Golf Things That Gladden The Heart

We hold a pairs better ball stableford in spring, the top 5 teams qualify to play the captain & pro in a match.

We got the best score against them - meaning we get a complimentary trip to a "prestigious course" - believe it was Woburn last year!

We'd played the front 9 in July but lightning ended the day, A/S thru 9. We continued this morning... going birdie, net eagle, par, birdie, net eagle... to win 5&4 :cool:
My club is trying 10min tee time spacing for the medal tomorrow to see if, or how, that impacts average round duration. We have to record our start and end time on our card and on a sheet in the clubhouse foyer, plus we’ll have marshalling - actively chivying us along and suggesting call through if or when the marshall deems it appropriate. We did same last month but with our normal 8min tee time spacing. Club is aiming for every 3 ball getting round in about 3hr 50min. A very good thing.
My club is trying 10min tee time spacing for the medal tomorrow to see if, or how, that impacts average round duration. We have to record our start and end time on our card and on a sheet in the clubhouse foyer, plus we’ll have marshalling - actively chivying us along and suggesting call through if or when the marshall deems it appropriate. We did same last month but with our normal 8min tee time spacing. Club is aiming for every 3 ball getting round in about 3hr 50min. A very good thing.
Not sure about elapsed time but when my previous club did this it made a noticeable difference to how the comp rounds felt. Seemed to flow better.
But does need 1st tee discipline, not to tee off as soon as group in front are a yard out of range.
Not sure about elapsed time but when my previous club did this it made a noticeable difference to how the comp rounds felt. Seemed to flow better.
But does need 1st tee discipline, not to tee off as soon as group in front are a yard out of range.
Our 1st tee discipline is good. The nature of our 1st and 2nd holes rather demand it to be, and we know there is no point at all in us jumping the gun. All that that produces is waiting on 2nd, and bunching on 3rd.
Our 1st tee discipline is good. The nature of our 1st and 2nd holes rather demand it to be, and we know there is no point at all in us jumping the gun. All that that produces is waiting on 2nd, and bunching on 3rd.
Update on our 10min tee time spacing. Field was definitely less compressed and less pressured from behind and with very little waiting on the group ahead. Overall duration of the 3 player medal group round stayed about the same as tighter 8min tee times - 4hrs - but round was definitely more relaxed and so more enjoyable. Downside of course is that players at the back end of the field (size was the usual 105-115) we’re teeing off about 1:15pm cf midday with 8min spacing.
Update on our 10min tee time spacing. Field was definitely less compressed and less pressured from behind and with very little waiting on the group ahead. Overall duration of the 3 player medal group round stayed about the same as tighter 8min tee times - 4hrs - but round was definitely more relaxed and so more enjoyable. Downside of course is that players at the back end of the field (size was the usual 105-115) we’re teeing off about 1:15pm cf midday with 8min spacing.
After covid my club went to 10 minute spacing. It was glorious. Everything flowed, there was no bunching. Once the restrictions were loosened we went back to 8 minutes. For whatever psychological reasons, people then started going off slightly before their times, when golfers were out of range etc. The usual problems occurred. If your club can stick to 10 minute gaps then the rounds will be far more enjoyable. Shorter days do cause a problem however, it is not easy for a club to make that choice.
My club has ten minute gaps still, but you can only book on weekdays so it's worthless. On weekends it's three-tee start, just sign up in the pro shop when you arrive and out you go. The 1st is a long par 3 so I guess that spaces the groups out ok, but the other tees are either a par 5 or a short par 4 so it's back to waiting until people are just out of range and then hit.

(Edit: None of this gladdens my heart, but I was responding to the above messages.)
My club is trying 10min tee time spacing for the medal tomorrow to see if, or how, that impacts average round duration. We have to record our start and end time on our card and on a sheet in the clubhouse foyer, plus we’ll have marshalling - actively chivying us along and suggesting call through if or when the marshall deems it appropriate. We did same last month but with our normal 8min tee time spacing. Club is aiming for every 3 ball getting round in about 3hr 50min. A very good thing.
We went from alternate 7 and 8 minutes to 9 minutes a few years ago it made no difference whatsoever to the time taken on average Saturday round.
It just made it much more of a bunfight to get a tee time in winter.

What I see now is massive gaps on the first tee on some weekdays as 9 minutes is for a 4 ball as there are loads of 3 balls and 2 balls and lots go off as as it is clear to do so.
Trendy Golf only selling the new Travis Scott Nike golf shoes to golfers who can hit a drive over 200 yards, that's one way to stop people reselling, and should only go to golfers.
I can just see myself falling to pieces when faced with that test, a whole shop staff watching me. 😱
Been to the range at lunchtime having been watching a bit f the golf last night on TV, watching Tom Kim's swing re-emphasised to me having an outstretched/straight arm all way through the backswing (or that's how i think of it). Focussed on getting that feeling with driver at the range and got 10% improvement in average drive length. Think i've previously been focussed on 'doing' it rather than 'feeling' it in my left shoulder and elbow.

Playing Sunday morning, so i'm sure i'll hit it wilder than ever, but at least i go in optimistic!
After covid my club went to 10 minute spacing. It was glorious. Everything flowed, there was no bunching. Once the restrictions were loosened we went back to 8 minutes. For whatever psychological reasons, people then started going off slightly before their times, when golfers were out of range etc. The usual problems occurred. If your club can stick to 10 minute gaps then the rounds will be far more enjoyable. Shorter days do cause a problem however, it is not easy for a club to make that choice.

We have a long par 3 2nd at our place so it's completely pointless teeing off before your tee time (ie as soon as the previous group are out of range) as you just end up queuing on the tee at the next hole. We don't have a starter though so does anyone stick to it? Do they heck.