Challenge Tour Pro
I play as often as I can and I am still amazed when I see experienced club golfers doing things that hold up play - marking cards on greens, bags left in the wrong place, looking for balls over 5 minutes, players not playing shots whilst others looking for balls, not waving through, not being ready to play etc etc. I am also still stunned by the often stupidity and greediness of clubs when players are given closely timed tee off times of 5-7 minutes. They need to be more realistic. Comments on this thread have suggested we could slow down our own play to the pace of the course/let go of that Holy Grail of a 3 1/2 game. Possibly yes. Personally though I don't think we - as players - will ever really stamp out slow play as inevitably things will happen that affect the pace of game - bad shots, poor etiquette etc - or the fact that one day we will be stuck behind a group of players who are learning the game and will take umpteen shots per hole. Yes we can all behave better, learn how far we actually can hit our clubs, but the directive HAS to come from the R&A and the clubs themselves doesn't it? A stricter code of play for professionals, stricter rules for members, better briefings from the Pro Shop for visitors, better course maps on cards or cheaper course maps to buy, lengthier tee times, clearer guidelines on slow play etc. I don't think we can ever go back to how it was, or reminisce about the good old days, but instead, perhaps, we should be working towards a more acceptable future standard of play I just don't know how we are going to get there?