Have you changed anything for this season in your swing?

Did a bit more experimenting with the Eureka swing. I find it works brilliantly with my 4 crossover.. better than standard.
I tried it with my 3 wood and Driver. Now I am struggling with my driver, go through these hot and cold phases and what it boils down to is actually set up.
I made the Eureka swing work well with both. But brutally honest I don’t feel like I am really attacking the ball with it. I concluded the Eureka swing is a good set up to ease you into a round and when confidence builds step up to standard and swing normally.
I do think there is a distance difference my guess it sacrifices around 10-15 yards of carry on the driver .. but risk is lower, I could see this working for lots of people and them getting positive results.
Did a bit more experimenting with the Eureka swing. I find it works brilliantly with my 4 crossover.. better than standard.
I tried it with my 3 wood and Driver. Now I am struggling with my driver, go through these hot and cold phases and what it boils down to is actually set up.
I made the Eureka swing work well with both. But brutally honest I don’t feel like I am really attacking the ball with it. I concluded the Eureka swing is a good set up to ease you into a round and when confidence builds step up to standard and swing normally.
I do think there is a distance difference my guess it sacrifices around 10-15 yards of carry on the driver .. but risk is lower, I could see this working for lots of people and them getting positive results.
I've still been sticking with it and I think the loss of distance on the driver is just me mentally holding back. I'm hitting my hybrids and irons really, really well with it, so much so that I'm actually confident when I'm 200 yards out that I'll hit the green with my hybrid or leave it around the fringes at worse. Both my 3 and 4 hybrid have been going remarkably straight from me recently.

On Wednesday I was playing with 2 mates who are both plus golfers and I was typically 25 yards behind them with driver. I wasn't hitting it great again but at least I was getting the face closed this round and I was back to being straight but just shorter. On 9 it was downwind and I decided to just try and hammer it and I flushed it. Shot Scope had it at 290 yards (and it's uphill as well), I made it to the top of the hill (never been that far up) and I was actually past both playing partners by about 5 yards so the potential is definitely there.
I've been holding back when I've been able to play to protect my back although I do find Eureka is less stressful on that anyway. My driver is shorter in distance but as I've said I don't know how much conditions (breezy and damp) and my protective swing have impacted that. I am off to take a fitness test on my back ahead of club champs tomorrow (and hopefully Sunday if I make the cut) and will be trying to hit a few. Will be interesting to see how the back reacts to the big dog, what my shot shape and tendency will be after 2 weeks off and how far the range Trackman has me hitting it. I definitely think the system works and I haven't really had issues with any club in the bag
I've really struggled with my irons for a couple of years, but owing to work and family pressures not really had time to sort it. It got gradually worse resulting in a weak fade and lots of fat shots, I got a few lessons at the start of this year and since then have been working on weight shift and taking the club head (not the hands) away more on the outside, then transferring more weight onto my lead foot at the start of the downswing. I also read somewhere, might have been on here, about having my focus of attention on the front of the ball, that has really helped move the low point forward.

It's taken a while to get fully grooved, but with more time available to practice and play I am now hitting my irons better than ever before.
I watched the Eureka driver video, which has definitely filled in some gaps for me. I will try it again for sure, I also think I am a bit of a victim of the hit up philosophy. I do struggle with launch height as I don’t hit down on my driver, so my spin numbers are very low. The lower tee height also needs to be tried.
My set up changes are promoting a flatter swing, but that’s because I was too steep .. steep works in the rough but in general just leads to over the top and soft floating fades (which do have their place ) my steepness also takes room away from me so there is some moving about to create or find that lost space.
Since changing my set up I have had a significant improvement, when I fail to set up and it’s evident in my driver and longer shafts - 41”+ I just block or slice.. I am trying to find a lie to set the club in and build a stance around, like I do with my irons.
I think the tip in the video of set up normally don’t tilt just move the ball to the forward position may be worth investigating, even with the irons and then moving the iron to ball .. which then puts a small tilt in any way.