Swing Tempo

  • Thread starter Deleted member 25575
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Deleted member 25575

Has anyone done any training/research/lessons or whatnot on Swing Tempo?
My golf watch has a swing tempo feature, which I decided to try out at the range the other night, from watching YT videos, the premise is your tempo should be 3.0 which is the relationship between back swing speed and downswing speed. The advice on YT is to start at the slowest setting and swing normally and work upwards in speed until you’re close to your usual speed then work from there to prefect.
I’ve always been told my swing was fast, whatever that means, it certainly doesn’t translate to ball speed that much I do know, so was interested in seeing how that looked in the Swing Tempo training on my watch, the tempo settings range from amateur slow, med and high, to pro slow, med and high. You basically wear the watch on your lead wrist and swing, it measure the time it takes for both the back and down swings and rates that against whatever speed settings you have chosen (from amateur and pro slow, med, fast).
I set the watch on amateur slow and was consistently too quick on both back and down swing, so went to the medium, same result, and eventually fast, same result, so switched to the pro setting, too fast again for pro slow, so went to pro fast, backswing was around the correct speed for this but down swing too slow all the time, lastly went to pro medium, back swing too fast, down swing usually about right.
Switched between the 2 settings and eventually felt more comfortable trying to be a little slower back than a little faster down.
So a lot of balls later, I’m still not great, but hitting the correct speed relation probably 60-65% of the time.
What I noticed from this is how much more time I felt I had in transition, but that still feels alien and sometimes like I’m hanging around at the top of the swing too long, but when I sync it up it feels really nice, ball striking not notably better as a result, but certainly a lot less poor shots, the good shots were not noticeably better, nor were the average shots, but there were far fewer really bad strikes.
I took that swing and the watch out to the par 3 course the next day, results weren’t outstanding and I found I was too quick on the backswing way more often on course than I was on the range.
I’m planning on sticking to this and seeing where it leads as I feel it may help with consistency, rather than making everything better.
Just wondering if anyone else has any experience, advice, thoughts?


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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See if you can get hold of a copy of "Tour Tempo" by John Novosel.

Huge amount of information about Tempo....I belvei there is (certainly was) an app that you can use and also a CD (remember them?) that plays music/rhythms with an underlying tempo that mimics what you may be trying to achieve...a kind of subliminal training method. The book doesnt propose a single tempo to be used by all (though pretty much the 3:1 backswing/downswing ratio is common...whether that be a 27/9 tempo or a 24/8 or even a blistering 18/6 ratio)...rather that we all have our own natural rhythm or tempo...and helps you determine what it is.

looking at the website it appears that further books have also been published by Novosel on the subject.

Whilst I havent used the system for a while or practised to a specific tempo, I do remember it having some benefit to my ball striking. Maybe I need to dig the book out again and have a read.
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Deleted member 25575

The is very much for the info I’ll take a look


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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If you change your tempo will the shaft in your club bend the way it should.

I have noticed if I swing to fast I hit it very low.

If I need to check my tempo I just watch a vid of Fred Couples On YouTube.

Deleted member 25575

If you change your tempo will the shaft in your club bend the way it should.

I have noticed if I swing to fast I hit it very low.

If I need to check my tempo I just watch a vid of Fred Couples On YouTube.
It’s a good point, in fairness I’ve taken the tempo closest to what I currently swing so hopefully that’s not too much of an issue, but definitely something to watch for, thanks


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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I’ve been working on my tempo this winter and as Bob has said it wasn’t about slowing it, just making it smoother. Still got loads of other stuff to work on sadly!



Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If I feel I am swinging too fast, as I walk I sing to myself The 59th Street Bridge Song and walk to that pace, as I walk I imagine my swing tempo to that pace.

Deleted member 25575

I picked up a DeWiz training aid on eBay at the start of the year, it's been really helpful because my opportunity to get lessons has been limited so a garden net has been the alternative.
That looks really good!
The transition number, is that how you’re starting the downswing 0 is neutral -x would be out to in (fade swing shape) +x being in to ouT (draw swing shape?)


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Om the transition the ideal I guess would be 0 which is a neutral. Slicers are likely to have a positive measurement whilst Hookers a negative one. The aim is to get your transition to be within 3cm of neutral.

Have a look on YouTube as they have a lot of videos there that explain each of the measurements etc.

On their app they have 'Practice and Learn' lessons that enable you to practice transition, tempo and a load of other swing elements. The info was pretty overwhelming when I first got it however I found that if I just focussed on the bits that I knew were causing me issues with my swing (mainly an over the top swing and doing everything at the speed of light) it became simpler.