Random Irritations

As a bloke, I am going to disagree strongly with you. Men should only know the colours of the rainbow along with black and white (sperate argument as to whether these are shades or colours!). Next you will be getting all metrosexual and mentioning taupe, mauve and other such words that have no place in civilised society.

Since when has Magnolia been one of the colours of the rainbow?
Then that is such a poor design......surely they can come up with something that works when you need it...like when thendoor is 2mm open and you can't tell.....
My condolences to your freezer contents..... ;)

Surely its within technology's grasp to have temp sensor that when it detects an increase over x degrees, it sends an alert to your smartphone
Not even 11am and I've already had enough of today.......
The freezer door was left ajar, probably last night...and by ajar I mean about 2mm....why the magnets in the door didn't close it ill never know and, of course the alarm, which has one job, didn't sound....
The bloody alarm...when you hold the door wide open for 2 minutes it goes off...when you hold it 2mm open it can't be bothered....exactly the time you need the alarm...
So most of the food is destined for the bin...all because of a crap design of an alarm.....

Then, on the way home from golf, there's a crash in an area where they're building a new road and roundabout....the roads, like virtually every road around town, is covered in various thicknesses of mud. They're building everywhere and all the roads are as slippery as.....
That led to a 4 mile diversion to get home...
And my Tennis Elbow is driving me up the wall.....

And breath........
Don’t chuck the food, just cook it all up - it’ll be fine 😋
Our fridge's door closes itself unless you have it wide open. I'd have thought all modern fridges would be like that. If yours doesn't, my guess is that it's not properly levelled.
whilst we are on about kitchens, having over 50% of the door units in ours starting to fail with the covering. Parts covered under warranty but having the dance about labour charges.
Then that is such a poor design......surely they can come up with something that works when you need it...like when thendoor is 2mm open and you can't tell.....
My condolences to your freezer contents..... ;)
We inherited our fridge with the house - owners left it behind. Within days we knew why - the alarm telling you the fridge door is open was going off constantly, even when it was firmly closed. Eventually we had to do some 'engineering'. The door has dropped slightly so it wasn't hitting the catch at the top that turns the alarm off. I sellotaped a stack of pennies to the top of the door where the catch is and that worked perfectly!

That was just coming up 10 years ago now. Still using the same fridge with the same stack of pennies sellotaped to the top of the door. :LOL:
Not even 11am and I've already had enough of today.......
The freezer door was left ajar, probably last night...and by ajar I mean about 2mm....why the magnets in the door didn't close it ill never know and, of course the alarm, which has one job, didn't sound....
The bloody alarm...when you hold the door wide open for 2 minutes it goes off...when you hold it 2mm open it can't be bothered....exactly the time you need the alarm...
So most of the food is destined for the bin...all because of a crap design of an alarm.....

Then, on the way home from golf, there's a crash in an area where they're building a new road and roundabout....the roads, like virtually every road around town, is covered in various thicknesses of mud. They're building everywhere and all the roads are as slippery as.....
That led to a 4 mile diversion to get home...
And my Tennis Elbow is driving me up the wall.....

And breath........

Why would you bin the food just because the door was left slightly open overnight? It should not defreeze and would just normally mean every thing is covered in a layer of ice which will keep it cold anyway.
Why would you bin the food just because the door was left slightly open overnight? It should not defreeze and would just normally mean every thing is covered in a layer of ice which will keep it cold anyway.
The common phrase applied would be "use it or loose it", to be safe.
We inherited our fridge with the house - owners left it behind. Within days we knew why - the alarm telling you the fridge door is open was going off constantly, even when it was firmly closed. Eventually we had to do some 'engineering'. The door has dropped slightly so it wasn't hitting the catch at the top that turns the alarm off. I sellotaped a stack of pennies to the top of the door where the catch is and that worked perfectly!

That was just coming up 10 years ago now. Still using the same fridge with the same stack of pennies sellotaped to the top of the door. :LOL:
Bodge it and scarper comes to mind. But we'll done on the penny fix! 😁
We inherited our fridge with the house - owners left it behind. Within days we knew why - the alarm telling you the fridge door is open was going off constantly, even when it was firmly closed. Eventually we had to do some 'engineering'. The door has dropped slightly so it wasn't hitting the catch at the top that turns the alarm off. I sellotaped a stack of pennies to the top of the door where the catch is and that worked perfectly!

That was just coming up 10 years ago now. Still using the same fridge with the same stack of pennies sellotaped to the top of the door. :LOL:
There's nothing more permanent than a temporary fix that works.
We inherited our fridge with the house - owners left it behind. Within days we knew why - the alarm telling you the fridge door is open was going off constantly, even when it was firmly closed. Eventually we had to do some 'engineering'. The door has dropped slightly so it wasn't hitting the catch at the top that turns the alarm off. I sellotaped a stack of pennies to the top of the door where the catch is and that worked perfectly!

That was just coming up 10 years ago now. Still using the same fridge with the same stack of pennies sellotaped to the top of the door. :LOL:
If it's an integrated fridge freezer, and most probably slider mounts, it sound like the door hinge bearing has worn out on the lower hinge and the door is only being held on by the slider mounts. If that what it is, at some point the door will fall off when you open it.:)
If it's an integrated fridge freezer, and most probably slider mounts, it sound like the door hinge bearing has worn out on the lower hinge and the door is only being held on by the slider mounts. If that what it is, at some point the door will fall off when you open it.:)
Altogether now .....
"Always look on the bright side of life
Da da, da da da da da.."
Just a little handy hint.
Freeze an egg cup full of water and put a penny on it.
Next time there is a power cut, if the penny is still on top of the ice, you're good to go.
If the penny is underneath the ice in the egg cup, the food is no good as it has thawed out and then re-frozen.
If it's an integrated fridge freezer, and most probably slider mounts, it sound like the door hinge bearing has worn out on the lower hinge and the door is only being held on by the slider mounts. If that what it is, at some point the door will fall off when you open it.:)
Well it's lasted us a decade this way, so when it eventually happens we'll treat ourselves to a nice new fridge. 😁