WHS working well for me

This is how I understood it and what I discussed/ suggested with our handicap secretary. He was having none of it, insisting there was nothing he could do for anyone playing at Scottish courses. Doesn't seem much of a way forward unless he joins a club local in Scotland.

He needs to stop being lazy, yes its a pain in the arse but its what he needs to do while the Unions are being childish and not talking to each other....

As I say we have several members who have home clubs in Scotland and plenty of members playing opens across the border as it is not very far away. Handicaps are updated manually on return of scores.

Your handicap secretary must be confusing golf in Scotland with North Korea
Take a photo of completed scorecard and send to home club who will have to submit the score manually.

We have members who have Scottish clubs as their home club and there is a workaround by having 2 CDH numbers but it is still a faff and the above is the easiest method.

Its like going back in time and having to record away score scores in a book and the handicap secretary updating your handicap at some random time in the future.

It makes a mockery of it being “worldwide” when governing bodies don’t talk to each on any sort of platform and go backwards in terms of being a manual process

I went to Wales and would have put in a couple of cards but couldn’t be bothered with the hassle
This is how I understood it and what I discussed/ suggested with our handicap secretary. He was having none of it, insisting there was nothing he could do for anyone playing at Scottish courses. Doesn't seem much of a way forward unless he joins a club local in Scotland.
If your handicap secretaries (your should have at least 3 of them on the handicap committee) don't know what they are doing, this needs to be raised within the club and escalated to your county union if necessary. If they are simply refusing to do the job, they need to to be replaced with people who are prepared to do it.
Not working for my lad up in Scotland. He can't put in general play cards to the IG or EG app, and just been told that the club can't (won't) help him as they have no access to Scottish golf. He's tried registering with the Scottish golf app, but because his home club is in England, he has no ability to put cards in via their app either . So much for global system. Anyone know how he can submit cards without changing golf clubs to a local one in Scotland for the next year?

As mentioned, all clubs through their HC committee have access to entering scores in most parts of the world.
It makes a mockery of it being “worldwide” when governing bodies don’t talk to each on any sort of platform and go backwards in terms of being a manual process

I went to Wales and would have put in a couple of cards but couldn’t be bothered with the hassle

No real hassle apart from sending the info to the your club. It would be nice if individuals could do it direct but as the app is still in its infancy hopefully it will be one for the future.
If your handicap secretaries (your should have at least 3 of them on the handicap committee) don't know what they are doing, this needs to be raised within the club and escalated to your county union if necessary. If they are simply refusing to do the job, they need to to be replaced with people who are prepared to do it.

Blimey - do you want these club volunteers rounded up and put in the stocks. Do you have a clipboard by any chance ?
It makes a mockery of it being “worldwide” when governing bodies don’t talk to each on any sort of platform and go backwards in terms of being a manual process

I went to Wales and would have put in a couple of cards but couldn’t be bothered with the hassle

It is a joke.

Under the old system you could go up to Scotland, play in a comp and know the score would show on your handicap record when the comp was closed.

If the governing bodies want us to record general play scores then provide us with a platform where we can do just that. I get the feeling the Unions are looking out for themselves rather than their golfers....
Blimey - do you want these club volunteers rounded up and put in the stocks. Do you have a clipboard by any chance ?
So you think it's perfectly ok to volunteer to do a job and then not actually do it (so have presumably volunteered solely to gain some kind of prestige or stature)? Sorry, but no - that is just not good enough.
So you think it's perfectly ok to volunteer to do a job and then not actually do it (so have presumably volunteered solely to gain some kind of prestige or stature)? Sorry, but no - that is just not good enough.

No - I think it’s perfectly ok for willing volunteers to at times not getting everything perfect or everything right , clubs need those volunteers and people start going to “counties” etc isn’t really the great way to go.

Even more so when it’s still a system that’s in its infancy and it’s far from what it says on the tin
No - I think it’s perfectly ok for willing volunteers to at times not getting everything perfect or everything right , clubs need those volunteers and people start going to “counties” etc isn’t really the great way to go.

Even more so when it’s still a system that’s in its infancy and it’s far from what it says on the tin
Surely you are not suggesting that club handicap secretaries/committees should just figure it out on their own, with their membership suffering the consequences?

If things cannot be resolved within the club, they absolutely should be escalated to county - this isn't waving a stick, it's simply asking for help - it's what county (and regional) advisors are there for. Such assistance is even more important and valuable when adapting to a new system.
No - I think it’s perfectly ok for willing volunteers to at times not getting everything perfect or everything right , clubs need those volunteers and people start going to “counties” etc isn’t really the great way to go.

Even more so when it’s still a system that’s in its infancy and it’s far from what it says on the tin
That’s fair enough if people are making mistake. But this sounds like he can’t be bothered.

Our secretary (there’s on,y one) said the other day that he just deletes general play cards. Because he doesn’t think they should count for handicap.
The larger the field, the higher the chance a higher handicapper will win. This is because a players Index is based on the average of a players best 8 scores. The range of these 8 scores will be a lot higher compared to a very low handicapper, thus their best score will be more under the average of these scores (i.e. more under their Index). As the field size increases, and the number of higher handicappers increase, then you increase the odds that one of these higher handicappers will shoot a top score, towards their best in 20. Therefore increase the chances the event will be won by a high handicapper (as this is mathematically lower under their index than a lower indexer could realistically shoot in relation to their Index). The 95% is there to try and remove that imbalance. The main WHS manual recommends the 95% for field sizes over 30 players. CONGU makes the 95% mandatory over here, regardless of field size.
Thanks for the clear explanation. I can see this now.
Surely you are not suggesting that club handicap secretaries/committees should just figure it out on their own, with their membership suffering the consequences?

If things cannot be resolved within the club, they absolutely should be escalated to county - this isn't waving a stick, it's simply asking for help - it's what county (and regional) advisors are there for. Such assistance is even more important and valuable when adapting to a new system.

This can be a problem with the communication between county and clubs especially if they are proprietary clubs. Luckily our owner invites me onto all county meetings and have a good relationship with county & regional officials but this isn’t always the case.

Same committees won’t know how easy it is to get good info out there from SOME counties.
That’s fair enough if people are making mistake. But this sounds like he can’t be bothered.

Our secretary (there’s on,y one) said the other day that he just deletes general play cards. Because he doesn’t think they should count for handicap.
If that is true, that is shocking. If there is more to the story, such as he deletes the ones that were not pre-registered (Club V1 gives time stamps) before the round, then fair enough. But, absolutely incorrect if all general play rounds are just deleted. I'm surprised the members that submit scores are not starting a revolution.
Our secretary (there’s on,y one) said the other day that he just deletes general play cards. Because he doesn’t think they should count for handicap.

Makes a nice change to hear, purely as a contrast from those who think a good shot on the driving range should be entered for handicap! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I wonder what else he does? Radicals are usually radical about more than one thing.
It is a joke.

Under the old system you could go up to Scotland, play in a comp and know the score would show on your handicap record when the comp was closed.

If the governing bodies want us to record general play scores then provide us with a platform where we can do just that. I get the feeling the Unions are looking out for themselves rather than their golfers....
I wasn't aware that Scottish clubs had an interface with the England Golf CDH. I thought each of the 4 CONGU Unions/Associations had their own independent CDH. Are you sure the hosting club didn't email to your home club?
But in one sentence you refer to comps and in the next to general play. How did you communicate supplementary scores to your club?

Of course, previously there was no point in countries around the world communicating scores because the fundamental systems were so different. But the near commonality of WHS will encourage national unions to produce a universal interface. I believe dotgolf are working on it.
If that is true, that is shocking. If there is more to the story, such as he deletes the ones that were not pre-registered (Club V1 gives time stamps) before the round, then fair enough. But, absolutely incorrect if all general play rounds are just deleted. I'm surprised the members that submit scores are not starting a revolution.
I'm surprised the county and EG haven't come down on him like a ton of bricks
I wasn't aware that Scottish clubs had an interface with the England Golf CDH. I thought each of the 4 CONGU Unions/Associations had their own independent CDH. Are you sure the hosting club didn't email to your home club?
But in one sentence you refer to comps and in the next to general play. How did you communicate supplementary scores to your club?

Of course, previously there was no point in countries around the world communicating scores because the fundamental systems were so different. But the near commonality of WHS will encourage national unions to produce a universal interface. I believe dotgolf are working on it.

I was referring to pre WHS when the comp scores were sent to home club via IG, club systems or whatever when comp was closed. The good old days ;) when CDH was acceptable across the border...

Don't know about supplementries pre WHS as I was cat 1. Don't know anyone who actually put one in at home never mind an away course. Everybody either played a comp or didn't play a comp, their choice.