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At my old club, most comps you could choose which tee you played off and your handicap was adjusted accordingly. You just let the pro know when signing in whether you wanted to play off whites or yellows.
At my old club, most comps you could choose which tee you played off and your handicap was adjusted accordingly. You just let the pro know when signing in whether you wanted to play off whites or yellows.
Why would your handicap be adjusted? That stays the same, only the SSS would be different between the yellow & whites.
On the card there should be a box to tick what colour tee you have played.No idea how it works, not something I look into in much detail I just put down the scores and hand the card in. Maybe that is right
Is the WHS active yet?I think there are a few people who need to read up the handicapping rules that apply to mixed tee golf. Especially under WHS.
On the card there should be a box to tick what colour tee you have played.
But you are correct you put your gross score in and sign it with your marker that’s it.
All our comps are off whites , ladies off red , no yellows .
Well you will get your chance next year when the WHS comes in to play.That is how it works, you declare what tee you want to use in the pro shop in advance and the pro fills in the card.
I like the idea. Golf is all about fun, some get that playing off the longest tees, some get that playing off something shorter and this allows them all to enjoy the course how they want. Personally would like to see the red tees added to that then you really could have an inclusive comp with everyone playing a course they enjoy. I know a few women who would love the challenge of playing off the white tees, more who would like a go off the yellows and a few men who would prefer to use the red tees as they just do not have the distance needed. For me, yellow tees are perfect as I am not a long hitter but also not too short and so I get most enjoyment from there. That said, I normally play the tee that the rest of my group is using for ease
Well you will get your chance next year when the WHS comes in to play.
Using the slope system you can play whatever tee you want.
Your score is adjusted off the tee you play.
So in theory all tees can be used in the same comp as in the USA.
So even in a fourball you could all play off different tees according to your ability.
You are right it does slow things down imo.Sounds good to me. Really should read up on that a bit more.
My only concern is that a 4 ball playing of a number of different tees could result in slower rounds but I guess if it works in the US it should work here.
We have a series of blue tees now for juniors and seniors to use if they want to.In reality it would speed things up if the stigma about everyone playing off the same tees disappears.
When a man plays with a woman (normally folks) , he plays whites/yellows and she plays reds, that's just accepted as normal.
But why isn't it normal that male players in a fourball play off different tees to suit their ability?
Eventually I persuaded a couple of old guys I play with to go off the yellows when I'm off the whites, after a couple of holes the light bulbs went on (hello ? ?) and we never looked back.
"Why didn't we do this before?"
"Grrr because you wouldn't listen" ?
What I don’t understand is why there are gender specific tees when there is a handicap system.
I also don’t understand why the handicaps start at 28 when the reality is a novice is playing a good round at +36.
But I suppose with etiquette, social separation and the chance to play sport and dress smartly there are some things one has to endure. Roll on winter when I can get a tee time at Any time I want.
Pretty well everywhere in the world except GB&I. We start Nov 2nd.Is the WHS active yet?
In fact there are a fair number of courses where either or both of the red and yellow tees have been rated for both genders. But rather surprisingly (to me at least) fewer than expected. Our County rating manager, who took over from me when I retired, said he expects a number of clubs will ask for ratings for the 'alternate' gender when WHS beds down.Courses are rated by a team from the local golf union to arrive at a Standard Scratch Score, the method of working it out is different for lady to that of a man. It is extremely rare to find the red tees rated for both sexes and similarly the whites. There will be some courses that have ratings for both sexes for the Yellows but it is very rare.
When the World Handicap system comes in in November there may be a few more that rate the yellows for both.
Handicaps start at 54 and not 28
In fact there are a fair number of courses where either or both of the red and yellow tees have been rated for both genders. But rather surprisingly (to me at least) fewer than expected. Our County rating manager, who took over from me when I retired, said he expects a number of clubs will ask for ratings for the 'alternate' gender when WHS beds down.
Incidentally the 'method' is exactly the same. It's just the numeric values that differ. But I suspect that is what you meant.
We suggested this so mixed comps could be off the same tees,but got a firm NO off the ladies .Correct to the latter comment.
Sadly I was not involved with the course rating and the new manager. The previous manager and I had discussed a few things to alter when we had our course remeasured eg where our fixed distance markers are placed on some holes but none of it was done. One of the things I would have strongly suggested was course ratings for both sexes on yellows and reds so we can run mixed comps on a single tee easily and young male juniors and elderly seniors can play off the reds if they wished.
We suggested this so mixed comps could be off the same tees,but got a firm NO off the ladies .
“we don’t want a longer course and we don’t want men hacking up our tees” was their response.
So people who think it’s the men holding back the women ,it’s not true all the time.
But must happen in a few clubs I know.
We suggested this so mixed comps could be off the same tees,but got a firm NO off the ladies .
“we don’t want a longer course and we don’t want men hacking up our tees” was their response.
So people who think it’s the men holding back the women ,it’s not true all the time.
But must happen in a few clubs I know.
I am just stating the facts , that was the reply we got.OK, you are very one-sided in your takes on this issue so here's a few things to consider.
Firstly, there is not a single reason for mixed comps to be played from the same tees. SSS and handicapping takes care of all that, when applied correctly.
"Don't want to play a longer course" - Many women hit the ball very short distances. There is a massive range between long and short hitters. It is not unusual for me to hit a pitching wedge on a par 3 while my PP hits driver. Statistically, based on average driving distances women already play courses that are proportionately longer than men play. There's actually a decent argument for making the courses shorter. (Not my preference but there it is.) Many struggle with the length of the courses - many women already can't reach many greens in regulation. There's no reason to make it even harder for those players and of course they're not keen on that.
"Don't want men hacking up our tees" - generally speaking the red tees at courses are smaller, uneven and poorly maintained compared with the men's. All our play is from these same tees - casual and competition - so you better believe we don't want them having more traffic than they can sustain. Personally I am a huge advocate of rating all tees for both genders but many clubs (mine included) will need to spend £££s to bring the red tees up to a level to support that.
Finally, " the women" are not a homogeneous group. We have the same range of opinions and debate about any issue as "the men".
Ok sometimes written down it looks black and white my apologies.And I agree with much of that but what I would like you to do is take a step back and try to actually see it from "the women's" point of view. I gave you lots of good reasons why you might have got the response you did and that those responses would probably have been the subject of much debate among "the women".
Please stop framing it through your personal bias of "the women" being obstructive.
Post 134 clearly says the tees would be for everyone!Believe me, the politics within a women's section can drive me crackers at times but, if nothing else, I think it's important to realise that women are people too and have as much range of diverse opinions as men likely do. I know some women don't like playing with men and vice versa and there's nothing wrong with that per se. But when you get situations where (for example) women can't get on the course because it's booked all day for men that's a problem that needs looked at... Incidentally, mixed comps is by no means the only solution to that.
Obviously I know nothing at all about your club but I wonder if you have realised the issue I immediately noticed with your clubs tee plan? Why not women's comp tees? Why categorise them as you did instead of just having different distances, rated for both genders and freedom to play whichever set you like? Instead, it looks like the proposal is for four sets of tees for men and one for women. Hmmm.. wonder why the women aren't enthused by that idea? Could be wrong but it suggests to me the tee plan was put together without much consultation - easier to take people on the journey of you get them on board early.