!

Far too many balls IMHO.

50 is more than enough, unless you plan on spending a few hours there!!

Next time, just get 50 balls and give every bal the same consideration you would as if you were playing the course.