Voyager EMH
Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
If it is an AmAm in the morning, then everyone has practiced on the course and is disqualified from the afternoon singles competition.Has always been organised by the Captain & played with no gimmies. 4man team am & usually singles pm. Maybe it's a 'Northern thing' as a few people may have a beer at midday but dont find it necessary to be blathered as they tend to 'get out' plenty anyway.
New H/cap Sec is, like the Captain, on the ball with WHS so recognises that the scores shud go in (for Past Captain's event I'd organised earlier in year, with same rules, the County said all scores shud go on record) .... so dummies go out of pram for a few folk so I make pm a NQ Pairs.. jobs a good'n!
Those not driving had even more beer after!![]()

Unless it is just for fun...