Not sleeping before playing EARLY golf. Suggestions please!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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I tend to play golf around 2 particular times. Around 9.a.m not early I know and around 11 a.m.

We go to bed around 11.30/12 and the course is 2.5 miles away 8 minutes max. When I play ‘early’ I set my clock, usually not necessary as I am awake. These are usually roll ups in Winter and Comps. in Summer. It is NOT nerves and the games are not that important even the medals as I do not suffer from nerves.

However for the earlier slot I struggle to sleep and wake up 2/3 times during the night.

Any body else ”suffer” this way and any suggestions please?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I tend to play golf around 2 particular times. Around 9.a.m not early I know and around 11 a.m.

We go to bed around 11.30/12 and the course is 2.5 miles away 8 minutes max. When I play ‘early’ I set my clock, usually not necessary as I am awake. These are usually roll ups in Winter and Comps. in Summer. It is NOT nerves and the games are not that important even the medals as I do not suffer from nerves.

However for the earlier slot I struggle to sleep and wake up 2/3 times during the night.

Any body else ”suffer” this way and any suggestions please?
Only two to three times, Luxury....


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I knew a guy that really suffered with this, he was obsessed with the game and would be up at 5am before games. He even got DQ a few times as on the old Torvean he lived close by and got caught paying before the comp. Alas he is no longer with us.


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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I suffer with the same thing, very annoying. I think it’s more through concern that I’ll sleep through my alarm (couldn’t tell you the last time I slept through my alarm, if ever!) than excitement or nerves as I play every week. Definitely worse in summer though as it starts getting light from 4-5am, the body clock must sense it and start waking me up.

Do you drink much alcohol? I notice that my sleep is terrible when I’ve had a few drinks. I fall asleep quickly but wake up early, read that it’s dehydration and so I’ve started to drink water/squash an hour before I go to bed…of course that then means that I’m more likely to need a jimmy in the night, but I definitely sleep better overall.


Nov 16, 2011
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I tend to play golf around 2 particular times. Around 9.a.m not early I know and around 11 a.m.

We go to bed around 11.30/12 and the course is 2.5 miles away 8 minutes max. When I play ‘early’ I set my clock, usually not necessary as I am awake. These are usually roll ups in Winter and Comps. in Summer. It is NOT nerves and the games are not that important even the medals as I do not suffer from nerves.

However for the earlier slot I struggle to sleep and wake up 2/3 times during the night.

Any body else ”suffer” this way and any suggestions please?
I'm one! And I know several others who do too, so pretty common for 'body clock' to override 'arrangements' to attempt to ensure punctuality. Unfortunately, it can have the opposite effect!


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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I get this as well. Does not wash with the missus when i say I need to sleep after and could she have the 7 month old a little bit longer when I've just got home ?

I've put it down to my body trying to ensure punctuality. Same thing used to happen before exams.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Try turning off TV and tablet 30 minutes before bed to give your eyes and brain a rest from stimuli. Avoid using the phone too.
Avoid too much alcohol before bedtime, if possible.
I'm the same as you, and often it's subconsciously not wanting to sleep through the alarm as Timd77 and others have said.
Finally, there's a great app called rainrain, which had sound effects of rain, running water, sea lapping the shore, etc. I sometimes put that on for 5-10 minutes to calm my mind. Really soothing.

Deleted member 3432

Kip in the car in the car park, done it many times after a night shift ????????????
Can't contemplate playing after night shift, maybe go and hit a few balls in the afternoon but usually hit it crap ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I find having an early night with the misses helps me sleep through undisturbed, it also helps with a smooth swing on the first tee and not an action Jackson burst of energy trying to drive the ball miles!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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I suffer with the same thing, very annoying. I think it’s more through concern that I’ll sleep through my alarm (couldn’t tell you the last time I slept through my alarm, if ever!) than excitement or nerves as I play every week. Definitely worse in summer though as it starts getting light from 4-5am, the body clock must sense it and start waking me up.

Do you drink much alcohol? I notice that my sleep is terrible when I’ve had a few drinks. I fall asleep quickly but wake up early, read that it’s dehydration and so I’ve started to drink water/squash an hour before I go to bed…of course that then means that I’m more likely to need a jimmy in the night, but I definitely sleep better overall.
I am not teetotal by any means and agree I sleep better when I do not have a couple of glasses of wines.