Chute versus booking system

Does your club use a chute system or a booking system for non-competion/general play golf?

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Q-School Graduate
Jan 29, 2008
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As per the questions - I'm interested to understand what sort of proportions of clubs use each system.

Also interested to hear views of problems encountered with either system.
We have tee booking on Tuesdays, Thursdays (the only day we have societies) and Saturdays. All other days are roll-up. We have a 2 tee start with defined times for 2 ball, 2/3 ball and 3/4 ball - this works very well on roll up days as you can play 2 ball golf quickly, something that is not possible on tee booking days.
Hybrid works well for us as we have members who are strongly in either camp and this compromise satisfies both sides.
I've heard rumours of 'ball in the chute' but never seen such a beast in real life!

Assuming that's just figurative though; we do not book times at the weekend. We just turn up and it's two-tee start (used to be three-tee start but they changed it this year). Just write your name on the sheet, or ask the pro which tee is available and they'll send you out. One thing I had to get used to was that we can only tee off before 9:15 or after 11:30, due to the multiple tee start, so you don't get the pile-up of people who started on the 10th meeting people teeing off at 11 on the 1st and so on.

When we first joined we thought this was going to be awful, but we're well used to it now, and luckily we don't have a huge membership so we never really struggle to get out on the course. I usually potter along and tee off around quarter to 9. Last week we had to wait behind two groups on the tee, but this was just because we timed it badly and we were behind the 8:30 roll-up.

On week days though you book tee times in the app, so I've voted 'hybrid'. Also if there is a major/board comp on, you enter in advance and get drawn times, as you might expect.
Online bookings only.

I've been at a chute club previously, although they've since moved to advance booking as well, but I wouldn't go back to that system. I like the certainty of knowing what time I'm going out, not approximately when I'm going out.

@Orikoru I've seen genuine chutes at clubs, as well as simply turn up and just go. They do exist.
I wouldn't be a member of a club without an online booking system. It would be deal breaker.

With all the furore about slow play and how long a round of golf takes - Why would anyone want to add extra time
stood around waiting to tee off if the course happened to be busy when you arrived?
I’ve played at courses that don’t accept advance bookings and turned up to find 8 groups waiting on the first tee. That’s just rubbish.

Online bookings have the great advantage that those with flexibility or know they can play fast (lone players etc) will generally direct themselves to the times when the course is quiet - which is good for themselves AND for those who are limited to busier times by reducing demand at those times at least a little. This process can happen immediately and much more efficiently than it would via trial and error or guesswork.
I do like online booking. I also like at one course that the rollups are prebooked. Everybody knows what is going on. I never had to deal with the chute method.
On line booking two weeks in advance, it works for us.
Know of one club that used to use the chute method, people would put a ball in at midnight and go home to bed.
I wish we had a booking system
But we don’t . Apart from Sunday mornings and for some comps

An extraordinary meeting was called to discuss one a couple of years ago. But the old n bold turned up en mass and it got kicked into the long grass.

They want to attract new members, many of whom will be time poor, they need to know manage their time and know when they can play.

Not having a booking system is keeping prospective members away.

In my opinion
We have booking via BRS on Tuesday mornings ( Ladies), Sunday mornings (Men) and certain comps.
The bulk of the week is turn up and play.
A 2 tee start with 2 and 3 balls on one side, 3 and 4 balls on the other and they alternate every 2 hours or thereabouts..
It kind of works most of the time..we have a lot of roll ups and a chart showing when they tee off, when is a good time to start a d when it's going to busy at the tees.
I'd prefer a booking system full time....there a several reasons for this.
1. You know how busy (or not) the course is.
2. You can check the system, see where gaps are and book in . Many a time I've wanted to go up and play but don't want to turn up and find several groups waiting
3. Without a booking system it's impossible to control how many people are on the course. The course can hold a finite number at any one time. During busy times there can be so many on the course that pace of play grinds to a halt.
4. Without a booking system you have absolutely no idea how many you ds are played per day/week/month/year...information that could be useful .

Having, effectively, 2 9 hole courses either side of a road could make a booking system difficult during crossover periods.