I preferred the old system in the sense that I knew what was going to happen to my handicap straight away, i.e. if I was getting a cut and roughly how much, or whether I was going up 0.1. Now it seems like a total lottery, but I just have to learn to forget about it entirely and wait and see.
Now I’ve got my head round it I’m finding it quite straightforward, and can work out my HI to within 0.1 or 0.2 without too many difficulties.
Ultimately it’s not the gross score which is relevant, but the score differential. Now I’ve got enough counting scores I can generally assess what each gross score off each tee at ours will equate to in terms of score differential. It’s then simply a case of averaging the best eight differentials from the last twenty.
It confused the ? out of me for a while before the penny dropped, but I can now track my HI as accurately as I could my handicap under the old system.