Speed camera rant!!!!

Empty where you were but not necessarily a mile ahead. If tbere was a queue, at 83 you'd be up o to it in just over half a minute. I've been in jams at 1am before..

Indeed, if I'd seen tail lights I expect I would have stopped rather than plough straight into the back of any traffic jam :p
this part even in this country I never understand, surely its better to be seen more clearly as opposed to less clearly? fog lights low down dont blind or distract, you def notice the other car but why is that a bad thing?:confused:

Front fog lights maybe not - though that's debateable - but rear fog lights are a right pain in the ... eyes!

These and the idiots in the overtaking lanes not moving to the unoccupied left lanes are my biggest road gripe!
Indeed. It has crossed my mind to put my hazards on in future when abiding by any speed limits, or put a sign on the back of my car saying "Stay back - I WILL be following the speed limit" although I doubt someone smashing into the back of my car on the motorway will have time to read it!!! :mad:

Well, you'd better makes sure it's in several East European languages then!

These and the idiots in the overtaking lanes not moving to the unoccupied left lanes are my biggest road gripe!

Same here, I was doing near 500 motorway miles a month last year and I saw hundreds of them!

Also people not using their mirrors, like the TWO idiots recently who both tried to overtake me as I pulled over to let an ambulance past! How can anyone be so "in a bubble" as to not think why I might be slowing down, pulling over and indicating like that? Both times I had planned ahead to give it space and they go and block the ambulance!
Does anyone know if those yellow gantry average speed camera's on motorways work? It seems to me that artic lorries know something I do not, especially when they bomb past me doing 65 in a 50 zone. If they work then surely they would lose their license in a single journey.
God help me but I spent a day driving around London's arterial motorway network recently. First off to Dartford via the M4 & M25 and all going well until I get just past Heathrow on the M25. Gantry lights come on and the variable speed restrictions start. Gantry #1 shows 60mph, next shows 50mph and then next 40mph - all as one might expect. There then follows a guess the next limit session that kept me on my toes, as they seemed to go between 60 - 40 - all clear- 50 etc. etc with no obvious rhyme or reason and remained on when any congestion, which by the way was very minimal, was long cleared.

Who sets these limits when restrictions are in place? Are they monitored on CCTV from a central control room somewhere and then relevant speed selected accordingly? Or do sensors pick up the average speed? The cynic in me wonders are they simply trying to catch people out? It's always the same on the M42 round Brum. They have them on at 60 nearly always no matter what.

Later I'm coming back round again and I hit the M25 stretch near to Clackett Lane, the so-called smart motorway section. One of the matrix signs lights up with the limit of 50 circled red (mandatory compliance). I drop to the limit and next one then shows 40 and additionally indicates, with a red X and a lane blocked icon, that the slow lane is banjaxed in some way.

Those of us driving for a living will probably be aware that they are pushing the fact (quite heavily on matrix signs and at motorway services toilets currently) that to continue in a lane designated with a red X is dangerous and also against the law.

So I immediately move into lane two only to notice that in my rear-view mirror there is a 40-foot HGV about 2 inches from my rear bumper. Although intimidated I refuse to pull into the slow lane and am then treated to his air-horn and much light flashing before he pulls into the slow lane and undertakes me!! Various other drivers in a variety of vehicles do the same at what I would estimate are speeds of between 60-70mph.

I am sick to death of having to endure this kind of moronic behaviour from other motorists. There seems to be no shortage of camera-vans, or patrol officers with radar guns all too happy to pinch people doing 33in a 30 limit (which I never do because I need my licence for work). Why are they never on had to nick people that deserve to be nicked for far more serious misdemeanours?

I drive around 35-40,000 business miles per year always at the speed limit (honestly!). I find it extremely hard to do this and would estimate that I am within a very small minority who do so. I have become almost phobic about complying with the millions of restrictions I must encounter in any given year. Probably the hardest of the lot is keeping to 30 in a built up area. The amount of Vs I've been flicked and non-highway code hand signals shown to me is colossal. I used to love this bit of my job (driving) but can honestly say that I never had to drive another mile for business then I'd be delighted.

I think that nowadays there are so many signs and instructions to comply with that we all spend a dangerous amount of time watching our speedos and not enough time with our eyes on the road. And don't start me on the "cameras are cash-cows debate"or I might just explode.
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Thing that really bugs me are warning gantry signs telling you to slow down, so you slow down, traffic is light and you pass the area with the problem only to realize that there is no problem, or the problem it related to cleared hours ago.

Its like crying Wolf, people start to ignore these signs, and that is dangerous because the one time they do really need to heed the warning, they are still bombing along.
Its time that these signs were kept up to date and only on for as long as necessary
Glad it is not only me that obeys the speed limit.
I have thought on many occasions I was on my own.

Anyone harassing me gets a quick scoosh of my fog lights, that seems to work a treat.
I'm sure that a lot of the matrix signs on the M25 and M20 are purely money generators. They are on when the road is pretty clear, they slow you down to speeds as slow as 40 mph then back to 60 and then within a short space they go down to 40mph - I'm sure that they rely on motorists getting fed up and not taking the speeds seriously and then WALLOP a ticket!