Submitting scores on a Captain's Away Day

Should I have to?

  • YES

    Votes: 17 25.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 49 74.2%

  • Total voters
Well it’d be pretty mad for anyone to think that a round of golf with say gimmies or mulligans would count towards their handicap
Its already here. If you dont play gimmies etc you are manipulating your HI. As I say, it is going to requires a big mind change for many.
Still not made up my mind which way to vote.
Post numbers 2 and 215 have had the biggest impact on me so far.
That impact being that I feel less inclined to vote at all.
Perhaps that's a good thing.
If it's set up as an individual stableford, over a measured course and to the rules of golf. then on balance I would say yes the scores should be submitted. If you want to make it a fun day play a drawn bowmaker or some other format when submitting a card isn't and option.
I guess it just appears differently to me. If it walks like a duck etc etc

The event is only taking place & being held because of the Club Captain arranging it in their capacity as Club Captain to mark the Captains Away Day, whether it meets the h/cap qual criteria or not, and uses the club handicaps overseen by the HC committee to determine the winner, how can it not be a 'club comp'

If exactly the same players went to the same course on the same date, all still arranged by the same person (let’s call him Bob), played the same format, to the RoG with the same scores, all in the name of Big Bobs B/day Bash… I couldn’t care less if any/all/none of them stick their card in

But it’s not, it’s a club comp for the reasons stated, so whether I like it or not if it meets the qual criteria then as a club comp the scores should count under the handicap rules

edit to add: I think we pretty much of the same opinion and agree on everything (freedom to choose etc etc) all except whether the day is a 'club comp' or not, which could take away that freedom to submit or not
When it comes to our Capts away do it includes - non members , players with unofficial handicaps , its sold as a social day , not a club comp and there will be no doubt the odd gimmie to keep up pace of play etc etc

Just can’t be taken too seriously at the end of the day and we still need to have that definition .
We have been left in a mess. I am sure EG knows it, but they cannot square the circle : GP score all the times works, if you loosen the rules strings. But they dont want to do sanction rules laxity. And it goes against the instinct of we the ordinary club golfers, so some would view it as cheating. Even though it isnt because it improves the accuracy of your handicap, rather than distorts it. People are voting with their feet at the moment - and not putting in cards. Putting in cards all the time here will only work when everyone understand and subscribes to mulligans, gimmees, 6 as a max score shortcuts etc. And that will be an acrimonious transition.
Utter nonsense, from start to finish.
When it comes to our Capts away do it includes - non members , players with unofficial handicaps , its sold as a social day , not a club comp and there will be no doubt the odd gimmie to keep up pace of play etc etc

Just can’t be taken too seriously at the end of the day and we still need to have that definition .

Are you using YOUR Captain's Away day to influence your opinion on the OP's Captain's Away Day?

In your case, where golfers can happily be relaxed on the Rules of Golf and nobody minds, I'd say there is absolutely no requirement to have it as a "qualifier". In fact, from what you describe, it would be completely unacceptable to be played as a qualifier.

In the OPs case we were simply told it is played under the full rules of golf. So, from what we have been told, it is pretty much the same in every single way as a club competition qualifier, except it has been organized by the Captain instead of the Competition Secretary.
The way I see it, if you're using your handicap for a casual roll up with your mates, or for the club championship - your handicap should be representative of all those scenarios, so you should always endeavour to submit as many scores that fulfill that requirement as you practically can.

Are people really that bothered about doctoring their handicap to meet a certain 'type' of golf that they wouldn't do that??
I agree (mostly) except this isn't a single person. Its the Club Captain organising it in their role as Club Captain & naming the event under their title, which makes it a club comp, not a group of mates having an away day organised by one of the lads

So it goes back to whether they choose to have a qualifying format/scoring for this club comp, if yes then count it, if no then don't
He’s not Club Captain at the course they are going to.
He’s just another society golfer.
Ahhh, so your view is that if Captain's Day was at the Captain's golf course, then it should be a qualifier? But if it happens top be at another course, it should not.
More or less yes.
If it was captains day at their own club it’s a comp open to all members.
Away jolly with lots of beer then just give the players the choice.
That is my view.👀
More or less yes.
If it was captains day at their own club it’s a comp open to all members.
Away jolly with lots of beer then just give the players the choice.
That is my view.👀
Loads of assumptions here related to the OP.

Are we saying that Captain's Day is not open to all members in the OPs case? Is it invite only? Are there non-handicap players? Will players be expected to drink lots of alcohol whilst playing the Away day?

I think 2blue needs to clarify.

My assumption was that it was just another organized competition, but the only real difference to the normal that it would be played at another course, and it was organised by the Captain and not the Comp Sec. But, maybe I'm wrong.
Loads of assumptions here related to the OP.

Are we saying that Captain's Day is not open to all members in the OPs case? Is it invite only? Are there non-handicap players? Will players be expected to drink lots of alcohol whilst playing the Away day?

I think 2blue needs to clarify.

My assumption was that it was just another organized competition, but the only real difference to the normal that it would be played at another course, and it was organised by the Captain and not the Comp Sec. But, maybe I'm wrong.
Has always been organised by the Captain & played with no gimmies. 4man team am & usually singles pm. Maybe it's a 'Northern thing' as a few people may have a beer at midday but dont find it necessary to be blathered as they tend to 'get out' plenty anyway. 🙄
New H/cap Sec is, like the Captain, on the ball with WHS so recognises that the scores shud go in (for Past Captain's event I'd organised earlier in year, with same rules, the County said all scores shud go on record) .... so dummies go out of pram for a few folk so I make pm a NQ Pairs.. jobs a good'n!
Those not driving had even more beer after!😎😎
I agree (mostly) except this isn't a single person. Its the Club Captain organising it in their role as Club Captain & naming the event under their title, which makes it a club comp, not a group of mates having an away day organised by one of the lads

So it goes back to whether they choose to have a qualifying format/scoring for this club comp, if yes then count it, if no then don't
I disagree, to me it is still a bunch of mates having a day out. One person does not decide it's a competition, a Comps committee make that decision. And I'm not convinced that a member of one club can organise a competition at a different club? But I'm sure someone on here will tell me otherwise.
I disagree, to me it is still a bunch of mates having a day out. One person does not decide it's a competition, a Comps committee make that decision. And I'm not convinced that a member of one club can organise a competition at a different club? But I'm sure someone on here will tell me otherwise.
Is that in the rules somewhere.

I thought a competition was simply a competition, regardless of where it was or who organised it.

Would it make any difference if the Captain discussed it with the Competitions Committee, when making plans for the day. From 2blue latest post, it seems like the Captain, Handicap Sec are all on the ball, and discussed what should be done. It even seems like the County have expressed their own opinion in the past. Do any of these people / organizations view mean anything, or are they simply wrong?