Olympics - Paris 2024


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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Of all the sports I've watched none epitomizes the Olympic spirit better than Skateboarding, where it seems to me that it is "the ride" and the collective appreciation of the efforts of others, the camaraderie, that is more important, than the winning or losing.

This was especially true of the ladies yesterday, where every competitor wore beaming smiles irrespective of whether they'd stacked face first into the bowl or completed their runs in style.

There was no fear shown by anyone, no defensiveness, no attempt to consolidate a position just a desire to entertain and put it all out there, skate to the limit and enjoy and revel in the success of others....and for a 51 year old to drop, hell there's hope for us all....I've been inspired...might have to dig out my old board from the back of the garage... once I've updated my life insurance.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Of all the sports I've watched none epitomizes the Olympic spirit better than Skateboarding, where it seems to me that it is "the ride" and the collective appreciation of the efforts of others, the camaraderie, that is more important, than the winning or losing.

This was especially true of the ladies yesterday, where every competitor wore beaming smiles irrespective of whether they'd stacked face first into the bowl or completed their runs in style.

There was no fear shown by anyone, no defensiveness, no attempt to consolidate a position just a desire to entertain and put it all out there, skate to the limit and enjoy and revel in the success of others....and for a 51 year old to drop, hell there's hope for us all....I've been inspired...might have to dig out my old board from the back of the garage... once I've updated my life insurance.

I really got into it as a kid when it first came over from the USA and was really popular. Used to be a decent skatepark at Wicksteed Park and my Dad took me there regularly. I've been tempted to try it again but not enough to risk it!!


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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I really got into it as a kid when it first came over from the USA and was really popular. Used to be a decent skatepark at Wicksteed Park and my Dad took me there regularly. I've been tempted to try it again but not enough to risk it!!
Never had skateparks where in lived in the mid 70's.....you just found yourself a hill and pointed yourself downwards. You soon learned how to fall without hurting yourself. Me and my mates we used to do tri-marans down the hill....three of us on two boards going down the hill....trouble was we had to negotiate a 90 degree left hander at a cross roads, the inside wall was pebble dashed - so the bloke on the inside got our only helmet...more than once we missed the corner and ended up sprawled across the road with the boards disappearing under the wheels of an oncoming car.....oh what fun we had, as Madness once sang.


May 11, 2024
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I generally thought short forms of a sport were meant to be more exciting. Think 2020, 7s , 5 a side and such.
But 3x3 basketball 😱😱what a load of rubbish that was.


Sep 11, 2011
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I really got into it as a kid when it first came over from the USA and was really popular. Used to be a decent skatepark at Wicksteed Park and my Dad took me there regularly. I've been tempted to try it again but not enough to risk it!!

I’ve still got the scars from my skateboard accidents. Loved it. But these guys are phenomenal. 52 and still doing it. What a guy!