Embarrased to be out there

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Yeah thats what I thought,we all love this game but to let it get to like that is ridiculous,how the heck can you manage a real crisis if golfs almost reducing you to tears.........

I'd kind of agree with the sentiments of this and a few others. It's a pass time, a hobby, something to enjoy. By all means do the best you can, but if you don't then unless you are making a living from it, get over it. Life can get pretty crap for a lot of people, so no need to introduce more pain from something you do in your spare time.

There was some kind of truth in my rather pithy comment about me realising I am pretty rubbish at golf and am unlikely to get much better based on the amount of times I play. I'd like to get better and I occasionally have lessons as it's human nature to want to improve and not embarrass yourself when you play golf. But I kind of accept where I am, and 9 times out of 10 I won't beat my 2 mates I play with most often. But I know I can whoop their asses at some other sports.

I've found a healthy dose of realism helps and there does come a point when one should accept the fact that you will be wildly erratic, you will never be as good as a lot of people you know who seem to have beautifully natural swings, but you are doing your best.

Don't get too excited on the days it seems to click but then again don't get too down on the days when it inevitably falls apart. Or alternatively man up. ;)
Well, no matter how bad I play, it always cheers me up when I read one of Homers tales of woe.

Forget all the lessons, if it's not made any difference by now it never will Homer. Do as Tommos says, go out and just hit the ball. It's a simple game.

Hit it, find it, hit it again. Easy ;)

Makes for a far happier life altogether :D
Do yourself a favour and just chuck it, your just beating yourself up. Take up tennis.

Or fishing - you can even have a nice kip whilst doing that! ;) :)

Homer - why beat yourself up over a game you are never going to play professionally or get paid serious money to do? Just go out on the course a few times and treat it as a day/afternoon/evening away from work and the pressures of life and just have a bit of fun. Then I am sure you will see some changes for the better.
Feeling the love boys, feelin the love!
You need to find something that is worth more to you than golf, realise that if you lost that thing, golf disappears into insignificance.
Have you tried bowling?
In all honesty, if golf made me feel like that then I would have the clubs straight on ebay and use the money to find a hobby that I actually enjoyed. That is what happened with me and rugby. Every year I was a little bit more off the pace than the year before, spent longer recovering from the knocks and found I was not enjoying it so, when an injury occurred I decided enough was enough and stopped playing. Life is far too short to spend it doing something that you don't enjoy.

I enjoy every round whether good or bad and that is why I play. If I did not get some fun and satisfaction out of even the worst of rounds then that would be it for me. As for nearly being in tears, come on nothing should cause that level of stress especially a weekend hobby.

From what I have seen over the years on here, you have had countless lessons with a number of pros and practice every spare minute that you have and you are not getting to the level that you expect. In a similar position I would either admit that I have plateaued and that I am not going to get much better and just get on and enjoy the golf and if I could not lower my expectations I would just take up another sport where I can feel the pleasure of improving again.
How long ago was it you were an assistant pro? Now you are playing a game that makes you want to cry half way through. Whats the point? As someone has said before maybe the scores you had a while ago were not really indicative of your ability and constantly tinkering and talking lessons cant really be doing you any good if you are playing like you say you are. Might be time to just accept you have reached your level and play golf rather than chase the impossible.........
In all honesty, if golf made me feel like that then I would have the clubs straight on ebay and use the money to find a hobby that I actually enjoyed. That is what happened with me and rugby. Every year I was a little bit more off the pace than the year before, spent longer recovering from the knocks and found I was not enjoying it so, when an injury occurred I decided enough was enough and stopped playing. Life is far too short to spend it doing something that you don't enjoy.

I enjoy every round whether good or bad and that is why I play. If I did not get some fun and satisfaction out of even the worst of rounds then that would be it for me. As for nearly being in tears, come on nothing should cause that level of stress especially a weekend hobby.

From what I have seen over the years on here, you have had countless lessons with a number of pros and practice every spare minute that you have and you are not getting to the level that you expect. In a similar position I would either admit that I have plateaued and that I am not going to get much better and just get on and enjoy the golf and if I could not lower my expectations I would just take up another sport where I can feel the pleasure of improving again.
Totally agree theres no was I would continue playing a sport if it "almost reduced me to tears", its a past time that you dont make a living out ive caddied for guys who need to play well to put food on the table for crying out loud!!,get out there enjoy it whatever happens and dont be so hard on yourself because the standard you play to isnt worth the grief.....
Taken from your blog....

"Come with me into the world of the golfaholic. I am totally absorbed by this game and although I know I'll never crack it, I continue to search for the secret."

I would take heed of your own words which I've highlighted above.

Having read sections of your blog, and reading other forum members comments on here, your obsession with the game and seemingly endless persuit to find this 'secret', which has no doubt cost a fair amount of time and money, is putting an incredible amount of pressure on you to perform every time you tee the ball up.

We all now the game can be frustrating at times, but to get to the stage where it's almost brought you to tears is not healthy at all.

Forget the lessons for a while, stop over analysing every part of your game and go out there and enjoy yourself. Relax, play the game for what it is, and who knows what may happen...
Taken from your blog....

"Come with me into the world of the golfaholic. I am totally absorbed by this game and although I know I'll never crack it, I continue to search for the secret."

I would take heed of your own words which I've highlighted above.

Having read sections of your blog, and reading other forum members comments on here, your obsession with the game and seemingly endless persuit to find this 'secret', which has no doubt cost a fair amount of time and money, is putting an incredible amount of pressure on you to perform every time you tee the ball up.

We all now the game can be frustrating at times, but to get to the stage where it's almost brought you to tears is not healthy at all.

Forget the lessons for a while, stop over analysing every part of your game and go out there and enjoy yourself. Relax, play the game for what it is, and who knows what may happen...

And just admit there is no secret.
I see everyone is sympathetic with this one :rofl:

Unless your planning on making money from the game then I can't see why you are getting so upset about it, yes it's frustrating but don't become suicidal over it!!!

What happened to glass half full Homer?
It happens to everyone, i played at Fish's gaff the other week and I looked like a Weekend chomper. the scorecard was something an under 11's cricket team would have been happy with. played a few days later and was back to some good stuff.

Just chill out about it all fella, you are like me a bit i think, where anything you do, you want to be the best and play to the best of your ability, somedays it just doesn't happen. i have learned to laugh about rather than cry, life is too short.
there's something a bit old testament about this thread.

I sense that Homer is acting as the golfing scapegoat for the sins of all of us (who hasn't had a loss of perspective during a round, or got into some destructive cycle or other). We are now as a golfing community banishing him to the wilderness as a means of cleansing ourselves from our golfing ills...

second coming incoming.
I think folk are being a bit harsh. If you love golf and it takes up a lot of your time and thoughts then it's totally understandable to feel deflated after a horror round.

Especially when you've put in a lot of hard work. Just give it up?...no chance.
Tears! I hope that was an exaggeration mate. I got beat by Scouser yesterday, in a game that was being followed all over the country (now that's an exaggeration), and I never once felt like tears. Not even the time that Scousers ball flew OOB, hit a tree and bounced back into the middle of the first cut (for about the 3rd time). It's a game, it's fun. Take a step back, drop the lessons for a while and learn to enjoy it again......
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