How many will submit “Qualfying Cards”

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Will you submit cards outside of Comps and how many

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Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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And in some cases it's likely to be the other way around too.
Nobody should have any issues with any of this as long as the non competition rounds that are entered are done properly - and as we're all golfers and its a game of integrity ( barring the miniscule number who dice with the rules anyway) we should, when playing card in hand for handicapping, play to the best of our ability on that day.
And when we're not we can do what we want and go for that gap..
Simply...every round can be competitive if you choose it to be and if you do, play like its competitive.

I am quite happy for others to put in however many cards they want, just stop trying to force me too.
If my club try to enforce putting roll up cards in, I will probably end up leaving the club. I won't enjoy playing pretty much every round under scoring conditions. It's not what I play golf for.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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No, it shouldn't. It would not reflect playing well, it would reflect a heck of a lot of luck. That is totally different, and is not sustainable. Perhaps if WHS threw out your best 3, took the next 8, and binned the last 9, that would make more sense, but to include a flash round built on luck, no, not for me.
And if it was completely based upon luck and you don't do it again or if there are no other similar scores in your 8, then the fluke round won't have much impact at all on your H/I. It'll only matter if you go on to shoot similar rounds - otherwise it's impact will be minimal and only last until it drops out of your 20.

However if there are other not dissimilar rounds in your 8 then maybe your 'fluke' round is not quite that - and who is to know what you will score in subsequent rounds. I see absolutely no reason for your H/I to not reflect your best golf in any form of individual competitive context regardless of your mindset when setting out and how you approach your play. During the round you don't need to care one iota what you end up scoring - but in the end a score in a competitive context is just that, and we can celebrate their happening, and they should be included in your H/I calculation. I just don't get the concern or issue.
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Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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I am quite happy for others to put in however many cards they want, just stop trying to force me too.
If my club try to enforce putting roll up cards in, I will probably end up leaving the club. I won't enjoy playing pretty much every round under scoring conditions. It's not what I play golf for.

I'm not sure anyone is forcing you. This arouse from you saying a member "had no clue" because he has handed in cards every round. He can do what he likes.

If I want to increase my handicap, I can do that it comps too, it's no different. It's all about integrity.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Yes, they had one last Saturday altho the rest planned for March have been postponed as trying to book times in 2 balls via HDID didn't go too well.

There were also several issues with folk not turning up to play with who they were booked with, in one case just heading out with their brother who they usually play with, other examples of others just walking on and playing without bookings etc., just the usual chaos we have come to expect since it's not been possible to have a proper starting and sign-in process with the shop being closed.

Travel restrictions isn't an issue for us as most members live close by and within our local council area.

We have several starters they are all volunteers and they get a small reduction in their memberships fees by way of a thankyou. They also act as course rangers checking membership tags etc.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Mate of mine plays off +1 but he sliced through the tendons in his hand 3 weeks ago. Unlikely he will be able to grip a club properly for 6 months so how does he get a handicap that reflects his current ability during the summer?

Put in a reasonable number of cards so that there are scores which show his current ability then request a handicap review giving the injury as the reason for the request.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I have not ever stated that people should not put cards in (as many as they want to), only ever that I don't want to, and it should not become compulsory, for roll ups etc.

There are some people who just don't seem to get that. They cannot understand that way of thinking, and are totally inflexible. It doesn't matter that only 8 out of 20 count, it won't change the fact that I, and some others don't see it that way, and probably never will.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2020
Visit site comes everyday when it’s not a competition (or raining) as I wouldn’t want to put other people off and he has the odd occasion of running off with balls! Where else would I want to take work calls than on the 7th fairway....if they go on too long I either ask them to wait while I play or just stick the phone on the ground and let them gabble on.....and how else do you see how the boys in front are scoring or share a pic of incredibly bad lie.

2 modes of golf - competition and then every day life in the fresh air......

You must mean playing on a local park or something! My mind would be blown ? if someone actually took a dog with them when they play on a proper golf course ? That and talking on a mobile at all. Why would anybody do that in reality.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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You must mean playing on a local park or something! My mind would be blown ? if someone actually took a dog with them when they play on a proper golf course ? That and talking on a mobile at all. Why would anybody do that in reality.
I've seen a dog with a golfer on a number of occasions. They have to be well trained but it is very possible. It's actually very relaxing to watch.

I've walked my dog on a course in the past whilst I played, hotel course, I knew I'd be the only one there. She careered around the place, totally out of control. Great fun but I never did it again.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I have not ever stated that people should not put cards in (as many as they want to), only ever that I don't want to, and it should not become compulsory, for roll ups etc.

There are some people who just don't seem to get that. They cannot understand that way of thinking, and are totally inflexible. It doesn't matter that only 8 out of 20 count, it won't change the fact that I, and some others don't see it that way, and probably never will.
...and so if your club does as mine has done, and determines that - for WHS to work as best it can for all - the bigger individual rollups organised in the club (not necessarily by the club) will be deemed to be counting rounds for WHS purposes.

Would you stop playing in them or leave your club; or would you shrug and say - well I'm not bothered that my regular friendly rollup round is now deemed counting I'm just going to play it as I always have. If I have to tap in gimmies then so be it - if I miss some through carelessness I'm not going to be bothered. Because that's what we're gong to be doing. If any of us wants to take a rollup round seriously then they can - doesn't change my approach.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
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I often play extremely competitive ‘bounce‘ games with my mates where my sole intention is to play 1 shot better than them nett on each hole. I don’t care what my individual score is as I am not playing against myself or a field of other players, I am playing against my mate. If I have to just knock one up the middle with an iron as he has hit it OB, I will. If I have to try and hole a chip for a half I’ll take a risk and do so - something I would never do if I was playing to achieve my best individual strokeplay score.
If I’m playing 4BB or 2 scores out of three, then my focus on my individual total score is even more lessened and I will play very differently - no way would I submit these scores as they do not demonstrate my ability in individual strokeplay.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
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Also when we play 4BB or bowmaker bounce games there is nothing worse than players solely playing for their own score and not for the team - taking ages deliberating over a 1 point putt when the team already has two 3 pointers in the bag. Someone desperately grinding out a 8 nett 6 for a point when we have already won the hole with a birdie doesn’t make a good bounce game.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Will be interesting to see how this develops. Previously (in the days when golf was permitted) every Saturday was a formal competition. It was recognised that folk who worked for a living and could only play Saturdays, might not want to play a qualifier every time they played, so there was no requirement to enter the comp, but you could still play on Saturday. The only stipulation was that you played in a format that would not disrupt the comp.

I expect that this will continue regardless of WHS. Covid has seen off "roll-ups" for now and all times are booked on line. (we didn't ever have tee bookings till recently) Seniors have qualifiers midweek and in the summer, there are mid week stablefords and medals. I hope putting in cards is optional.

I suspect WHS gives more clarity and formal process to enter "additional scores" for handicap, but in general, I see clear blue water between comp golf and everything else, hope that continues.

Also when we play 4BB or bowmaker bounce games there is nothing worse than players solely playing for their own score and not for the team - taking ages deliberating over a 1 point putt when the team already has two 3 pointers in the bag. Someone desperately grinding out a 8 nett 6 for a point when we have already won the hole with a birdie doesn’t make a good bounce game.

And the above is the definitive reason why if the "COMP" is 4BBB or Bowmaker etc... folk must not be putting for a point when three have already been secured. Or shall we try and find additional ways to slow the game down?


Club Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Milton Keynes
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Yeah I definitely will be, I think in doing so it'll help me relax a bit more in competitions as I can put myself under a bit of pressure knowing that the score is counting.

Having to hole every putt, knowing each shot counts each time will put me in a better frame of mind when it comes to the real thing. I will class it as practicing with purpose.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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...and so if your club does as mine has done, and determines that - for WHS to work as best it can for all - the bigger individual rollups organised in the club (not necessarily by the club) will be deemed to be counting rounds for WHS purposes.

Would you stop playing in them or leave your club; or would you shrug and say - well I'm not bothered that my regular friendly rollup round is now deemed counting I'm just going to play it as I always have. If I have to tap in gimmies then so be it - if I miss some through carelessness I'm not going to be bothered. Because that's what we're gong to be doing. If any of us wants to take a rollup round seriously then they can - doesn't change my approach.

I would hope my club does not do this. I would think about leaving, yes, as for me, golf would cease to be fun. Either that, or I will forever be in front of the committee for not taking it seriously, because I won't. Trouble is, leave, and it could be introduced next place you join.
I like playing in the roll ups. I would not want to be a member that only plays with the same small group all the time. That is not club membership to me.

Gimmees never bother me. In general I am a good putter, and don't miss many short putts. My shots are wasted more by taking on silly shots long before I get near the green.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I would hope my club does not do this. I would think about leaving, yes, as for me, golf would cease to be fun. Either that, or I will forever be in front of the committee for not taking it seriously, because I won't. Trouble is, leave, and it could be introduced next place you join.
I like playing in the roll ups. I would not want to be a member that only plays with the same small group all the time. That is not club membership to me.

Gimmees never bother me. In general I am a good putter, and don't miss many short putts. My shots are wasted more by taking on silly shots long before I get near the green.
But you don't have to take a counting round seriously. You just don't - you just play it as you would have played it before WHS - just as much fun as before. If in my playing of a rollup round for fun, in the way I always have, I end up with me having a rubbish score, then it will just be one of the 12 in my 20 that won't count. In fact none of my rubbish rollup rounds might ever be in my best 8 - they'll never matter. And I suggest that nobody is ever going to be worried about your rubbish scores unless perhaps it becomes obvious that you are deliberately messing up rounds to avoid good scores. But I believe these are exceptions - always have been there and those who do it or are suspected of doing it are usually known.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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If in my playing of a rollup round for fun, in the way I always have, I end up with me having a rubbish score, then it will just be one of the 12 in my 20 that won't count. In fact none of my rubbish rollup rounds might ever be in my best 8 - they'll never matter.

Eh? What happens when you hit 13 rubbish roll-ups?