Tour Rookie
It's good that you're meeting a track of these things. I'm sure it will help in your progress.So using my shot tracker + scorecard I’m not playing horrifically throughoutbut right now but I can’t seem to shake making 3-4 triples per round which are absolutely soul destroying.
Where I make a triple I tend to make two mistakes (e.g. bad tee shot + poor chip) and where I make double it’s one mistake (e.g. 3 putt).
The triple bogey mistakes on those holes are variable but predominantly seem to involve getting in trouble off the tee (75%) followed by duffed shots into penalty areas/hazards (25%).
There’s only one hole where I seem to struggle consistently and everything else is variable.
During the summer I had whittled down the doubles and triples so my scores were 5-10 strokes lower than they are right now.
There's a descending list of course management decisions which make scores better. In sure if you do a search you can find a properly. researched one.
But roughly it's:
Avoid penalty shots.
Avoid bunkers.
Avoid having to come out sideways.
It's surprising how simple things like aim and clubbing will make a difference. Maybe keep a track of how you're doing on these 3 over a stretch.