Signing in to a comp

Why can't people leave stuff alone.
The shop has a print out of the tee-times with names.
Joe Bloggs walks in, signs next to his name, pays his money, gets his competition card and leaves.
Exactly how its done at ours.
Then enter your score in the computer post round and drop your card in the competitions box.
Oh, like when someone had to make a journey to collect all the cards, enter their scores, chase up those that were difficult to read, check that all cards had been returned etc etc. Have you ever been involved in this area of Club life?
I was talking about the sign in process of which I have years of experience
Referring back to the OP, one of the 'Terms of Competition' at our place is; Scores must be entered within 30 mins of completion of your round and cards left in the box provided.
Rules of the committee state that you must sign in via PSI. As this hasn't happened then it is in breach of comp rules. That is what I think we are trying to point out.

The payment is not proof of sign in. As we have had members pay. Not turn up, Forfeit the fee and not receive a penalty score for non return of scorecard.
Where does prize vouchers get paid to? At our place all members have a Shop-Ac so can pay Comp entry from it or spend in the shop.
Last Club:
People registered for a comp on howdidido. Draw was made about a week before. Players paid when they collected their card before teeing off. If players didn't turn up, they didn't pay and they weren't in the competition. All pretty simple. If someone forgot their money on the rare occasion, they were still officially deemed to be in the comp, as they were in the draw and turned up to play. They just had to ensure they paid up in the future, which they did. If they didn't, then I'm sure they'd just be prohibited in playing future comps until they paid for the last one. Signing In on PSI terminal (when that became a thing) was requested and done by most players. But not always, some forgot or the terminal was offline, but it wasn't a critical issue. We knew who turned up to play in the drawn comp, so they were in the comp, end off.

Current Club
People periodically go to Pro Shop and top up their Club V1 competition account with however much money they like. When they register for a competition, money automatically withdrawn from their account. If they then unregister, before the draw (a few days before comp), account automatically refunded. If they do not turn up on the day, they are automatically not in the competition. But they are not refunded either (unless there are extraordinary circumstances for them not being there). Players do not have to Sign In, because the Pro just Signs them in on Club V1 and ticks them off the paper copy of the draw when they collect their pre-printed card. I assume the pro remembers to do this for everyone, but I'd have no idea if he ever forgets and it simply doesn't matter (like last club).

A few times howdidido might be down, and sometimes the PSI screen afterwards doesn't work, so it is probably wise clubs don't become 100% reliant on software doing some of these things. There have been quite a few times in the past where players have been able to enter scores after, then for about 20 minutes (or whatever), the PSI screen completely seems to lock up and no one can do anything. Then it later seems to work again. So there will be many occasions where the comp sec will need to ultimately manually enter the scores of some players in the field, and not penalise them for not doing so themselves (unless they do it frequently and turns out they just can't be bothered, at which point club might decide to take some action on a disciplinary basis). I'd be reluctant to penalise a player for not Signing in on Club V1, and then find out they couldn't for technical reasons.
Last Club:
People registered for a comp on howdidido. Draw was made about a week before. Players paid when they collected their card before teeing off. If players didn't turn up, they didn't pay and they weren't in the competition. All pretty simple. If someone forgot their money on the rare occasion, they were still officially deemed to be in the comp, as they were in the draw and turned up to play. They just had to ensure they paid up in the future, which they did. If they didn't, then I'm sure they'd just be prohibited in playing future comps until they paid for the last one. Signing In on PSI terminal (when that became a thing) was requested and done by most players. But not always, some forgot or the terminal was offline, but it wasn't a critical issue. We knew who turned up to play in the drawn comp, so they were in the comp, end off.

Current Club
People periodically go to Pro Shop and top up their Club V1 competition account with however much money they like. When they register for a competition, money automatically withdrawn from their account. If they then unregister, before the draw (a few days before comp), account automatically refunded. If they do not turn up on the day, they are automatically not in the competition. But they are not refunded either (unless there are extraordinary circumstances for them not being there). Players do not have to Sign In, because the Pro just Signs them in on Club V1 and ticks them off the paper copy of the draw when they collect their pre-printed card. I assume the pro remembers to do this for everyone, but I'd have no idea if he ever forgets and it simply doesn't matter (like last club).

A few times howdidido might be down, and sometimes the PSI screen afterwards doesn't work, so it is probably wise clubs don't become 100% reliant on software doing some of these things. There have been quite a few times in the past where players have been able to enter scores after, then for about 20 minutes (or whatever), the PSI screen completely seems to lock up and no one can do anything. Then it later seems to work again. So there will be many occasions where the comp sec will need to ultimately manually enter the scores of some players in the field, and not penalise them for not doing so themselves (unless they do it frequently and turns out they just can't be bothered, at which point club might decide to take some action on a disciplinary basis). I'd be reluctant to penalise a player for not Signing in on Club V1, and then find out they couldn't for technical reasons.
We have dedicated email for such problems. If they are unable to do email then the Proshop will do it for them. Reducing workload for the Clubs volunteers is essential if you want folk to keep volunteering. Sadly, Members are often very quick to shirk their responsibilities.
Where does prize vouchers get paid to? At our place all members have a Shop-Ac so can pay Comp entry from it or spend in the shop.

The prize money is put on the balance on the Levy card. This is paid every quarter.

Unless it is a named Comp then prize is given at prize giving. Normally a voucher
I was talking about the sign in process of which I have years of experience
The OPs club operate separately the management of the course and facilities and guess that means it would need a volunteer to be at the club to collect cash and to bank it. Much easier at a club that ur fully integrated and have staff to take cash/card.
At my club members pay on entry and have to sign in on the ISV on day of competition, this prints a label to attach to the Scorecard. All seamless using technology. Both manual and technology systems can work well in the right environment, hybrids less so.
We use IG .
It takes your money off your card ACC as soon as you enter your name in the online comp sheet.

If you don’t have enough credit on the card you are not allowed in the comp.
you need to top it up online just to get your name on the tee sheet.

Works fine.
you just collect your card off the pro then.
We use IG .
It takes your money off your card ACC as soon as you enter your name in the online comp sheet.

If you don’t have enough credit on the card you are not allowed in the comp.
you need to top it up online just to get your name on the tee sheet.

Works fine.
you just collect your card off the pro then.
When are you judged to have 'signed in'? When you paid?
When are you judged to have 'signed in'? When you paid?
We don’t sign in as such.
we put our names on a sigh up sheet online and the payment is instant ,so it’s then I assume.!

we pick our cards up from the pro shop ,pre printed with name and h/ cap
We upload scores and photo of signed card into IG works great.

If you withdraw from sheet you get a refund but don’t if it’s within 24 hrs of your tee time.
If you just don’t turn up without a phone call to pro you get a stern letter.
We don’t sign in as such.
we put our names on a sigh up sheet online and the payment is instant ,so it’s then I assume.!

we pick our cards up from the pro shop ,pre printed with name and h/ cap
We upload scores and photo of signed card into IG works great.

If you withdraw from sheet you get a refund but don’t if it’s within 24 hrs of your tee time.
If you just don’t turn up without a phone call to pro you get a stern letter.
I would gave thought "sign in" is the moment you take your card from the pro, as that is the final commitment to play. Those not picking up their card haven't made the same commitment.
We don’t sign in as such.
we put our names on a sigh up sheet online and the payment is instant ,so it’s then I assume.!

we pick our cards up from the pro shop ,pre printed with name and h/ cap
We upload scores and photo of signed card into IG works great.

If you withdraw from sheet you get a refund but don’t if it’s within 24 hrs of your tee time.
If you just don’t turn up without a phone call to pro you get a stern letter.
IG has "check in" facility for on the day confirmation. Yes, a backup probably needed in case of technical issues but a comp that is setup correctly with everyone knowing their responsibilities should run smoothly without so much heavy lifting.
I would gave thought "sign in" is the moment you take your card from the pro, as that is the final commitment to play. Those not picking up their card haven't made the same commitment.
Not the best arrangement, I'd suggest, as the Pro may have to go away in an emergency or the player may just completely forget to collect the card & have to use another from his bag. At our place, being @signed in to the Comp' is when you've signed-in via the software & have paid your entry fee.
Why can't people leave stuff alone.
The shop has a print out of the tee-times with names.
Joe Bloggs walks in, signs next to his name, pays his money, gets his competition card and leaves.

Because the way people work has changed

When someone enters a comp at our place they pay on entry via their club account - it’s done automatically, no need to take any cash etc into the pro shop

You arrive , pick your card up , pro highlights you are signed in , enter into the pro shops twos if you wish and then play

When finished you put your card into the PSI or on the phone

If there a spare tee time you enter on the day via the pro shop who adds you onto the tee sheet which automatically takes your entry fee out

All entry fees go automatically into the right account