Not sleeping before playing EARLY golf. Suggestions please!

When I wake up I stay awake for 1/2 hours and cannot get back to sleep

I have spent many a night watching a film between 3 and 4 in the morning. First thing I do when I truly cannot back to sleep after the usual early morning bathroom visit is to have some hot cocoa and put on some music. I can rarely go to sleep in the first place when it is totally silent the mind becomes too active so I nearly always have music on with a timer set.
If I only woke 2 or 3 times a night that would be a good nights sleep for me. I must be the worlds worst sleeper. Missis Ts mate bought me a book a couple of Xmases ago. It was shocking. Ave had pillow sprays. I even spoke to a woman on holiday who advised me that when you go to bed. Start at your toes and work up to your head saying in your head, “ I love my toes”’, I love my feet, ankles etc, etc. I said in my head “ I love my meta tarsals”, I then found i was winding myself up thinking who the bloody hell is lay in bed loving his meat tarsals Apart from me.?
If you find owt that works let us know.
I was recommended melatonin when I was over in Vegas for work and had really bad jet lag. Found that helped me fall asleep but feel alert the next day unlike when I tried Night Kalms. Now take half a 3mg tablet if I know my mind will be racing and that seems to be enough.
If I only woke 2 or 3 times a night that would be a good nights sleep for me. I must be the worlds worst sleeper. Missis Ts mate bought me a book a couple of Xmases ago. It was shocking. Ave had pillow sprays. I even spoke to a woman on holiday who advised me that when you go to bed. Start at your toes and work up to your head saying in your head, “ I love my toes”’, I love my feet, ankles etc, etc. I said in my head “ I love my meta tarsals”, I then found i was winding myself up thinking who the bloody hell is lay in bed loving his meat tarsals Apart from me.?
If you find owt that works let us know.
I can just imagine you going, "I love my tibia, I love my fibia". I did use this for a while and had a degree of success for a while
Don’t fight it. Have an afternoon nap after playing.
In my years of shiftwork, I've found that this is pretty much the best advice. Sleep isn't something that can be conciously controlled - take all the sensible precautions and then just be accepting of what turns up.

The non-obvious thing I've also found is to listen to really dull podcasts that you have a passing interest in. It stops the inner dialogue getting too excitable by giving the brain something else to do. Fortunately, most golf pods are ideal for this...
Another tip from me, listen to podcasts, it’s like having a bedtime story, usually gets me to sleep within 15-20 mins.
Playing at sunrise today so aiming to get to the course 8 minutes away for 7:35

Been awake since 4:00 , now 4:45 downstairs with a cuppa and the TV is rubbish
This happens to me … I think it is a subconscious fear that one will sleep too well and not wake up in time, even with the alarm set. Fortunately, the lack of sleep doesn’t seem to adversely affect my game … not that it is great at the best of times. ?
Amazing how much good TV is on around 3.00-4.00am. When my mental health was really bad and I couldn't sleep I'd simply come downstairs with a cup of tea and watched TV.

Some of the films I have watched in the early hours and thoroughly enjoyed have not been films I would have chosen in the evening.