Well done, Andy Murray


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
In my opinion, we should be fighting to keep the union together and telling the politicos that it's not what we want.
Unless of course, Keef, you do? And in that case, we'll agree to differing opinions.

PS, Go Andy :D ;)

It is my opinion Atticus, that Britain, especially the "Great" bit died a long time ago, shortly after WWII when we were crippled with enormous debts and started handing back our sovereignties to other countries, when "The British Empire" started crumbling....that is when Britain started to stop trading as it were.

As i've said already, I have nothing against any of the other countries in Britain, I have a lot of affection for a lot of the people & places, its just that my generation have grown up to be English & not British etc.

Up until 10-20 years ago, when filling out a form, how many times would you see "English" or "Scottish" as the designated nationality? Not very many i'll tell you, look how often people write it now and it tells its own story dont you think?

People are proud of their heritage, it just so happens that heritage only started around the 1970's & 1980's!

What we need is a good old fashioned war with some foreigners to get us all in the spir.....oh, tried that! lol


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
Say that then. Don't wheel out the "He hates the English" line when it is patently untrue.

How can you be so sure he doesnt hate the English? Do you know him personally? No? Thought not.
You know one thing that really drives me mad, is this attitude that if you want the English FOOTBALL TEAM to lose, you 'hate the English'. What utter drivel. That is all Murray said, and now he is an 'English hater'.

95%+ of all Scots want England to lose every time they take the park, a few years ago I would have said 100%, but there are a few on online forums who claim they would support England, personally I think it's posturing, because I have never met a Scotsman in person who has ever claimed this, but we'll let it stand as is, and guesstimate thast 95% would say exactly what Murray claims. I doubt you'd find 95% of Scots are 'English haters' though.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
When we go to the Olympics it's Team GB. Does an American sportsman represent the USA or Alabama?
Alabama is a state not a country, a proper comparison would be should Murray represent Scotland or Stirlingshire

Which brings me to my next question. Yep football.

Why are we (GB) allowed to enter 3 teams into the Euro Cup or World Cup? Surely there should only be one GB team!
No there shouldn't, perhaps you are not patriotic, certainly it appears the English in general are not anywhere near so as most countries citizens round the world; it even took Billy Bragg running a campaign about flags before you even started flying the George Cross instead of the U-Jack at football matches, so unaware were you of what was actually your own country's flag.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
When we go to the Olympics it's Team GB. Does an American sportsman represent the USA or Alabama?
Alabama is a state not a country, a proper comparison would be should Murray represent Scotland or Stirlingshire

Which brings me to my next question. Yep football.

Why are we (GB) allowed to enter 3 teams into the Euro Cup or World Cup? Surely there should only be one GB team!
No there shouldn't, perhaps you are not patriotic, certainly it appears the English in general are not anywhere near so as most countries citizens round the world; it even took Billy Bragg running a campaign about flags before you even started flying the George Cross instead of the U-Jack at football matches, so unaware were you of what was actually your own country's flag.

Firstly I am aware that Alabama is a state. The reason for the analagy is that the USA is a union of states. GB is a union of Scotland, England, Wale and NI. That was the comparison. Not about states, countries, or counties. Or the Geographical makeup of a country.

As for the whole flag issue, and patriotism. I think you'll find that you're using the popular misconception that all Englishmen are the same as the football thugs and idiots that you see potrayed on TV. You're unlikely to find any of them on here. I am proud to be British and English as well. But what drives me more towards the Englishness is the way that some nationalist (I mean racist!) Scots, Welsh and Irishmen talk about us Englishmen, and the devolution that they want.

Perhaps us Englishmen were proud to be British once upon a time. But I think that the 'nationalistic' element of our closest neighbours have perhaps driven the dividing wedge themselves. Your comments about the Scotsmen opinion on the England football team says it all!

I fear that this thread is going to get ugly. :(


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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Can't understand what he said wrong....why should he wish Engerland to win anything...I support any team that plays them at any sport as I hate them winning anything and I do that for the same reason I want Rangers to get beat...why on earth would I support a country I have no feelings for or are my countries nearest neighbours,....if Engerland was next door to Germany Keef I suppose you'd back the Gerrys? ;)

Great Scottish tennis player by the way who's uncle plays at my club,hope he can win next week.


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
I guess that just shows up the differences then in people who arent bitter & twisted and people who are!

If Scotland, Ireland or Wales are playing anything team related against anyone else I always route for them, maybe I am slightly British afterall but I would never want to see any of them get beat.

Maybe its because you Scots have an inferiority complex over your 2nd rate teams to ours that propells you to dislike us? ;)


Head Pro
Mar 25, 2008
North Oxfordshire
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When I started this thread I didn't for 1 minute think it would cause such a debate.

It seems that I have unintentionally raised some deep seated issues in some with regards to heritage, nationalities etc...

My intention was to praise Andy Murray for his efforts as a tennis player and sportsman just as I would for any other sportsman/woman for their efforts in their chosen sport regardless of nationality .
Sometimes we are very quick to condemn but I am a firm believer of giving credit where credit is due.

Lastly, I am a Georgie :D and I AM proud of my heritage.

Please may we now put this thread to bed as I fear it may start/cause resentment amongst forumers and that would be a shame.


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
You didn't answer my question......I'll take that as a no then...

I didnt believe an answer was warranted as it is at the complete opposite end of the spectrum to what we are discussing here to be honest.

Comparing Englands relationship with Scotland to that of Germany is laughable at best and you know it.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
As for the whole flag issue, and patriotism. I think you'll find that you're using the popular misconception that all Englishmen are the same as the football thugs and idiots that you see potrayed on TV. You're unlikely to find any of them on here.
Pretty sure there would be a lot of football fans on here. Are you saying that all football fans are thugs and idiots? Pretty sweeping and derogatory statement imo.

I am proud to be British and English as well. But what drives me more towards the Englishness is the way that some nationalist (I mean racist!) Scots, Welsh and Irishmen talk about us Englishmen, and the devolution that they want.
Really? So wanting your own countries independence is racist now? Better tell that to Rhodesia (sorry Zimbabwe), India etc.

What is more racist, wanting independence, or calling your nearest neighbours 'sweaty socks' and the like, or that they are the only country in the world unfit to look after their own affairs?

Perhaps us Englishmen were proud to be British once upon a time. But I think that the 'nationalistic' element of our closest neighbours have perhaps driven the dividing wedge themselves. Your comments about the Scotsmen opinion on the England football team says it all!
Says nothing at all actually, we don't want you to win at anything, becasue of the insufferable arrogance that follows. Yet while decrying us for this trait (reserved exclusively and solely for the English), you are happy to make similar comments about the Germans, french, Italians, Aussies, Americans, in fact name a country, and the English will have a derogatory stereotype lined up. Does that mean that you are the ultimate racists, certainly by your values it would seem so?


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
I guess that just shows up the differences then in people who arent bitter & twisted and people who are!

If Scotland, Ireland or Wales are playing anything team related against anyone else I always route for them, maybe I am slightly British afterall but I would never want to see any of them get beat.

Maybe its because you Scots have an inferiority complex over your 2nd rate teams to ours that propells you to dislike us? ;)
And there you have why we want your to lose.


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
That answers my question thank you....now what exactly was your problem with what Mr Murray said then Keef?? :D

Just hang fire a sec....what exactly has my answer said? Other than I wouldnt support a team that we have fought two world wars against? When was the last time we fought a world war against Scotland?


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
I guess that just shows up the differences then in people who arent bitter & twisted and people who are!

If Scotland, Ireland or Wales are playing anything team related against anyone else I always route for them, maybe I am slightly British afterall but I would never want to see any of them get beat.

Maybe its because you Scots have an inferiority complex over your 2nd rate teams to ours that propells you to dislike us? ;)
And there you have why we want your to lose.

Ohhhhhhhhhh its such a vicious circle isnt it? :p


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Well done Murray for winning - trying desperately to get it back on track here - but I can't see beyond a 1/4 or semi final due in part to the expectant weight hanging heavy, and the fact that to be honest he's still learning hios craft and is actually probably outplaying his expectations for his age and experience

I think he has a major in him but actually think it will be hard court at the US or Australian opens


Tour Rookie
Dec 11, 2007
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Good try in getting back to topic m8, I think he may make the final Homer, he is in fantastic form ahead of wimbers and it would be great for BRITISH sport if he pulled out a win.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
As for the whole flag issue, and patriotism. I think you'll find that you're using the popular misconception that all Englishmen are the same as the football thugs and idiots that you see potrayed on TV. You're unlikely to find any of them on here.
Pretty sure there would be a lot of football fans on here. Are you saying that all football fans are thugs and idiots? Pretty sweeping and derogatory statement imo.

Re-read the quoted part from my post. This time I hope you realise what a load of tosh you've just accused me of!! Actually your comment mirrors your own predjudices.

I am proud to be British and English as well. But what drives me more towards the Englishness is the way that some nationalist (I mean racist!) Scots, Welsh and Irishmen talk about us Englishmen, and the devolution that they want.
Really? So wanting your own countries independence is racist now? Better tell that to Rhodesia (sorry Zimbabwe), India etc.

What is more racist, wanting independence, or calling your nearest neighbours 'sweaty socks' and the like, or that they are the only country in the world unfit to look after their own affairs?

Firstly I have never referred to Scots as 'sweaty socks', I'd never come across this term before. As to Zimbabwe. A shining example of how to run a country! If I was being truely racist. I (as an Englishman) would want shot of the rest of you anyway. As it happens I'd rather see GB as one great island.

Perhaps us Englishmen were proud to be British once upon a time. But I think that the 'nationalistic' element of our closest neighbours have perhaps driven the dividing wedge themselves. Your comments about the Scotsmen opinion on the England football team says it all!
Says nothing at all actually, we don't want you to win at anything, becasue of the insufferable arrogance that follows. Yet while decrying us for this trait (reserved exclusively and solely for the English), you are happy to make similar comments about the Germans, french, Italians, Aussies, Americans, in fact name a country, and the English will have a derogatory stereotype lined up. Does that mean that you are the ultimate racists, certainly by your values it would seem so?

I really don't know where to begin on this one. Firstly. Since when have 'I', 'me', ever, been insufferable regarding any English wins!! Since when have I been obnoxious towards our European associates. I've lived in Spain and France for short periods.

All the traits you are accusing me of, are, coming straight from you very own keyboard!

I do not wish for this to esculate. But for some reason you seem to think that I am Nick Griffin!

PS I can't work out how to answer each quoted section individually. So my replies are in the 'whole' quoted section. :D


Head Pro
Mar 25, 2008
North Oxfordshire
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couldn't agree more Homer, all the pressure/hype thats on him can't do him any good with only a few weeks (I think) til Wimbledon.

Watch this space.
Thanks Homer ;)