Money List Winner
As middle aged men with families,... how much is the current economy and outlook making you worried? There is the cost of living thing which affects day to day, but when mortgage starts gettign impacted, then you think of losing your house - not just skipping a meal or not putting the heater on. The job situation is ok for now, but I think most men would worry about it. Like this morning, I woke up at about 3... and just lay in bed think of 'what will happen if.....'.. drove me nuts. I dont we think we (men) speak much about it. Cant post anything here these days, because it gets flagged as 'politcal' (and fair enough).... Currently feels like batting on a tricky wicket..
This is one area I am OK with as I have now been through no end of recessions, a credit crunch and near banking collapse and a pandemic and, yes I do worry, but there is always an end to the tunnel after a period of hardship.