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    • sawtooth
      sawtooth replied to the thread My EG app.
      Not meant to be contradictory, I don't think anyone should be doing calculations of any sort. What I meant is that we should all be...
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth replied to the thread My EG app.
      95% of 7.5 is not the same though as 95% of 8 ( 7.5 rounded) Can make a shot difference.
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth reacted to wjemather's post in the thread My EG app with Like Like.
      There's no accounting for what "some people" will do. The committee in charge of the comp are responsible for applying handicap...
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth reacted to LizAig's post in the thread My EG app with Like Like.
      We were advised at latest WHS/EG forum to state in your T of Cs where CH for match play should be taken from - eg app, HI/CH table...
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth replied to the thread My EG app.
      It's strange that they want unrounded values to be used for medal and stableford competitions because it's more precise. But on the...
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth replied to the thread My EG app.
      Thanks. Some people will naturally use the EG app to calculate their CH/PH if they were playing in a comp ( especially not on their...
    • sawtooth
      sawtooth reacted to D-S's post in the thread My EG app with Like Like.
      In matchplay, with the odd exception of Greensomes, rounded CH is used.
    • sawtooth
      I just noticed that the EG golf calculator uses rounding in the CH calc whereas my club handicap software doesn't. I accept that this...
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