How to secure a Motocaddy m5 trolley?


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Jan 8, 2023
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I store my M5 trolley at the club most of the time and use a d lock with added loop cable but every time I feel that you could get round it very quickly.

The main point is deterrent, if someone wants to use the right equipment they will break the weakest part of my security measures but, due to the design off the M5 I can’t see how best to loop the frame around the wheels as you would a push bike.

I would be interested to hear what others do. Even if you store at home!

Many thanks in advance.
Certainly don’t want anyone else to use it.

If thieves did break in, I want them to quickly make a decision to move away from mine, it can only be a deterrent, a determined person can break into anything.
Can't you set a PIN on the Motocaddy, so you have to have the pin for it to work.

Deterring from acutally taking it in the first place is tough. Unless you can hide it in a corner somewhere, so a quick smash and grab, your trolley isn't as obvious
I used a cycle chain and padlock through both wheels certainly no one could use it .
If people are going to break in not much can stop anyone picking it up unless it's anchored to a wall
Chain through both the rear wheels and then around a pole or fixed point? Yes they could still steel the trolley but without wheels there would be no point. Would also be useless to any unwanted borrowers.