New Swing Video


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Maybe people think my avatar is me, rather than the greatest high winds actor in London, Steven Toast.

Honestly I think the Avatar doesn't help... Way before we met I did think you'd be older than you are :ROFLMAO: But then I also picked up bits suggesting you were younger...

Overall - your forum identity is doing a great job of keeping you anonymous though!

Me on the other hand.....


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2021
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Gauging the opinions of the great unwashed eh? ?

Obviously distance is important, but im guessing like most, you can probably make up more shots just with chipping and pitching and not doing much with your swing.

Just hitting thousands wedges from inside 100 yards on the practice ground is the way forward ?


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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My main comments:
- Your wife should keep the camera pointing at you and not try to follow the flight of the ball down the range (unless she's training to be a skysports cameraman).
- Need to take the video from behind and not off to the side.

That's what you're looking for isn't it?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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But that's not where the seat was? ?

You made that joke last time. ?

No, it was the TopTracer place at Hertsmere (used to be known as Radlett Park).

Do people really not know that my age is on my profile? ?

A general question to all those that said it - while I know I'm more hunched over than most people, can somebody point towards what the actual benefit would be of standing more upright? This is a big 'if' but if I was going to start working on that, I think it would be a huge task to adjust to it, but I'd want to know why I was doing it. Most have just said "you're hunched over" without really stating why that's a problem.
Being bent over so much will restrict your hip movement.
Prob why your swing is so short. And feet planted until after impact.
Your irons look to short to me ( are they upright?)
They are a product of your swing as longer ones would look out of place, but if you adjust your set up your irons might need tweaking .
Balls to far away from your feet , very straight arms.

Your swing imo looks really quite good ,but it’s a product of your posture.
You have the flexibility proven by your follow through.
A more orthodox Set up would free up your leg movement and so hips.
I would suggest watch a few vids of Tony Finau your swing reminds me of him, that’s not a bad thing!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Being bent over so much will restrict your hip movement.
Prob why your swing is so short. And feet planted until after impact.
Your irons look to short to me ( are they upright?)
They are a product of your swing as longer ones would look out of place, but if you adjust your set up your irons might need tweaking .
Balls to far away from your feet , very straight arms.

Your swing imo looks really quite good ,but it’s a product of your posture.
You have the flexibility proven by your follow through.
A more orthodox Set up would free up your leg movement and so hips.
I would suggest watch a few vids of Tony Finau your swing reminds me of him, that’s not a bad thing!
Just did a fitting last week for my new irons and the result was standard lie and length.

Thanks for the kind words & info. ??


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Just did a fitting last week for my new irons and the result was standard lie and length.

Thanks for the kind words & info. ??
It’s very difficult to change your natural swing ,lots of work.
But in your case I think you could do it with not to much trouble, still need the work though.
The fitting would be correct as the fitter needs to fit to your swing now.
But if you go down the swing change challenge the might need tweaking, prob only the lie angle if the ball gets closer to your feet.
Let us know what you do.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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It’s very difficult to change your natural swing ,lots of work.
But in your case I think you could do it with not to much trouble, still need the work though.
The fitting would be correct as the fitter needs to fit to your swing now.
But if you go down the swing change challenge the might need tweaking, prob only the lie angle if the ball gets closer to your feet.
Let us know what you do.
I think it's probably well known that I've never been one to work hard on my golf, and with a baby on the way next year I can't see it changing! Might experiment next time I go to the range (which isn't very often in fairness).

I think the reason I hunch/reach like that was from several years back when I had a slight shanking problem, watched a YT video which said keep your hips back and out of the way, and then over-exaggerated that or simply misinterpreted it, so now I've got used to setting up that way.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Stephen. Hi Stephen, this is Clem Fandago, can you hear me?

Things I like.
1. the not-rushed backswing
2. the way the club drops in the transition
3. Speed and relative straightness through impact
4. that follow through - lovely stuff

Possible issues spotted

Yeah. Posture. It’s not that you can’t hit a good ball with that setup but it might cause issues and will definitely not be sustainable as you advance in years ? If you have little time to dedicate to the game, then you want to get the best out of it you can (rather than rebuilding everything while chasing scratch). I get that, been in the same boat and am now again. But really, youve so much going right it’d be worth trying to improve that one thing over the winter - it’s small compared to the work others have to do!

Failing that, if I could offer one piece of totally unqualified advice, it’s that the club goes way outside the target line on the way back. You correct it with that drop in the transition


if you get quick, or are on a hill, or are under pressure, or playing in the wind - you’re going to not time that right and cut across the ball. Sometimes you’ll slam the club face shut and pull it way left. Other times youll slice it way right. It’s a bad two way miss. If it sounds like the voice of experience - it is ? I battle it. When you strike off a mat, you actually get away with it a lot of the time. But do that on the turf - in particular damp stuff - and you do NOT get away with it!

Bob max has a good drill where you put a headcover outside the line behind the ball. You try not to hit it going back (most people are trying to avoid it coming into impact!). If you square that off then that swing will serve you well ??


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Stephen. Hi Stephen, this is Clem Fandago, can you hear me?

Things I like.
1. the not-rushed backswing
2. the way the club drops in the transition
3. Speed and relative straightness through impact
4. that follow through - lovely stuff

Possible issues spotted

Yeah. Posture. It’s not that you can’t hit a good ball with that setup but it might cause issues and will definitely not be sustainable as you advance in years ? If you have little time to dedicate to the game, then you want to get the best out of it you can (rather than rebuilding everything while chasing scratch). I get that, been in the same boat and am now again. But really, youve so much going right it’d be worth trying to improve that one thing over the winter - it’s small compared to the work others have to do!

Failing that, if I could offer one piece of totally unqualified advice, it’s that the club goes way outside the target line on the way back. You correct it with that drop in the transition


if you get quick, or are on a hill, or are under pressure, or playing in the wind - you’re going to not time that right and cut across the ball. Sometimes you’ll slam the club face shut and pull it way left. Other times youll slice it way right. It’s a bad two way miss. If it sounds like the voice of experience - it is ? I battle it. When you strike off a mat, you actually get away with it a lot of the time. But do that on the turf - in particular damp stuff - and you do NOT get away with it!

Bob max has a good drill where you put a headcover outside the line behind the ball. You try not to hit it going back (most people are trying to avoid it coming into impact!). If you square that off then that swing will serve you well ??
Lovely stuff - that makes plenty of sense. Thank you.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I think it's probably well known that I've never been one to work hard on my golf, and with a baby on the way next year I can't see it changing! Might experiment next time I go to the range (which isn't very often in fairness).

I think the reason I hunch/reach like that was from several years back when I had a slight shanking problem, watched a YT video which said keep your hips back and out of the way, and then over-exaggerated that or simply misinterpreted it, so now I've got used to setting up that way.

After the baby arrives you might find that a trip to the range is a nice time to unwind and relax. With a few tips and things to try you might find its actually quite enjoyable tinkering and finding what works and what doesn't.
Me and my pal head to the range every thur night during the winter. Sets us up for our weekend game although he plays with a differnt group in winter. Always good to challenge each other to try differnt ideas. My advice is to try and talk a friend into going. The range is much less boring with someone to bounce off. Same bay, few shots, step back let them go.

As far as the swing goes it's only a short swing due to the set up and serious lack of hip turn. You turn your shoulders fine and not flat like I was plagued with for years so your are well ahead of that particular issue. Cant really see the grip so wont comment. You have a nice wee shallowing move but it's kinda wasted as theres no depth to the swing. If you free up that right hip going back you will find your swing isnt than short at all. Add in some wrist cock and voila, full swing. With a better set up you could really tighten up a compact swing and make it more efficient.

You dont even need to go to range to work on it. Try it at home. Swing slow and turn ur right hip back. Let it go. See what happens. Start adding things like this and you could come out of the blocks flying next year a new man.

You have nothing to lose. You could potentially gain loads of yards, compression, solid strikes and that thing we all strive for, more consistency.
Keep taking videos. Watch your swing evolve and good luck.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Overall, it reminded me of Lee Westwood. (Sorry, should have chosen someone much younger, maybe)

You have a great swing for playing with wooden woods and bladed irons on a windy day. Have you ever tried it?
Last edited:


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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After the baby arrives you might find that a trip to the range is a nice time to unwind and relax. With a few tips and things to try you might find its actually quite enjoyable tinkering and finding what works and what doesn't.
Me and my pal head to the range every thur night during the winter. Sets us up for our weekend game although he plays with a differnt group in winter. Always good to challenge each other to try differnt ideas. My advice is to try and talk a friend into going. The range is much less boring with someone to bounce off. Same bay, few shots, step back let them go.

As far as the swing goes it's only a short swing due to the set up and serious lack of hip turn. You turn your shoulders fine and not flat like I was plagued with for years so your are well ahead of that particular issue. Cant really see the grip so wont comment. You have a nice wee shallowing move but it's kinda wasted as theres no depth to the swing. If you free up that right hip going back you will find your swing isnt than short at all. Add in some wrist cock and voila, full swing. With a better set up you could really tighten up a compact swing and make it more efficient.

You dont even need to go to range to work on it. Try it at home. Swing slow and turn ur right hip back. Let it go. See what happens. Start adding things like this and you could come out of the blocks flying next year a new man.

You have nothing to lose. You could potentially gain loads of yards, compression, solid strikes and that thing we all strive for, more consistency.
Keep taking videos. Watch your swing evolve and good luck.
You could be right, I'll be playing less for a few months but perhaps able to get to the range instead for an hour here and there. Thanks.


Overall, it reminded me of Lee Westward. (Sorry, should have chosen someone much younger, maybe)

You have a great swing for playing with wooden woods and bladed irons on a windy day. Have you ever tried it?
Absolutely not, no. ?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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New video.... This was me trying to add wrist hinge at the top. It's hard to see the difference here but it felt different of course. I think in the old video the club was actually a fraction less than vertical, whereas now it's a fraction past vertical.

The results were as described HERE.

Started with 8 iron. Surprised how well it went to be honest. I was hitting it pretty long with no obvious downside. I thought maybe I'd start slicing it while I got used to hinging my wrist more, but no, the grouping was pretty good. Maybe even better than usual if anything. I even felt that the wrist hinge may have encouraged a better more downward strike as well.

Moved onto the 6 iron next. Still striking it fairly well, but the flight was incredibly low for some reason. The very first one for example was a bullet - 172 yards total distance but height was only 15 yards (TopTracer stats). A couple went 166-167 yards with only 11 yards height! That seems really low to me? It was like I was hitting stingers accidentally.

Trying to stand more upright was a total non-starter though, as I also mentioned in that post.

And I am now aware that sweatpants and a white jumper are not particularly flattering, so they'll be going in the bin as well.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Its good that you have attempted to add just a little bit extra to the backswing in terms of wrist break.
Doing too much change in one go can feel very awkward.
Great timing and tempo throughout.
Releasing that extra wrist hinge through impact should feel effortless and add a little extra distance.
Hope the improved results continue.