This is good practice IMO and hopefully a model more clubs will move to.
I know from discussions with some other mutual bods we both know up there in Scotland, that you don’t have as many comps anyway at weekends.
You don’t have all the board comps that we have coming out of our ears every week during the season with medals in between down here, so the availability for shared tee times in Scotland on Saturdays or over the weekends for basic qualifiers I’d have thought would be much more accessible?
I think it can only be down to each club to decide on, I don’t think a one glove fits all approach would work, as some clubs have very strong ladies sections, so like ours, it’s hard to get tee times for qualifiers and were constantly full (180+) within hours of the booking system opening, so opening that up to the ladies who are 150+ strong would compact an already struggling Comp day.
I appreciate there wouldn’t be a surge of ladies joining the men on Saturdays, but we’re all currently trying to stop the club from taking on more members due to tee time availability being overstretched.
Our ladies have a secondary competition on Sundays that they play in and amongst the general membership playing socially, this is for the working ladies and those on shifts when they can’t attend their specific Ladies Day on Tuesdays.
I’ve never heard any grumbles from that, so if theirs room for ladies to join the men on Saturdays who would then be playing in each of their own Comps, I don’t see an issue with that either, I reckon you’d possible see a handful at most anyway.