Looking for Membership at a sensible price in surrey (Woking)


Medal Winner
Nov 17, 2016
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Nice course West Byfleet played it dozens of times over the years. I see there doing a winter membership but until they look at dropping the joining fee that is out of my league in regards joining.


Medal Winner
Nov 17, 2016
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Unfortunately no straightforward way of getting to Ascot. Unless i move in with my girlfiend who lives in Windsor a non starter for me.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I'll be joining somewhere in January in the Guildford/Woking are and Merrist was on the short list, I've got a couple of mates there and went for a round about 3 weeks ago. Was really excited to be playing it, will give my honest opinion...

Practice area - Very good. You can hit full shots up to driver, grass range, free balls. Short game area impressive too.
Holes - Some good variety. Nothing gimmicky other than 1 stupidly long par 4.
Clubhouse - typical Crown course, very welcoming, Sky TV, decent enough food.
Membership seemed a good mix of ages and friendly enough.

It had rained heavily for 1 day 48 hours before and WOW! Parts of the course were just a complete bog. I had been warned that it can get like that but was surprised how wet it was underfoot with very little rain. Can only imagine how bad it might get with a bit more rain. On the flip side, AFAIK (2nd hand info) they dont water the fairways in summer so you get the complete opposite - huge unpredictable bounces which would actually help with the length on some holes.
Greens - They had been spiked so were a complete lottery, but didnt look in the greatest condition anyway.
Bunkers - Without doubt the worst I have ever played in. The bunkers alone would prevent me from joining, they really were that bad.
Fairways - pretty long and hadnt been cut for a while, not much distinction between fairway and first cut (probably a protection against the wetness)

I'm not too sure where your coming from and how far you're prepared to travel or spend, but 10 minutes either side are Guildford and Puttenham (no affiliation to either) which are members courses and IMO much better options. Farnham also a lovely course.

Played another on the list a few days later and it was night and day - bone dry, decent bunkers, fantastic greens, immaculate fairways, greenkeepers everywhere removing leaves etc. Hopefully will be joining in the new year but its more in the Woking area so maybe out of your way.

As @TD has spelled things out aas he sees them - if I can add something also. We had a dozen Merrist Wood members move to us as a group a couple of years back. Course Condition was I think the main issue. Now things may have improved considerably since then - and hope we are not peeing on your bonfire...but you may as well know.


Medal Winner
Nov 17, 2016
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sorry i just went back over the thread and see youve already said.....i was previously a member at Farnham before they moved the pro shop


Head Pro
May 18, 2009
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Nice course West Byfleet played it dozens of times over the years. I see there doing a winter membership but until they look at dropping the joining fee that is out of my league in regards joining.

I was a member at West Byfleet a few years ago. As an under 35 golfer, this place doesn't cater for you. Loved the course but an older and more traditional membership. Which is fine, but not for me.

I was also a member at Clandon Regis 10 years ago when my subs were only £325!! I'd put this course on par with Merrist Wood and the membership is extremely friendly. Built on clay though.

Nice problem to have choosing a club in the Guildford/Woking area... so many top quality places, and so many very good places. The 3 'W's' are right up there.


i think everything covered already.. I am also Woking based, so happy to see a lot of new faces around. I have been a member at Hoebridge and Merrist Wood over the past 2 years.

1) Hoebridge: Great course, gets very busy. It is playable all year round. It is not a club, as the membership is a small part of the actual traffic that goes thru it. Having said that, the club captain and others take an effort to make you welcome. You can sign up for the monthly comps and you will be paired up with someone and it is generally a good pairing. Very easy going and you can finish and catch a cup of tea with them at the end. I have a similar aged son who took to the game, and as a member I used to take him to the Maybury and Shey courses which he loves. So this might just work. Due to the amount of traffic they get, they however dont do much discounts and that can be a pain. Also, you can play at reduced rates at other Burhill courses, but these are a bit of a trek from Woking and I have never used it.

2) Merrist Wood: I must say i prefer the MW course to Hoebridge course. On weekend mornings, it is relatively empty and you can rock up for a game. However, in the 14 months i spent there, I did not meet a single club member. Everyone has their own clique and as I am a "car park golfer", i would zip in and out. You can put down your name on the sheet for the comp and it is likely that no one will add their names. Luckily we joined as a group and so we could rock up as a group. Did not renew my membership even though there are a few deals around. The course gets a pounding during winter, so play is fairly restricted. As it is part of Crown, you can play other course along with it. We played Pine Ridge and Milford a few times when MW is boggy. I am told Crown has a decent junior section, but never tried it. You could consider joining Pine Ridge and then playing MW on your card.

Finally, As my game can be overshadowed by the need to go to birthday parties and then sometimes taking nipper to golf, I choose to use the associate member of Hoebridge where you pay a reduced fee everytime you play. That way i dont have pay the initial outlay which I cant justify to HID.

hope that helps,


Medal Winner
Nov 17, 2016
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i was checking various local courses online today just to see how they cope with heavy overnight rain. This is another consideration for which course to join.

North Hants - Closed
Army GC - Closed
Farnham - Closed
East Berks - Open no trolleys
Puttenham - 13 holes open trolleys allowed
Merrist Wood - Open with no restrictions

Maybe playing on a boggy course is better than not playing at all.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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i was checking various local courses online today just to see how they cope with heavy overnight rain. This is another consideration for which course to join.

North Hants - Closed
Army GC - Closed
Farnham - Closed
East Berks - Open no trolleys
Puttenham - 13 holes open trolleys allowed
Merrist Wood - Open with no restrictions

Maybe playing on a boggy course is better than not playing at all.
Alternatively with the amout of rain perhaps some clubs are protecting their courses, where as others are not bothered. ;)Just a thought, though mine was open and trollies/buggies were allowed.:whistle:


Medal Winner
Nov 17, 2016
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That could be true granted. For me though i rather get out on a course and play how much damage is really likely to occur. The most damage ive ever seen is from the green keepers vehicles that weigh about 100 times an electric trolley.

Blackmoor would have been worth the 30 minute drive if they would do away with the joining fee.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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That could be true granted. For me though i rather get out on a course and play how much damage is really likely to occur. The most damage ive ever seen is from the green keepers vehicles that weigh about 100 times an electric trolley.

Blackmoor would have been worth the 30 minute drive if they would do away with the joining fee.
Don't quote me on it, but I had a feeling that if you went to an open day they did a deal/abolish the joining fee. It was the case a while back and I think Hawkeye joined on that basis.

It may have changed now though as I think we might be full, or very close to being. With the army moving out of Bordon, and a lot of new houses being built I think the days of getting straight in the club may be over.

I assume you are over 40, as under 40 you do not pay a joining fee.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 23, 2015
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i was checking various local courses online today just to see how they cope with heavy overnight rain. This is another consideration for which course to join.

North Hants - Closed
Army GC - Closed
Farnham - Closed
East Berks - Open no trolleys
Puttenham - 13 holes open trolleys allowed
Merrist Wood - Open with no restrictions

Maybe playing on a boggy course is better than not playing at all.

The difference between those is that one is a commercial enterprise, looking to maximise profit from its golfers and will therefore stay open 99% of the time regardless of damage it will do to the course whereas the others are private clubs existing for the benefit of its members and take a different view to protecting the course and getting it through winter in best possible shape.

If you're looking for somewhere open every day then definitely look at clubs like MW, Hoebridge etc.

Deleted member 21258

I remember playing Merrist Wood a few times over 2-3 years, when it was owed by the Essex Golf Group(ran Garons in Southend, Hainualt Forest and Merrist Wood), probably 12-15 years ago now.

The first time I went there I remember driving down the 'driveway' and opening up the window to take in the atmosphere, little realising what was to come. Nice easy opening drive, but got onto the 1st Green and the greens were like velvet, you could feel the silkiness under foot, I actually bent down upon walking on them to feel them with my hand, OMG there were nice greens and the roll on them was a thing of beauty. Oh yeah my playing partner did call me various things including nutter:rofl:

Sadly after this first visit, I was told they got a greens disease and the following year when we returned they never felt the same, hope it wasnt something I did!

Reading the posts above about Merrist Wood, would love to go back there, I loved the course layout with some right cracking holes and some great memories with a good friend, who is sadly no longer in living in the UK. Lovely course.


i was checking various local courses online today just to see how they cope with heavy overnight rain. This is another consideration for which course to join.

North Hants - Closed
Army GC - Closed
Farnham - Closed
East Berks - Open no trolleys
Puttenham - 13 holes open trolleys allowed
Merrist Wood - Open with no restrictions

Maybe playing on a boggy course is better than not playing at all.

I was at MW last weekend, 'played' about 9 ish holes... the course is open with no restrictions, but lots of areas are fenced off for buggies and trollies, so they try and keep you away from most of the boggy areas. Unfortunately the balls dont follow the same logic and end up in the boggy bits, so you have to trample down that path. It is winter rules at the moment.
Last year deeper into the winter, they will fence off even more areas and provide drop zones so you wont be able to play everywhere..

Hosel Fade

Tour Rookie
Apr 26, 2016
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I was a member at West Byfleet a few years ago. As an under 35 golfer, this place doesn't cater for you. Loved the course but an older and more traditional membership. Which is fine, but not for me.

I was also a member at Clandon Regis 10 years ago when my subs were only £325!! I'd put this course on par with Merrist Wood and the membership is extremely friendly. Built on clay though.

Nice problem to have choosing a club in the Guildford/Woking area... so many top quality places, and so many very good places. The 3 'W's' are right up there.

This is what I found when enquiring there, average age must be right up there