Q-School Graduate
I enjoy the Overlap: Stick to Football. However, this week was a really tough watch. Their guest - Sol Campbell
I've never really listened to him speak in any depth, or had much of an opinion of him in the past. So, I started the episode fairly neutral. However, he has a habit of making the discussion feel really awkward, and he clearly has a very very high opinion of himself. I appreciate most elite sports people will be highly confident. But, most will also happily take the mick out of themselves, or you have someone like Zlatan that it is so over the top, with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk in his face, it is humorous. Not with Campbell though. His presence just felt to really subdue the room more often that not.
To me, it feels like he is one of those golfers that you sometimes play with, who spends the entire round telling you about all their greatest achievements on and off the golf course, all his longest drives, his lowest rounds, etc.
Perhaps I'm being harsh. However, when he started talking about his return to Arsenal later in his career and that he said Wenger was originally against it, I knew exactly where the story would end up long before it did. And I wasn't wrong. It ended in him explaining how he absolutely bossed Fabregas, upset Wenger because he was wrong about him, but ultimately believing he taught Wenger a valuable lesson.
I listened to this yesterday and thought he could've added more detail to some interesting stories but he just couldn't articulate them well enough. There was plenty more he could've said about Alan Sugar and the court case, and also how he expected to just turn up at Forest when no approach had been made or indication of any interest.