Intelligent golf.

Your club will set what they want. It takes time to get the right balance.

We open it at 19.00 Friday night for 2 weekends time.

Hopefully we are going to a week booking. We get far too many people booking then cancelling. Most people know what they are doing the following weekend.

There was a whole tee time not taken 2 slots in front of us on Sunday.

This is what happens when people block book weeks ahead then 3-4 people don’t turn up without letting anyone know, as a chap in the slot before that came in the pro shop and said there’s a free tee as he had some no shows!

What he expected anyone to do with 8 minutes notice begs belief.

I think a weeks notice is more than enough for all clubs, because as you say, you pretty much know what your doing the following weekend.

My home club only allows you to book 1 tee time and add 3 ‘buddies’, although we only book for comps, I think this is sensible and cuts out lots of potential no shows.
There was a whole tee time not taken 2 slots in front of us on Sunday.

This is what happens when people block book weeks ahead then 3-4 people don’t turn up without letting anyone know, as a chap in the slot before that came in the pro shop and said there’s a free tee as he had some no shows!

What he expected anyone to do with 8 minutes notice begs belief.

I think a weeks notice is more than enough for all clubs, because as you say, you pretty much know what your doing the following weekend.

My home club only allows you to book 1 tee time and add 3 ‘buddies’, although we only book for comps, I think this is sensible and cuts out lots of potential no shows.
It’s on my hit list to eliminate wasted tee times.

We just need to educate some members. I agree 16 mins notice is just poor.

One group in front of us had two tee times and only used one ?
It’s on my hit list to eliminate wasted tee times.

We just need to educate some members. I agree 16 mins notice is just poor.

One group in front of us had two tee times and only used one ?

Can I chuck a real grenade into the conversation. Why do clubs persevere with tee times and do you still need to book a time if you want to play after work. What happens if I sit in the office and decide I fancy a few holes about 5.30-6.00. Would I be expected to still book a slot or does common sense prevail and turn up at that time and go out? If so what is the difference between that and doing the same at 9.00am? Interested to see why clubs insist on members in particular booking a slot and how as per Glyn's post you then go about trying to eliminate wastage and surely then take it on a stage further and get rid altogether
Can I chuck a real grenade into the conversation. Why do clubs persevere with tee times and do you still need to book a time if you want to play after work. What happens if I sit in the office and decide I fancy a few holes about 5.30-6.00. Would I be expected to still book a slot or does common sense prevail and turn up at that time and go out? If so what is the difference between that and doing the same at 9.00am? Interested to see why clubs insist on members in particular booking a slot and how as per Glyn's post you then go about trying to eliminate wastage and surely then take it on a stage further and get rid altogether

You could/can get away with that possibly at a less attractive and sort after course, but it simply wouldn’t work at somewhere like Woodhall and specifically for the Hotchkin imo.

I’m sure, as I’ve witnessed it’s quieter in the afternoon and early evening, in the winter but more busier in the summer, but a quick call to the pro shop whilst your at work to see if the tee is quiet is no real hardship, rather than turn up and potentially wait in a queue behind loads of others!
Can I chuck a real grenade into the conversation. Why do clubs persevere with tee times and do you still need to book a time if you want to play after work. What happens if I sit in the office and decide I fancy a few holes about 5.30-6.00. Would I be expected to still book a slot or does common sense prevail and turn up at that time and go out? If so what is the difference between that and doing the same at 9.00am? Interested to see why clubs insist on members in particular booking a slot and how as per Glyn's post you then go about trying to eliminate wastage and surely then take it on a stage further and get rid altogether

Totally understand your question.

We only have online booking at weekends from 07.00-14.00 as that’s when booking is needed, we can’t afford to have 40 people turn up on the tee as it’s just cringe and creates such a bad feeling.

Visitors are booked in the afternoons along with members and that works very well and that’s controlled through our booking office, we only do the online tee times so no one needs to turn up or no one needs to call us, its also everyone gets the same treatment in regards to booking as it’s opens at 19.00 and all tee times are available to book.

From 15.30 we have no booking policy at all, its turn up and play on both courses as we generally get no visitors after 15.00.

Same as weekdays, it’s a free tee after 16.00 and usually millionaires golf.
One can just "walk on" most of our public courses in my area, at least on weekdays. Pretty much the same thing for members at our club, again on weekdays. Just show up and tee it up. Seniors don't warm up on the practice tee. They just play.
Can I chuck a real grenade into the conversation. Why do clubs persevere with tee times and do you still need to book a time if you want to play after work. What happens if I sit in the office and decide I fancy a few holes about 5.30-6.00. Would I be expected to still book a slot or does common sense prevail and turn up at that time and go out? If so what is the difference between that and doing the same at 9.00am? Interested to see why clubs insist on members in particular booking a slot and how as per Glyn's post you then go about trying to eliminate wastage and surely then take it on a stage further and get rid altogether
"Clubs" do what the members request.
We use BRS. Any time you can check on course booked status. If you want to play late afternoon and it looks busy, book a time. If it looks empty, just turn up and play when the tee is free.
This seems fairly obvious and sensible to me.
Shame the thread title is misleading as the topic is really just about online booking whereas IG is a lot more than that, encompassing competitions, handicaps, tee booking, news, messaging and probably more.
I can’t see the problem with a club having a booking system, used properly it also provides information and reports on tee usage in a number of guises, by member, by day, times etc.
I could‘t be a member of a club that only operates ’turn up and play’, having to “get there early“ (as I was advised by a friend who is a member of a club with no booking or reservation system) to join the queue, or not knowing if it’s going to be busy.
"Clubs" do what the members request.

Is that really true though and are you talking about a private members club in particular? we have no desire to introduce booking times and the majority love the flexibility of turning up and going out. It has been mooted a few times about tee times especially now we are on some of these tee booking sites (Teeofftimes etc) but always been turned down flat by members. Are you referring solely to booking times or do you think clubs really bow down to what members request?
we have no desire to introduce booking times and the majority love the flexibility of turning up and going out. It has been mooted a few times about tee times especially now we are on some of these tee booking sites (Teeofftimes etc) but always been turned down flat by members.
So how does that work then?
"Clubs" do what the members request.
Most likely only to happen at members clubs.
My experience of proprietary clubs is that they will do firstly what suits them best as a business, whilst "taking account" of members requests but by by no means "doing" what the members want.
So how does that work then?

Visitors wanting to use the sites to book will be forced to select a tee time by default. When they arrive at the club to pay the fee the pro shop will advise them that there is not definitive time so 2.08 for example can be go off as early as you want or may be 2.20 depending on who is on the tee at the time. Not ideal but I understand from talking to members of the committee (but stand to be corrected) that these sites won't offer a booking option without a tee time. It become a catch 22 for the club who want to use the sites so visitors know we do offer green fees but then causes untold grief for the shop and office staff. Personally I'd rather we didn't use the sites at all but understand why we look for revenue income from visitors
I've never used any of these TeeOffTimes or similar sites so thought I'd have a look.
Checking the Terms and Conditions reveals that I am entering into a contract between myself and the Golf Club, the site is facilitating this process.
It also reveals that "The tee time you book is an estimate only. Neither we nor the Golf Course guarantee that you will tee off at the time you have booked and will not be responsible for any delay."
OK, I understand that anywhere no tee time is literally guaranteed, but it would seem that I can happily book a time of say 2.08 and find that the course is so busy that I may not get off for another hour or so and with respect, I don't think I would be happy with that nor think very highly of the golf club that I believe I entered into a contract with.
Interestingly, checking out Royal Ascot, there is no saving in using TeeOffTimes, the rates are the same as the clubs Green Fees, but the Clubs 'book direct, click here' link doesn't work.
I've never used any of these TeeOffTimes or similar sites so thought I'd have a look.
Checking the Terms and Conditions reveals that I am entering into a contract between myself and the Golf Club, the site is facilitating this process.
It also reveals that "The tee time you book is an estimate only. Neither we nor the Golf Course guarantee that you will tee off at the time you have booked and will not be responsible for any delay."
OK, I understand that anywhere no tee time is literally guaranteed, but it would seem that I can happily book a time of say 2.08 and find that the course is so busy that I may not get off for another hour or so and with respect, I don't think I would be happy with that nor think very highly of the golf club that I believe I entered into a contract with.
Interestingly, checking out Royal Ascot, there is no saving in using TeeOffTimes, the rates are the same as the clubs Green Fees, but the Clubs 'book direct, click here' link doesn't work.

Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware the rate was the same so I'll mention that. I clicked on the book direct tab and it took me to email with the club office email on it. I am up there on Friday so I'll pop in the office and provide your feedback.
Can I chuck a real grenade into the conversation. Why do clubs persevere with tee times and do you still need to book a time if you want to play after work. What happens if I sit in the office and decide I fancy a few holes about 5.30-6.00. Would I be expected to still book a slot or does common sense prevail and turn up at that time and go out? If so what is the difference between that and doing the same at 9.00am? Interested to see why clubs insist on members in particular booking a slot and how as per Glyn's post you then go about trying to eliminate wastage and surely then take it on a stage further and get rid altogether
I've never understood the anti booking brigade. I often go out after work in the summer. I could just rock up but it takes me seconds to look at the Club V1 app on my phone or computer to see if anyone is playing and book a slot. Once you book that slot is yours. If I turn up and find 2 groups walking onto the tee at my time I can legitimately ask them to step aside. No waiting, that time is mine, guaranteed. What is the downside of that? I've played at a club without a booking system, although interestingly it has now brought BRS in, and the amount of time wasted waiting to go out was one of the main reasons I decided to leave.

If clubs have problems with wasted slots then they should deal with the offenders, bring in a protocol.
I've never understood the anti booking brigade. I often go out after work in the summer. I could just rock up but it takes me seconds to look at the Club V1 app on my phone or computer to see if anyone is playing and book a slot. Once you book that slot is yours. If I turn up and find 2 groups walking onto the tee at my time I can legitimately ask them to step aside. No waiting, that time is mine, guaranteed. What is the downside of that? I've played at a club without a booking system, although interestingly it has now brought BRS in, and the amount of time wasted waiting to go out was one of the main reasons I decided to leave.

If clubs have problems with wasted slots then they should deal with the offenders, bring in a protocol.

I guess it depends on the club. Normally our club has 3 starting points. As such, unless it is a competition which do need booking, you can pretty much turn up at any time and head straight out on one of the loops of 9. That said, we are a members club with no visitors at weekends and so booking is less important. That said, over the last month, the weather has reduced us to a composite course of 9 holes with only one start point. That has resulted of queues on the first tee of up to an hour for most of the morning. If that were the situation every week then I would be more than happy to have a booking system in place.
I've never used any of these TeeOffTimes or similar sites so thought I'd have a look.
Checking the Terms and Conditions reveals that I am entering into a contract between myself and the Golf Club, the site is facilitating this process.
It also reveals that "The tee time you book is an estimate only. Neither we nor the Golf Course guarantee that you will tee off at the time you have booked and will not be responsible for any delay."
OK, I understand that anywhere no tee time is literally guaranteed, but it would seem that I can happily book a time of say 2.08 and find that the course is so busy that I may not get off for another hour or so and with respect, I don't think I would be happy with that nor think very highly of the golf club that I believe I entered into a contract with.
Interestingly, checking out Royal Ascot, there is no saving in using TeeOffTimes, the rates are the same as the clubs Green Fees, but the Clubs 'book direct, click here' link doesn't work.

If a club has tee times were you are teeing off an hour late, there is exceptional circumstances for that to happen. If it is a regular occurrence the club has major problem. Never been longer than 5 mins wait on our first tee and I will bet that was years ago.
After all me whinging about tee times, sent a txt to PPs to say I was going an hour early to see if it is quiet due to weather and we might get out, got to course at 10.25. I was informed that the 10.00, 10.24 and 10.40 rptee times had been cancelled that morning. ???Grrrrrr.
we were told that as all three of us were there at 10.45 to go straight out. There were 6 waiting on the first tee. We went to the 10th, played half a hole and two guys were stood on the tee behind so we let them through. They got to green and a 3 ball were stood on the tee. So we picked up and played half of the 18th, walked across to the 15 th and played 15-18. Then two holes on the par three and said stuff it when the rain was coming sideways. Only positive found about 20odd balls between us.
Is that really true though and are you talking about a private members club in particular? we have no desire to introduce booking times and the majority love the flexibility of turning up and going out. It has been mooted a few times about tee times especially now we are on some of these tee booking sites (Teeofftimes etc) but always been turned down flat by members. Are you referring solely to booking times or do you think clubs really bow down to what members request?
You do have booking times at weekends for roll ups, you said it’s on the website, therefore, only people wishing to play in said roll ups will turn up at that time, members who would like to play at that time and not in the roll up are denied those times!
It seems to me your roll ups are a powerful clique and are probably the main protagonists against a booking system being brought in.