Random Irritations

Totally random one (and guessing a few will have examples of why I am wrong) but TV shows with more than 6 series. So very few can maintain the quality and so they just drag on, going through the motions until everyone turns off and those that do keep going just become soap operas

And in a similar vein, 6 part series that should have been a decent feature film instead.
Totally random one (and guessing a few will have examples of why I am wrong) but TV shows with more than 6 series. So very few can maintain the quality and so they just drag on, going through the motions until everyone turns off and those that do keep going just become soap operas
Not Going Out springs to mind. The early ones were funny, not so now.
Totally random one (and guessing a few will have examples of why I am wrong) but TV shows with more than 6 series. So very few can maintain the quality and so they just drag on, going through the motions until everyone turns off and those that do keep going just become soap operas
Grey's Anatomy kicks that well into touch - but it's pretty unique with 18.
Castle made it to 8. Elementary somewhat limped to 7, so most follow that pattern.
Part of the 'problem' is that the natural ageing process of the main actors moves them to a different 'envionment' - as in woud they be selected for the role they originally were. That's possibly less a consideration to Crime oriented shows - like Morse etc
Hill St Blues (7) and NYPD Blue (12). Wp Dennis Franz!

And M*A*S*H did pretty well!

E.R., Cheers, Frazier.

St. Elsewhere stopped at 6 it seems.
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Most of the Trek series were 7 (TNG, DS9 and Voyager). They had reached their sell-by date. Enterprise could definitely have gone on for more than four.
24 was another one that fell away badly at the end. The one set in London was terrible and as for 24:Legacy, well anyone involved in that should be shot. By Jack Bauer himself.
Most of the Trek series were 7 (TNG, DS9 and Voyager). They had reached their sell-by date. Enterprise could definitely have gone on for more than four.
24 was another one that fell away badly at the end. The one set in London was terrible and as for 24:Legacy, well anyone involved in that should be shot. By Jack Bauer himself.
But the Emergency Medical Hologram continues to live on...
How dare some attack Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe for having the effrontery to criticise, in her press conference yesterday and in subsequent interviews, the government and Foreign Office for their handling of her captivity and efforts to get her released. Some folks really need to give their heads a very good wobble.

But neither you or she knows the cost and effort going on behind the scenes over the whole time. She is not entirely blameless for the situation!
Hill St Blues (7) and NYPD Blue (12). Wp Dennis Franz!

And M*A*S*H did pretty well!

E.R., Cheers, Frazier.

St. Elsewhere stopped at 6 it seems.

Medical shows do seem to have some of the exceptions but I guess a larger cast in a wide setting leave more opportunity for change and re-invention. I am not a fan and not really watched many (I think House was the last one I watched and that nose dived badly) but I have often, possibly mistakenly, seen them as almost soap operas where the daily lives takes over from the medical focus.

Some comedy series have done it but having watched Cheers and MASH in random sections I am not sure of the exact order. I do remember MASH losing some of its appeal towards the end. Frazier also went downhill a bit, they seemd to run out of ideas a bit, especially after Daphne and Niles got together. Not saying either were bad but also not sure that they would have been harmed by being a few series shorter.

The ultimate examply is The Simpsons, I cannot give up on it but it has been probably 25 years since its heyday.

I will add to my gripe, 20 plus episodes is too much for any series and normally has several 'filler' ones. 14 episodes seems about right and as for UK shows never being more than 8 or so in length, that is far too short for most.
Totally random one (and guessing a few will have examples of why I am wrong) but TV shows with more than 6 series. So very few can maintain the quality and so they just drag on, going through the motions until everyone turns off and those that do keep going just become soap operas
I formed the opinion a while ago that any show turns into a soap opera after season 3.
As soon as the original writers change and it becomes more about the characters' relationships than the plot then you've got yourself Crossroads in space / at war / in the hospital / in the police station / etc.
I formed the opinion a while ago that any show turns into a soap opera after season 3.
As soon as the original writers change and it becomes more about the characters' relationships than the plot then you've got yourself Crossroads in space / at war / in the hospital / in the police station / etc.
AARGH!!! Someone used the wrong word for Series!! The topic was going so well until then.
I formed the opinion a while ago that any show turns into a soap opera after season 3.
As soon as the original writers change and it becomes more about the characters' relationships than the plot then you've got yourself Crossroads in space / at war / in the hospital / in the police station / etc.

I think that the best series can pull off a longer run but that is normally because a series was written for an extended run but with a defnitive end already scripted for further down the line. I always suspect that many series have the first one or two and the last one planned out and everything in between is just filler.