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    • moogie
      moogie reacted to Lord Tyrion's post in the thread The Footie Thread with Like Like.
      Very impressive second half from Newcastle. Looked very good, really quite comfortable. When this was meant to be about Forest going...
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to Slime's post in the thread Golf Random Irritations with Haha Haha.
      Me too, I just couldn't get the 18th down my throat.
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to GreiginFife's post in the thread I bought today..... with Like Like.
      Didn’t check but have shims and collared ferrules if needed.
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread I bought today......
      Are these heads .370 parallel..? I realise other shafts can be shimmed to fit, but just curious, if the same as Takomo tip size
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to timd77's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      Yeh, same here, the opening titles were great, but when it’s just him (or anyone to be fair) just playing on their own it’s very boring...
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread YouTubers..
      You managed more than me Watched lots of his stuff lately, previously not a huge fan.....but I only managed 3 holes of that zzzzz
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread Hoarding/Flipping golf clubs.
      You can still use PayPal to purchase, aswell as a bank card or credit card. Need a bank account on file for your withdrawals.
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to Orikoru's post in the thread Hoarding/Flipping golf clubs with Like Like.
      Someone told me they were losing out to newer apps such as Vinted etc. You're right though, it does seem like a big step. I only found...
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread Hoarding/Flipping golf clubs.
      As above.... No selling fees £100 gets you £100 The only other difference they've made is, after a sale, your money stays with them...
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread Hoarding/Flipping golf clubs.
      No selling fees for private sellers, they still apply to business sellers. There are possible listing fees for individuals, if you...
    • moogie
      moogie replied to the thread Hoarding/Flipping golf clubs.
      No selling fees at all now on ebay....👍 No idea why they've done that But loving it all the same
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to rulie's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Like Like.
      Here's my opinion/summary - the "old system" was biased - it provided an advantage to low handicappers. This bias for low handicap...
    • moogie
      After only putting the bunkers I want to add the car park. On a Saturday if your not there by 10am your not getting in until early...
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to IanM's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Haha Haha.
      If I post on here we had roast beef yesterday, somebody will argue that it was chicken!😵‍💫😵‍💫😉
    • moogie
      moogie reacted to Golfnut1957's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Like Like.
      Interesting thread. I haven't been in for a while, but I see there has been a significant change for the better, so I thought I'd pop...
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