The all things EV chat thread

You do realise that you could have said those words a few years back in the ICE/EV debate.......

Well maybe indeed but it's a moot point if it's come to the market

There is an EV battery boasting 500 mile range 10 min charge but until it's here it's a pipe dream

Hydrogen is key to switching from ice cars as are EV
You do realise that you could have said those words a few years back in the ICE/EV debate.......
Or in the cars v horses debate. Which I’m sure some of the more senior members will remember ?
2026 is what they're saying, and with a range of 2,000 kilometers.

Now that would be a game changer and remove one of the main negatives about changing to EV. Obviously that would need to be real world range rather than just manufacturer claimed mileage. And with VW involved I'm not sure that they can be trusted to be 100% honest about these things. I guess it then just comes down to the price of the vehicle.
2026 is what they're saying, and with a range of 2,000 kilometers.

Indeed they are. 10,000 cars initially apparently. So let's hope by 2030 it becomes an affordable alternative.. because as it stands hydrogen cars are even more than EVs which are always quoted as too expensive.

I'd love to see a hydrogen car that's decent price. Hell sod the 1000 mile range just make it like a car.. 500 miles minimum with refueling stations everywhere..

EVs have dropped dramatically in price, can now get them under 30k which a few years ago was impossible

Ranges creeping up but when you add hydrogen to the mix .. really will help cover everyone's needs

This shouldn't be ev Vs hydrogen as both are key to getting us away from petrol and diesel cars
In answer to the OP, no, I won’t – at least not in the foreseeable future. It doesn’t make any financial or ecological sense at all to change.

Currently I’m spending less than £1,000 on diesel a year and expect this to fall as I’ll probably drive less over the coming years. Currently (excuse the pun) running an EV would probably cost me (say) £3/400 pa in electricity but the cost of electricity is/will escalate. The govt will need to start punitive taxation of EV users fairly soon so we can forget about the “Road Fund Licence” differences. So, effectively, buying a cheapish EV at (say) £36,000, it would take me at least 60 years to benefit from the fuel savings.

The ecological damage from the manufacture of my car happened 5 years ago. Apart from the burning of the diesel, it’s carbon footprint has already happened and is “in the system”. If I buy a new car, the carbon footprint will be enormous by comparison - from the mining and extraction of materials, the use of oil for plastics, the energy in making the thing, the fuel costs in getting the vehicle or parts to this country. And then there’s the carbon footprint costs in producing the electricity to run the thing.

I can see the advantages for those who currently enjoy vastly reduced BIK but they are not really doing it to help the planet, are they? And for those who lease and have a new car every 3 years or so - why?? Modern cars are good for 10/15/20 years or so. Bit like golf clubs I suppose, got to have new shineys every so often.

I’m sure that my logic is flawed somewhere and the EV proponents will be along to put me right ...

Great post
Charging times.....always quoted as 10 to 80% Great, so if you have a car that does 200 miles at motorway speeds each 10% that you lose equates to 20 miles. Charging from 10 to 80% means that your actual range is only 140 miles. Not very convenient if driving from London to Glasgow.
Charging times.....always quoted as 10 to 80% Great, so if you have a car that does 200 miles at motorway speeds each 10% that you lose equates to 20 miles. Charging from 10 to 80% means that your actual range is only 140 miles. Not very convenient if driving from London to Glasgow.

charging are quoted as 10-80% because of the science of batteries and how they accept charge.

how often do you drive london the glasgow? how often should you stop to maintain safe driving? rather than pushing it and risking an accident? (we all do it)

batteries can only accept the speed put into them until a certain level, once you reach 90% I believe it is the charge speed levels right off and becomes as slow as being plugged into a 7kw , thats why its 20-80% is usually the figure quoted

also charge is limited by the onboard charger as well as the charger your using

for example (yes using mine again, sorry) mine is 7kw AC charge limit, so if I plug into a 22kw charger thats AC it will only take 7kw an hour, same with DC im limited to 100KW so if I use those 150-200kw charger doesnt matter will just take 100kw max... but can only use 100kw to roughly 80% then drops to say 50kw to 90% then drops off again due to the chemistry of the battery.
If you have young children or grand children, and they are queuing up at the ice cream van, would you rather the van be diesel or electric? I know what I'd prefer.

And if they stopped mining cobalt and lithium today, where will your next mobile phone come from or your power tools or your laptop/ipad, electric golf trolley/buggy, mobility scooter etc and as cobalt is used to refine crude oil and remove sulphur when you produce petrol and diesel how are you going to power your ICE car?

Doesn't it make more sense to continue improving the battery chemistry to move away from using rare earth materials so all appliances can benefit from longer lasting, faster charging batteries.
Imagine your iphone battery that lasts a week rather than a day or a golf trolley that will do 6-7 rounds without charging.

Faster charging and longer lasting batteries are coming, but these things take time. We just need to be patient and as renewable energy continues to grow and our reliance on foreign oil reduces, things are looking good.
Glass half full here (y)
If you have young children or grand children, and they are queuing up at the ice cream van, would you rather the van be diesel or electric? I know what I'd prefer.

And if they stopped mining cobalt and lithium today, where will your next mobile phone come from or your power tools or your laptop/ipad, electric golf trolley/buggy, mobility scooter etc and as cobalt is used to refine crude oil and remove sulphur when you produce petrol and diesel how are you going to power your ICE car?

Doesn't it make more sense to continue improving the battery chemistry to move away from using rare earth materials so all appliances can benefit from longer lasting, faster charging batteries.
Imagine your iphone battery that lasts a week rather than a day or a golf trolley that will do 6-7 rounds without charging.

Faster charging and longer lasting batteries are coming, but these things take time. We just need to be patient and as renewable energy continues to grow and our reliance on foreign oil reduces, things are looking good.
Glass half full here (y)
But until they come....we still need oil otherwise civilisation grinds to a halt.
And if that means granting new licences to extract until the new tech arrives then we have to live with it.
At what point does the batteries in EV,s start to deteriorate? And how much is the cost to replace them? Is there any long term Tesla owners on here who can comment. I understand the vast majority will just change car after 3 years or so but at some point the 2nd hand market will be flooded with EV,s and it would be good to know the batterries perform as they should.
When people talk about the negative of environmental impact to support their anti eV mindset they fail to include the benefits of walking through the town breathing fresh air. What's going to kill you sooner? A mine that you live a long way from or the lung cancer from breathing in the deisel fumes ?‍♂️
When people talk about the negative of environmental impact to support their anti eV mindset they fail to include the benefits of walking through the town breathing fresh air. What's going to kill you sooner? A mine that you live a long way from or the lung cancer from breathing in the deisel fumes ?‍♂️

So even though you know there are mines in the DRC using children as young as 6 to extract Cobalt, it’s a long way from where you live so it doesn’t matter! What a disgraceful post. You really should delete it.
When people talk about the negative of environmental impact to support their anti eV mindset they fail to include the benefits of walking through the town breathing fresh air. What's going to kill you sooner? A mine that you live a long way from or the lung cancer from breathing in the deisel fumes ?‍♂️
That’s quite a shocking statement.
When people talk about the negative of environmental impact to support their anti eV mindset they fail to include the benefits of walking through the town breathing fresh air. What's going to kill you sooner? A mine that you live a long way from or the lung cancer from breathing in the deisel fumes ?‍♂️
Who walks through town centres these days? and unless I'm mistaken, the huge mayority of diesel fumes will be from public transport older buses.
So even though you know there are mines in the DRC using children as young as 6 to extract Cobalt, it’s a long way from where you live so it doesn’t matter! What a disgraceful post. You really should delete it.
Hang on, hang on!!! We're talking about the environmental issues. When did I say any of the above was OK? You've just crowbared human rights into the argument. You have literally shot off in your own direction there and I suggest you read my post again. This hasn't been mentioned here and is a different argument completely. The environmental impact is the same regardless of the levels of ppe and age of workers.

My post was a simple statement of how evs also bring advantages to our health. ill health through poor working conditions is another argument entirely
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