Fade and Die
Medal Winner
Having been holidaying in East Devon for the last week I would advise you leave the leccy car at home and buy something like a 2007 diesel Nissan x-trail with scuffed up paint… perfect for barrelling along tiny narrow overgrown lanes. You will fit in like a native.Right... we are headed to North Devon. Family has booked a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Obviously has no EV charging on site nor in the village or the next village. My BIL drives a Tesla and looks like there is a Tesla 'destination charger' at a wedding manor about 20 mins drive. Assuming there is no wedding guest using it, he can use it. I will need to either download the Tesla app or drive 40 mins to Barnstaple to find something. First real test of my BMW EV.
Its also not going to get there in one charge, so need to plan a break according to charger rather than comfort.