Paul Runyan - chip and run method...


Tour Rookie
May 11, 2009
Stourbridge , West Midlands
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I had a go at this method on our practice area today and found it very easy with a 48 deg wedge and a 9 iron. The 9 iron ran further than the wedge as suggested and it was much easier than I thought it would be. I found it a bit tougher on rougher ground so will have another go when I have a chance.
It was good to have another method to go to though.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I practise this method but not with the extreme grip tho. My toe strikes are toe strikes<script id="gpt-impl-0.15077986619139705" src=""></script>, virtually on the grooveless part of the club, it comes out very dead but it runs, great for downhill shots. I even do full cut pitch shots of 10-20yds and strike it out of the toe and still get it to spin and stop. Great shot to have, but hard to master.

Apparently that's why Phil's PM wedge has grooves right out the edge so he can hit chips and pitch shots out of the toe.

untitled (7).jpg


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I occasionally do something like you've described. Usually if I'm only just off the edge of the green, but still a long way from the flag so I don't fancy putting, I'll take my 8 iron, grip down it a little bit and basically do a firm putting stroke with it. I prefer that to having to either belt it with the putter or hit a feather-light chip - it sits somewhere in between so a little more margin for error I suppose.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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The simple chip and run is a shot that has evaded me all my life. Could not play it for toffee. Till now.

I had tried everything you could think of and even most parts of this technique apart from one vital ingredient. This is the grip. Hugely important as it locks the wrists and won't let them hinge.

To play it ...

Super weak left hand position
Pretty strong right hand position
Raise the handle so heel is off the ground. Shaft a lot more vertical (allows for less arc, more straight back and thru stroke)
Ball back in stance (around back foot)
Hands ahead.
Basically putting stroke, slightly descending.

I could never play this as I had far too strong left hand. I always hinged too much and was forever sticking the leading edge into the turf. Duff.

Spent just over an hour at the putting green trying this and was blown away. Played a few holes with my mate after and showed him. Both loving it.

This works even better from light semi rough greenside as the toe picks the ball lovely. Gets the ball rolling at the hole and you feel you can hole the chip.

This is absolutely massive for me. No more high chips when it isn't necessary.

Videos to follow for those interested.

Had a bash in the garden for 15 minutes or so this afternoon. Mightily impressed with simplicity and control of direction/distance.

Taking it on the course is another thing but have an away day tomorrow so will be able to give it a run out without a card in hand.

Thanks tinker-man :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Great to hear. Directional control is a massive thing from this. It just wants to hit the ball where you point it. Fantastic.

All my old chips would slide left to right as I cut under and across the ball. This technique hits it straight.

Massive :)


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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I'm glad I was introduced to the method as I've never had a good short game. It got to the point recently where I had a chipper in my eBay watch list


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I've never seen this before but it is essentially an exaggerated version of what I have been trying to do and I'm desperate so I thought I'd give it a go. Although I have only tried it in the garden for 10 minutes it seems as though it is impossible to hit it badly using this method. Whether it is the upright shaft or grip position or both I don't no but it seems that this really works :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Why were you doing that?

Due to not having firm wrists, they would hinge on way back then stick the leading edge into ground on way back.

Developed a shot where I would open the face and increase the bounce, slip the club in under the ball and cut it in soft left to right. It pretty much guaranteed contact but as I say always spun off to the right.

You can only duff it into the soft Irish turf so much before you lose the will to live.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I've never seen this before but it is essentially an exaggerated version of what I have been trying to do and I'm desperate so I thought I'd give it a go. Although I have only tried it in the garden for 10 minutes it seems as though it is impossible to hit it badly using this method. Whether it is the upright shaft or grip position or both I don't no but it seems that this really works :thup:

It really is that good. Especially from light rough you find around parkland greens.

In that video. Runyan says, in the time before records where made on the the pga tour, he won all the chipping tests 5 years in a row. It's not hard to see why.... faultless technique.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I acutally had a go with one but obviously never got it to function properly. Probably due to my strong left hand grip which allowed it to break down.

Have a go at this method bob and see what you think.

There's nothing new about it to try..........
It's all the same as I've been using and teaching for years except for the weird grip to stop the wrists flicking (which it doesn't completely)
If someone has a fault in their technique I would rather fix it than introduce another fault to balance it out.
My concern with this grip is, if you practice alot with it, it could sneak into your full swing.
But as with all things, if it works for you, go for it.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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There's nothing new about it to try..........
It's all the same as I've been using and teaching for years except for the weird grip to stop the wrists flicking (which it doesn't completely)
If someone has a fault in their technique I would rather fix it than introduce another fault to balance it out.
My concern with this grip is, if you practice alot with it, it could sneak into your full swing.
But as with all things, if it works for you, go for it.

I saw the same bob, I think a v-easy was the brilliant for solid chipping.

Like so many videos I see the person "selling" exaggerates faults beyond what the majority do, emphasises the fix with solid fundamental plus their take on what fixes the exaggerated faults.

Most people could take just the fundamental parts and see an improvement just from that refreshment of the basics.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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There's nothing new about it to try..........
It's all the same as I've been using and teaching for years except for the weird grip to stop the wrists flicking (which it doesn't completely)
If someone has a fault in their technique I would rather fix it than introduce another fault to balance it out.
My concern with this grip is, if you practice alot with it, it could sneak into your full swing.
But as with all things, if it works for you, go for it.

It's been around for years. Certainly not new. The raised handle has a purpose and allows for super straight shots. There is a lot less rotation of the face with the upright shaft.

I'd love the grip to weaken off my left hand for the full swing. Might go from super strong to neutral.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I saw the same bob, I think a v-easy was the brilliant for solid chipping.

Like so many videos I see the person "selling" exaggerates faults beyond what the majority do, emphasises the fix with solid fundamental plus their take on what fixes the exaggerated faults.

Most people could take just the fundamental parts and see an improvement just from that refreshment of the basics.

Funny you see them as exaggerated faults. I see it as an improvement on a tried and tested method.

Go and try it before you knock it. Already a few people who have woken up to this.