Assistant Pro
From observed difficulties at my club and what I've read on here, people are still struggling with what handicap to play off when playing casual golf with individual stableford format.
At my club and on here I've often heard something along the lines of, "...we don't have to (don't bother to) apply the 95%". This, in my view, is nonsense.
<lots of stuff about the Oz system>
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I disagree with your first point. To me in stableford, the course handicap is far more useful a number. It's the one that determines when to pick up. I know you mentioned casual play, but I'd rather be used to the pick up number when I'm playing (badly) on a hole, than blobbing in the comp, and then realising I still had a shot left for handicap. I'd rather lose the point after the round.
Re- the Oz system. If only we could.
If the daily handicap already includes the low handicap placater adjustment, do the Australians get 107% of the difference in match play? Would be fun to hear the howls from the low handicaps in this country at the thought of it.