Have you changed anything for this season in your swing?

This has happened to me too. No idea what has gone wrong. I will get our pro to have a look this week. It is usually something simple to fix.
Didn’t see the pro in the end. After going to the range every day I realised that my posture was all wrong and I had started to slump at address. Back to a feeling of standing tall at address and I’m back to playing golf as 1 handicapper instead of a 10 handicapper. It’s always worth going back to the basic fundamentals if something goes awry with your swing as the fix is usually something simple.
Didn’t see the pro in the end. After going to the range every day I realised that my posture was all wrong and I had started to slump at address. Back to a feeling of standing tall at address and I’m back to playing golf as 1 handicapper instead of a 10 handicapper. It’s always worth going back to the basic fundamentals if something goes awry with your swing as the fix is usually something simple.
I always think it's worth just taking a step back and having a look. Unfortunately we aren't tour pros who are constantly working with a coach that knows their swing and can see when something is not as it should be.
I might be back home at the end of the summer to visit family. You still in the lincolnshire area? I'll hit you up and treat you to a game somewhere. Owe you one for all the free advice over the years.
That would be nice. Unfortunately it will have to depend on how my poorly hip is doing at the time. (Old man's troubles)
Didn’t see the pro in the end. After going to the range every day I realised that my posture was all wrong and I had started to slump at address. Back to a feeling of standing tall at address and I’m back to playing golf as 1 handicapper instead of a 10 handicapper. It’s always worth going back to the basic fundamentals if something goes awry with your swing as the fix is usually something simple.
The first part (in bold) is what I'm doing, so that hands are closer. Seems to give more control and a better strike; keeping the wayward ones away... when I remember, which is why I can say the second bit in bold.
Just went to the driving range, and actually tried a rough approximation of this eureka thing. As best as I could fathom from the couple of videos I've seen. Set my left foot back and open a little, tried to keep my shoulders square. Had enough success that there might be something in it. For one thing it does seem to help me turn through and get my weight over to lead side. Another thing, I used to have a short backswing and I think it's got a lot longer recently, whereas this set-up stopped me over-swinging it.

Of course this could be all old bollocks and back to slicing and duffing on Sunday but we'll see.
I tried this on the course today, and the difference was absolutely staggering. I shot 81 when I've not been breaking 90 much lately - I'm in shock. Was just hitting almost everything straight. Even driver. It just feels like a shortcut to get into that perfect impact position for the inflexible. It worked an absolute treat and felt easy. Hopefully it continues as I've got a club champs and two matches coming up in the next month!
I tried this on the course today, and the difference was absolutely staggering. I shot 81 when I've not been breaking 90 much lately - I'm in shock. Was just hitting almost everything straight. Even driver. It just feels like a shortcut to get into that perfect impact position for the inflexible. It worked an absolute treat and felt easy. Hopefully it continues as I've got a club champs and two matches coming up in the next month!
Told you it was a game changer
I tried this on the course today, and the difference was absolutely staggering. I shot 81 when I've not been breaking 90 much lately - I'm in shock. Was just hitting almost everything straight. Even driver. It just feels like a shortcut to get into that perfect impact position for the inflexible. It worked an absolute treat and felt easy. Hopefully it continues as I've got a club champs and two matches coming up in the next month!
You better get some cards in or you may get accused of all kinds of ungentlmanly stuff from the losers 🤭🤭
I have been trying the Eureka swing I wandered if it will help with my driver consistency. But so far I have only the net available and to be honest I don’t feel like I am getting any thing with the driver. However the 4 cross over is a different story, I am middling it more frequently and consistently… so tonight after dinner I shall go to the course and range have a little phaff and see where it gets me.
Tried the eureka stuff at the range and the course.
It works well for me with my 4 crossover and 3 wood ( but that wasn’t really an issue) the driver is problematic and short.
Tried the eureka stuff at the range and the course.
It works well for me with my 4 crossover and 3 wood ( but that wasn’t really an issue) the driver is problematic and short.
I found the driver was actually one of the bigger gains. Potentially I may be losing a few yards (hard to be certain playing into strong breezes and damp conditions) but not losing it right as often and definitely getting a better strike.
I found the driver was actually one of the bigger gains. Potentially I may be losing a few yards (hard to be certain playing into strong breezes and damp conditions) but not losing it right as often and definitely getting a better strike.
It was funny for me on Sunday, I thought I was losing a few yards at the start of the round, perhaps while I was getting used to swinging it this way, but later on the back nine I hit a couple of huge drives on the 11th and 12th that were further down than I normally get. Granted though, the conditions were much drier than they have been, so I wasn't sure if it was just that, but the one on the 11th was left rough rather than fairway so couldn't be all down to roll. Another possible factor was that I switched to an AVX for that round, but I'm not sure if they're that much longer for me. I do think I was finding it easier to find the middle of the bat and square the face, so in that case of course it should equate to more distance.
I've changed the weight distribution when I'm hitting driver. I was always 60-40 on the back foot and to be honest my driving has always been wild.
Whilst watching a Golfmates tips video on YouTube the pro Simon Edwards (I think that's his name) mentioned 55-45 split on the front foot. It's transformed my accuracy, hitting a lot more fairways and I think some gains in distance.
How are you able to feel a difference of 5% weight shift?
I’ve changed too much, so much so that I have a refresh lesson booked to go over the last 3 lessons!

Games generally in a better place for it though… I think
How are you able to feel a difference of 5% weight shift?
Think it's a 15% swing if I'm reading that correctly. He used to have more weight on his trail foot but now has more weight on the lead foot.

I think most people should be able to feel which foot has the most weight/pressure on it.