Voyager EMH
Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
It is a different way, but not sensible or better, merely different.All of this may or may not be true but the key message is that all the Handicapping Authorities with the exception of CONGU introduced CR-Par when WHS was introduced as they must have felt that this was a good thing and the best way forward. CONGU did not want to make this transition as part of a big change on 1/11/2020.
After two and a half years of WHS implementation and considered reflection, CONGU have now decided that CR-Par is a sensible or better way to calculate course handicap, even if this means more education and cost to clubs - so they clearly now think it is worth doing.
So whatever you believe that are the downsides, the upsides are considered greater by all those experts in authority.
It does add a further complication to the course handicap calculation.
And it makes no difference to Score Differentials or outcomes of competitions.