Random Irritations


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Ask her a question(s). Who helps put food on the table, keep a roof over your head and operates a taxi service? Do I ever complain, or do I love doing it for you?

My wifes dad was never around. Her step dad helped raise her when she was older

Even tho she was a pain (who isn't as a teenager) she said "he choose to raise me, hes more of a dad than the sperm donor"


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Getting the ”you’re not my dad, you can’t tell me what to do” line from she who must be obeyed 15 year old daughter. I’ve been expecting it for a couple of years but it’s still a kick in the teeth to hear it

Luckily I didn’t get that from my step daughter


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm not an expert on how YouTube advertising works. But surely they could have enough sense not to stick a blaring advert in the middle of a video of soothing music designed to help babies and toddlers sleep?? Some videos need to remain ad-free.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Parked my car in the station car park as usual on Monday, when I came back someone had put a massive scrape in my door. No note left. Have emailed the car park company to ask about camera footage, but they'll only provide to insurance company or police requests. Don't massively want to go through insurance when I'm about to renew it in 3 weeks' time. Have never done a police inquiry for something like this before, but I'd imagine it's not exactly high on their priority list??


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Parked my car in the station car park as usual on Monday, when I came back someone had put a massive scrape in my door. No note left. Have emailed the car park company to ask about camera footage, but they'll only provide to insurance company or police requests. Don't massively want to go through insurance when I'm about to renew it in 3 weeks' time. Have never done a police inquiry for something like this before, but I'd imagine it's not exactly high on their priority list??

The police will almost certainly say it’s a matter for insurance companies to resolve.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Parked my car in the station car park as usual on Monday, when I came back someone had put a massive scrape in my door. No note left. Have emailed the car park company to ask about camera footage, but they'll only provide to insurance company or police requests. Don't massively want to go through insurance when I'm about to renew it in 3 weeks' time. Have never done a police inquiry for something like this before, but I'd imagine it's not exactly high on their priority list??
It will be cheaper to get a body shop or smart repairer fix it out of your own pocket.
Sadly, it goes on all the time.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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It will be cheaper to get a body shop or smart repairer fix it out of your own pocket.
Sadly, it goes on all the time.

I remember it happening to one of my cars in a leisure centre car park, less than a fortnight after I’d bought it. About £600 worth of damage.

I’m sure I’m not alone, but I’ve had multiple incidents of small dents from people opening their doors on mine, including once in the golf club car park. Fortunately CCTV identified the culprit and he paid up.

The most infuriating one was when I was parked in a local town centre car park and I was actually sitting in the car waiting for my wife. A woman parked next to me and opened her door - whack! Straight into my passenger door. She then opened her rear door to let her child out - whack! Straight into my rear nearside door.

I got out and saw two lovely fresh dents with paint flakes from the edges of her door in them. She was really snotty when I took her to task, but I told her she either paid for the damage or I reported her to the police for criminal damage. She paid for two smart repairs.

It’s at the point now that I am paranoid about where I park. I worked hard to earn the money to buy a nice car and I am fed up with selfish people damaging my property. Invariably, at the golf club, I’ll park in an end bay well over the markings to allow anyone who parks next to me the room to get in and out of their vehicle without costing me yet more money in repairs.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I remember it happening to one of my cars in a leisure centre car park, less than a fortnight after I’d bought it. About £600 worth of damage.

I’m sure I’m not alone, but I’ve had multiple incidents of small dents from people opening their doors on mine, including once in the golf club car park. Fortunately CCTV identified the culprit and he paid up.

The most infuriating one was when I was parked in a local town centre car park and I was actually sitting in the car waiting for my wife. A woman parked next to me and opened her door - whack! Straight into my passenger door. She then opened her rear door to let her child out - whack! Straight into my rear nearside door.

I got out and saw two lovely fresh dents with paint flakes from the edges of her door in them. She was really snotty when I took her to task, but I told her she either paid for the damage or I reported her to the police for criminal damage. She paid for two smart repairs.

It’s at the point now that I am paranoid about where I park. I worked hard to earn the money to buy a nice car and I am fed up with selfish people damaging my property. Invariably, at the golf club, I’ll park in an end bay well over the markings to allow anyone who parks next to me the room to get in and out of their vehicle without costing me yet more money in repairs.
Luckily my car is not overly expensive and I wouldn't say I take loads of pride in it or anything. But it's obviously annoying, and I can't afford to get it fixed myself at the moment as money is being spent elsewhere, so it's going to look like this for a while now. Picture attached - it's not like you could do this and not notice. Looks like they've scraped their bumper right down it while parking next to me.


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Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Luckily my car is not overly expensive and I wouldn't say I take loads of pride in it or anything. But it's obviously annoying, and I can't afford to get it fixed myself at the moment as money is being spent elsewhere, so it's going to look like this for a while now. Picture attached - it's not like you could do this and not notice. Looks like they've scraped their bumper right down it while parking next to me.

Yeah you are going to notice doing that arent you. As has already been said, just a total lack of respect for other human beings in our country at the moment (generally).


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Luckily my car is not overly expensive and I wouldn't say I take loads of pride in it or anything. But it's obviously annoying, and I can't afford to get it fixed myself at the moment as money is being spent elsewhere, so it's going to look like this for a while now. Picture attached - it's not like you could do this and not notice. Looks like they've scraped their bumper right down it while parking next to me.

Very similar to what happened to mine. It’ll be when someone reversed out of the space next to you on full lock. And they’ll have known full well that they had done it.

I cannot abide the sort of person who does that.


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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Parked my car in the station car park as usual on Monday, when I came back someone had put a massive scrape in my door. No note left. Have emailed the car park company to ask about camera footage, but they'll only provide to insurance company or police requests. Don't massively want to go through insurance when I'm about to renew it in 3 weeks' time. Have never done a police inquiry for something like this before, but I'd imagine it's not exactly high on their priority list??

Is it dented or just a scrape?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Short term fix is get some coloured T-cut and go over it a few times. It won’t fix it but it might make it look less obvious.

You’re looking at about £900-£1000 to get that painted as its across two panels.
Well that won't be happening, I definitely don't care about it enough to pay that. That's like a fifth of what the car cost. 😂

Cheers, maybe I'll have a go at it myself at some point.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Well that won't be happening, I definitely don't care about it enough to pay that. That's like a fifth of what the car cost. 😂

Cheers, maybe I'll have a go at it myself at some point.

How big is the dent? I got one repaired on my car last year, it was about the size of my fist and cost £120 at one of those dent repair places.


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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We all like a nice tidy car, but it will inevitably "get Tesco'd". Once you've acquired a few dinks, you can relax and just accept that's how things are these days. It shouldn't be like that, but sometimes you just have to give up and go with the flow.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Well that won't be happening, I definitely don't care about it enough to pay that. That's like a fifth of what the car cost. 😂

Cheers, maybe I'll have a go at it myself at some point.

Get a 'baby on board' or 'grumpy old git' sticker and cover up the worst.

I used to have a 'Grumpy Old Git on board' sign stuck to my back window....made me smile.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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We all like a nice tidy car, but it will inevitably "get Tesco'd". Once you've acquired a few dinks, you can relax and just accept that's how things are these days. It shouldn't be like that, but sometimes you just have to give up and go with the flow.

I'm not prepared to lower my standards because a % of the population are morons and have no respect.