New Swing Video


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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My wife videoed me at the driving range last night. I present them to you for advice and/or ridicule, whichever floats your boat, and both shall be gratefully received. - normal speed - slow motion

These are two different shots rather than the same vid slowed down. Can't remember which club it was, but an iron of some description.

If I had to critique myself, I think my short backswing might have got shorter than ever, and it has been pointed out before that I have zero wrist hinge involved. But I think I've improved my speed through the ball and strike a little bit, evidenced by the fact that the club finishes well over my shoulder which wasn't always the case. And people have often said I shallow the club will in the transition (I think).

On my most recent round on Monday I hit a few slices with the irons, I'm not sure if anything visible here would cause or whether it was just tired/lazy swings or trying to hit it too hard because I've got new irons.

----------- NEW UPDATE POST 39 --------------

Now with added wrist hinge, sort of..
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May 25, 2022
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You're much, MUCH younger than I'd imagined!

Your takeaway is very shallow and yes, you have very little wrist hinge. You are also bent at the waist a hell of a lot. But hell, you play off 14 and I have no idea what I'm talking about so I won't say any more!

At the end of the day, if you're striking the ball in a manner that you're happy with... I always come to the conclusion that there isn't a "right way" to swing a club.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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You're much, MUCH younger than I'd imagined!

Your takeaway is very shallow and yes, you have very little wrist hinge. You are also bent at the waist a hell of a lot. But hell, you play off 14 and I have no idea what I'm talking about so I won't say any more!

At the end of the day, if you're striking the ball in a manner that you're happy with... I always come to the conclusion that there isn't a "right way" to swing a club.
Ah yeah, I knew about that one as well to be fair. Someone tried to get me to stand up more straight and swing once, I could barely hit the ball, as if I'd never picked up a club before in my life. I suppose you just get used to your way of doing it.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I suspect we have remarkably similar swings. Short take back, no wrist hinge, minimal turn (we may think we turn, coil etc but the camera doesn't lie :D)

It depends what you want to do. That will get you, and me, so far but we will always be limited, partly by distance as much as anything. Does that bother you? If it does then lessons are crucial, this is not one to change over youtube.

If you don't want to do big changes, concentrate on your short game and look to shave the shots off there rather than gaining distance. Your swing is probably very repeatable, there is something to be said for that.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I suspect we have remarkably similar swings. Short take back, no wrist hinge, minimal turn (we may think we turn, coil etc but the camera doesn't lie :D)

It depends what you want to do. That will get you, and me, so far but we will always be limited, partly by distance as much as anything. Does that bother you? If it does then lessons are crucial, this is not one to change over youtube.

If you don't want to do big changes, concentrate on your short game and look to shave the shots off there rather than gaining distance. Your swing is probably very repeatable, there is something to be said for that.
Just got new irons that go further, supposedly. :LOL: I still think I hit average distances if not slightly more with my short swing. Driver probably 220 average, going to 240 in summer, which is not the longest but it's good enough at my course.

I've said it before but when I did shorten the swing originally the distance loss was only about 4-5 yards probably, not as much as some might think.


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Oct 5, 2018
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I'm definitely no expert but you seem to be bending over at address a bit too much and you are reaching for the ball, your hands are miles away from your body. There doesn't seem to be a great deal of hip rotation on the backswing either and you can see your right heal is still on the ground at impact.
You do shallow the club well on transition and you get a good waist bend through impact (unlike me who is upright by that point humping the goat) so there are some good things as well.
I'd just ignore my advice until someone more qualified like bobmac chimes in. :)


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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I'm afraid to video myself anymore. I did it a few times about 5 years ago, I was shocked at how slowly I was swinging.....sure felt a lot faster.

*Yep, have to agree with the too bent over comments.
*Lack of hand movement is a bit extreme. I usually try to keep my hands from moving very much for consistency.....if I get real handsy the amount of bad shots shoots up.....not a good tradeoff for me just to try for a few more yards.
*A tiny bit short on the back swing. I try to keep mine short as well, but a little further than you are doing. I try to get my club just past vertical on the backswing. Nothing wrong with a short backswing, I quite often think it is going just as far since I use my body better.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2020
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That’s the range at Northolt?!! Attached to the City 9 and AG?

As case of ‘blind-leading-the-blind’ but here goes: 1) your balance / follow through / finish is good. 2) work on steeper or more vertical takeaway and definitely more hinge


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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My wife videoed me at the driving range last night. I present them to you for advice and/or ridicule, whichever floats your boat, and both shall be gratefully received. - normal speed - slow motion

These are two different shots rather than the same vid slowed down. Can't remember which club it was, but an iron of some description.

If I had to critique myself, I think my short backswing might have got shorter than ever, and it has been pointed out before that I have zero wrist hinge involved. But I think I've improved my speed through the ball and strike a little bit, evidenced by the fact that the club finishes well over my shoulder which wasn't always the case. And people have often said I shallow the club will in the transition (I think).

On my most recent round on Monday I hit a few slices with the irons, I'm not sure if anything visible here would cause or whether it was just tired/lazy swings or trying to hit it too hard because I've got new irons.

I'm not going to critique the swing, but would suggest you get your Mrs (or whoever is filming) to stand on the extended line between your two feet rather than off to the side as it gives a much better view of what is actually going on.

Like this:



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm not going to critique the swing, but would suggest you get your Mrs (or whoever is filming) to stand on the extended line between your two feet rather than off to the side as it gives a much better view of what is actually going on.

Like this:


But that's not where the seat was? ?

Got a video of your full swing too Ori ;)
You made that joke last time. ?

That’s the range at Northolt?!! Attached to the City 9 and AG?
No, it was the TopTracer place at Hertsmere (used to be known as Radlett Park).

Nowt wrong with a compact swing, Rhams is shorter than yours ?

Ps, I also thought you was an old fart ?
Do people really not know that my age is on my profile? ?

A general question to all those that said it - while I know I'm more hunched over than most people, can somebody point towards what the actual benefit would be of standing more upright? This is a big 'if' but if I was going to start working on that, I think it would be a huge task to adjust to it, but I'd want to know why I was doing it. Most have just said "you're hunched over" without really stating why that's a problem.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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I suspect we have remarkably similar swings. Short take back, no wrist hinge, minimal turn (we may think we turn, coil etc but the camera doesn't lie :D)

It depends what you want to do. That will get you, and me, so far but we will always be limited, partly by distance as much as anything. Does that bother you? If it does then lessons are crucial, this is not one to change over youtube.

If you don't want to do big changes, concentrate on your short game and look to shave the shots off there rather than gaining distance. Your swing is probably very repeatable, there is something to be said for that.

Me three.....

It was like watching myself other than me standing a bit more upright :ROFLMAO:

P.S I knew you were young and just sound like an old man online :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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But that's not where the seat was? ?

You made that joke last time. ?

No, it was the TopTracer place at Hertsmere (used to be known as Radlett Park).

Do people really not know that my age is on my profile? ?

A general question to all those that said it - while I know I'm more hunched over than most people, can somebody point towards what the actual benefit would be of standing more upright? This is a big 'if' but if I was going to start working on that, I think it would be a huge task to adjust to it, but I'd want to know why I was doing it. Most have just said "you're hunched over" without really stating why that's a problem.
I'm no great golfer or coach, but it looks like it might cause you to just swing back with your arms and shoulders, rather than rotating from your shoulders right down your core to include your waist.
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