Will Scorecards For Comps Soon Be Redundant?

You're falling into the Liverpoolphil abyss.....

Clubs do not need to buy devices..
I would like to see digital scoring offered alongside card, I already have a suitable device.
That's all I'd like to see.
Like I said, I'll informed.

But you arent marking your card - your marker is , so are you going to give him your device for the round ? What if he doesnt want to use it or feel comfortable using it ?

Its a question you have avoided
While they could all do with additional government funding I would say most hospitals are well funded enough and that nurses using paper charts is more about accountability and patient safety anyway.

Its good they've sorted that at long last, it was just two years ago there was nurse protests etc and talk of strike action, so that's a quick turnaround. Lets hope they can do the same for the doctors because it seems the pre/post/support care is already in place to have minimal waiting lists etc (y)
I have just this morning been in a long debate with my Local Authority over a submitted planning application, I submitted an application via the 'electronic portal', this ended up in the LA's spam file and my application was subsequently deleted. After my correspondence/calls the LA have admitted receiving the application by the due dates, however this illustrates just one example of technology NOT making things better, hand delivered applications were registered and a receipt provided SIMPLES.

A pencil costs thrumpence and is easily sharpened, try breathing life into a dead mobile (that is in my glovebox in any event)

Advancement DOES NOT always equate to improvement. :geek:
No, you're making stuff up , insinuating or, call it what you like to support your point of view.

Will simpler terms help?
I already have a device as will those others who wish to utilise it, there'll be no swapping of phones, just digital cards.

We already use live scoring via an app for our team games. Scores go direct to pro shop, Works fine. Everybody is provided with their own log in.

The yanks can digitally sign for their strokeplay rounds if they wish via an app all linked via their GHIN numbers.

It is coming, I would just give it 10 years here.
Amazingly my phone has a battery and isn't directly connected to the national grid.

I love all these reasons from the naysayers, keep them coming.

I'm not a naysayer happy to use technology but in this case really! have you ever tried using a touch screen phone when the screen is wet. It's near impossible. Not to mention in a deluge not only will you not be able to use the screen but you wont have an operating phone after a while due to water damage!

Are we now saying every one must have a smart phone that is waterproof, has a battery life good enough to deal with 36 holes for the better players, a screen that works when wet and is also bright enough for even the most poor sighted seniors can see i the bright sunshine.
And yet the police officers still all use notebooks, doctors still make notes, nurses still fill out charts and the RNLI still record positions using paper charts and compasses, despite all this tech. Maybe it’s not all it’s cracked up to be...:unsure:

Tech is not the answer to everything, I am not advocating tech to be used in everything, but it can help in many situations. In terms of this discussion, golf scorecards, you are not asking an app to read notes, understand text, it is a very simple numbers calculation that is needed, nothing more.
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You're falling into the Liverpoolphil abyss.....

Clubs do not need to buy devices..
I would like to see digital scoring offered alongside card, I already have a suitable device.
That's all I'd like to see.
Like I said, I'll informed.
Kindly explain how the digital scoring gets (up)loaded to the Club handicap system - whichever flavour that is.

And remember that the OP is the Comp Sec and wants to save time! So a mixed system (Cards and Digital) is likely to COST time!
No we are not saying any of that.
I'm not a naysayer happy to use technology but in this case really! have you ever tried using a touch screen phone when the screen is wet. It's near impossible. Not to mention in a deluge not only will you not be able to use the screen but you wont have an operating phone after a while due to water damage!

Are we now saying every one must have a smart phone that is waterproof, has a battery life good enough to deal with 36 holes for the better players, a screen that works when wet and is also bright enough for even the most poor sighted seniors can see i the bright sunshine.
Sounds exactly like some of the ideas muted. You're not the first to raise concerns but no doubt the dogmatic "this must happen as the way forward" brigade will give you the same arguments (separate devices, waterproof phones etc)
No we are not saying any of that.

Pretty sure through this whole thread when the question of cost came up you have just said "use your smart phone" and "I already have a suitable device"

You say people are uniformed, well inform us then of this magical smart phone you have that works with a wet screen. My company would love to know as we have to literally spend thousands a year to buy bog standard pieces of technology that work in the rain.
How in depth do you want? Do I need to explain layer 2 , 3 networking etc ?
No. I've worked in IT since 1976, so know a bit about it! I was querying the 'mechanics' of the process!
You still haven't explained how the set of data captured from the 'devices' gets loaded to the clubs Handicap system - which could be any of the many ones approved by Congu.

And how do you surmise it will be slower for the sec?
I used the phrase 'likely to cost time'. Using mixed/multiple methods is fraught with potential pitfalls, especially for 'amateurs'!
Read the thread, get informed and then ask questions.
That's it.
Cop out!

I've asked (more than once) about how the captured results/'scorecards' get loaded to the Club database (in whatever Supplier's. Please either answer that question, point me to a post that does or admit you don't know!
I'd no sooner let my phone get wet than I would my scorecard.
It's a non issue.

Its not about worrying about it getting wet, that's your choice, its the fact the screen works on conductivity and wont work in the rain properly. So your proposal is useless.

So far people have proposed a kindle like solution at around £70 or 700 rounds of golf on a 10p scorecard. Although this technology isn't usable in the rain, or waterproof, or shock resistant so will need some extra work to bring it up to scratch. A basic android phone cost £80 make it waterproof, shockproof and usable in the rain its at least £299, just look at the spec on the CAT phones that are available and they don't work all that great.

We have had people saying its for environmental reasons, which is massive crock of s*&T. Scorecards from sustainable paper sources have little ecological impact. Lithium batteries used for these devices (no one has invented yet) are seriously bad for the environment.

Card and pencils are outdated. Tried and tested doesn't mean outdated it just means it stands the test of time and until something better comes along then it should remain.

I'm not against technology, but this just seems knee jerk.

If we are giving out devices ten does the pro shop have to be open from first tee until the last group comes in to collect all devices and then charge for the next day? Who's installing all these power pojnts etc.

It's not currently feasible to make the swap its financially, logistically and technologically flawed currently. Something to work towards maybe, something ready to be implemented now? Not a chance.
I happen to be in the same camp as you. Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy middle aged man but I really don't see a need for an electronic device. I have no doubt it'll happen, but still remain to be convinced there will be 100% take up rate for an electronic version whether that an app on a phone or a stand alone device.
Who said I was grumpy and middle aged?
I’ll have you know I resemble that remark.
I don't even know what you're asking.
Are you talking networks?
I mean I've been clear on what my thoughts are through out, yet people keep jumping in, like you ,with complete total bull.
No, the networking etc stuff to capture results for a competition is fine. I'm talking about the database containing all the Club's Course details, Competitions, Member's Details, Previous Competition Scores, Competition Results (Rankings etc), their (current) handicaps etc. These are maintained by various competing comnpanies, certifird by Congu. There is, currently, a bit more than simply capturing a competition's set of scores!

Capturing the data for a single competition via an app is fine - but that seems to be as far as you have thought it through! For the current setup, have you considered how CSS is worked out and members handicaps are updated from the (captured) results? And how the likes of ESRs are triggered? And 'Away Scores'? Mind you, it'll all going to change when the World Handicap System is implemented....but simply having an App to capture a single competition's isn't going to be enough!
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